He Restoreth My Soul

Psalm 23:3

Testimonies are Scriptural.

  1. Paul gave his several times for several purposes (Acts; I Tim 1:15-16).
  2. David wrote many psalms of his personal experiences (Psalm 116:1-9).
  3. Nebuchadnezzar wrote his for the whole world (Daniel 4:2).
  4. Jesus told the Gadarene to go tell his friends (Mark 5:19-20).
  5. A personal testimony becomes Scriptural when based on the Scriptures.

I have been rebellious (Psalm 68:18).

  1. I gave my parents trouble as a teenager.
  2. I fought the ministry the first time around. I loved the bank unhappily.
  3. The LORD humbled me anyway in 1982/1983 with a physical scare.

My recent situation was desperate.

  1. I destroyed my own soul (Proverbs 6:32).
  2. I fell into a deep ditch and a narrow pit (Prov 23:26-28).
  3. I was in all evil in the midst of the congregation (Pr 5:14).
  4. I could not deliver myself (Isaiah 44:20).
  5. I was held with the cords of my sins (Pr 5:22).
  6. I was given a beast’s heart (Daniel 4:16).
  7. I had leanness sent into my soul (Psalm 106:15).
  8. My bones were broken with sorrow and despair (Ps 51:8).
  9. The LORD was my enemy (Lamentations 3:1-21).
  10. I could not be a pastor to myself – let alone anyone else.
  11. Carnal pleasures, peace, prosperity do not amount to anything.

The LORD delivered me from my situation.

  1. He took me out of the pit (Psalm 40:1-3).
  2. He sent a messenger with redemption (Job 33:19-30).
  3. My understanding returned unto me (Dan 4:34-36).
  4. He restored the joy of my salvation and upholds my soul (Ps 51:12).

What does it mean?

  1. I crave music that praises Him. I have heard the Messiah about 50 times.
  2. I love praise to the LORD. I want to lift Him up all the time.
  3. I have tears easily at the meditation of the LORD’s glory.
  4. I crave Him like a hungry man craves food (Ps 42; Luke 10:38-42; Ex 33).
  5. I talk with Him frequently during the night (Ps 4:4; 63:6; Job 33:14-20).
  6. Prayer is a frequent pleasure and place to resort for comfort.
  7. Reading His words is sweet and precious (Job 23:12; Psalm 19:10).
  8. My heart is lifted up in Him (II Chronicles 17:6).
  9. I hate temptation and any activity that disrupts spiritual exercises.
  10. I hate sin. I hate my lusts. I don’t even want to be near temptations.
  11. I fear greatly my soul, the world’s temptations, my own weaknesses.
  12. I love my brethren who love the LORD and righteousness also.

Why did it take so long?

  1. The preparations of the heart and the answer is of the LORD (Pr 16:1).
  2. Nebuchadnezzar could not shorten his judgment (Dan 4:16).
  3. Was it merely my fault for not repenting earlier and seeking Him?

What made the change?

  1. He did (II Timothy 2:25-26).
  2. All I know is that I was dead and now I am alive (Psalm 119:25).

What have I learned?

  1. To trust the LORD and wait upon Him even more (Ps 127:1-2).
  2. Give no place to the devil or make provision for the flesh (Eph 4:27).
  3. Be sober and vigilant at all times (I Peter 5:8-9).
  4. Hate confidence in the flesh (I Cor 10:1-12).
  5. To seek the LORD’s personal Presence above all (Ex 33:11; Ps 73:25-26).
  6. The LORD Himself is the object of affection of restored souls (Ps 51:15).
  7. The LORD alone can bring true joy and contentment (I Timothy 6:6).
  8. There is a war for the soul of the righteous – if he is seeking the LORD.
  9. I cannot stir up your souls by myself – but He can stir them up for us.
  10. All true riches and blessings are by His Spirit not my power or might.

What do I desire?

  1. That each of my brothers and sisters have a revival in their hearts.
  2. You may not have sinned as I did, but do you have the joy I do?
  3. That any “excellent majesty was added” be the Presence of the LORD.
  4. Spiritual joy and loving Him and His kingdom be your chief desire.