Sermons: Christ

True preaching emphasizes Jesus Christ and Him crucified (I Cor 2:2; 3:11). This most important fact is glorious (Gal 6:14; I Tim 1:15; 3:16). The universe exists for the drama of the Son of God securing eternal life for His people. Preaching is not anecdotes, jokes, or stories. It is not about you being healthy, wealthy, and happy – it is about you humbling yourself before Jesus Christ and changing your life to please your Creator God and Saviour, for He is coming soon to judge the world.

The Glory of the Cross

The cross is the centerpiece and center point of time and theology. It is the reason why the universe exists – the drama of God’s love. It must be the emphasis of preaching, and it should be the chief glory and joy of all Christians. It should change lives, and it should be fully understood in detail.

The Transcendent Cross

Paul gloried only in the cross of Jesus Christ. His love of Jesus’s death changed his worldview, and it changed how the world saw him. The cross is the focal point of the power and wisdom of God in the universe. It is essential spiritual religion. Love Jesus and His crucifixion death.

Unsearchable Riches of Christ

Paul had the great privilege of preaching to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. There is in Jesus Christ and salvation by Him a combination of value, power, and wisdom that far exceeds any other earthly benefit of any kind. Either love this Christ or face judgment from God His Father.

The Mystery of Malkiy-Tsedeq

You need a priest – a very good one. Without a priest you cannot go to heaven. The Jews trusted Levitical priests from Aaron. But David wrote in Psalm 110:4 that God would make Messiah a far better priest. Paul explained it all in Hebrews 7 by precious similarities of Jesus to Melchisedec.



Who is Jesus Christ?

What does Jesus look like?

Lord or Savior?


More About Christ

Deity of Jesus Christ

Is Jesus God? The Deity of Jesus Christ is the doctrine that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was and is truly God.

Sonship of Christ

Do you worship a begotten god? We do not! Jesus of Nazareth is Jehovah, the Mighty God, in the flesh! He is only begotten in His humanity. Do you understand the sonship of Jesus Christ?

Jesus Loves Losers

You can never sin so bad Jesus will not forgive you. He did not come for the righteous – He came for sinners. You should never fear or worry about your sins, once you have confessed and forsaken them. There is no way Jesus will ever reject a broken sinner coming to Him. He loves losers.

Sonship Simplified and Settled

How is Jesus the Son of God? Some think He is a Son in His divine nature by eternal generation. The Bible says He is a Son by miraculous conception in Mary. The pagan heretic Origen invented the false position; it was adopted by Rome, and now it is followed by nearly all Christian creeds.

Great Mystery of Godliness

The wonderful gospel facts of I Timothy 3:16 explained in simple points for memorizing the verse and the gospel truth in it. These six points are fantastic! This is good for children or for evangelism. This is good for examining yourself whether you believe on Jesus Christ unto eternal life or not.

Psalm 45

How about a love song? Of a glorious and victorious Prince loving and marrying His bride? What if Jesus is the Prince and you are the bride? Of all the Messianic psalms, this is the most affectionate and personal.

Order of Melchisedec

You need a priest. No earthly man can help, not even God’s O.T. priests, but especially Catholic priests. Christians have only one Priest, and He was ordained after the order of Melchisedec. Do you know Him?

He Is Lord of All

Is Jesus Christ your Lord? Can you prove it? The issue is greater than words. He does not care if you call Him Lord, if you do not obey His words. Will you examine all parts of your life by His Lordship?

The Triumph of Jesus Christ

You have an enemy! An enemy that deceived your first mother into suicide. Your enemy, far greater in intelligence and strength than you, is consumed with destroying your life now and taking you to hell later. But God protected the Seed of your cursed first mother and sent Jesus into the palace of the strong man to rescue you, where you were the devil’s willing slave. You are now complete in Christ, the devil has been cast out of heaven, and he cannot accuse you of anything.

A Name Above Every Name [Audio/Video]

Is Yahweh God’s name? Did Mary really call her Son Jesus? What does Jesus mean? You deserve answers, and God gave them plainly in His word, for He has exalted His Son’s name above every name. Do you know it well?

What a Word Is This!

Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh, but you need to consider the power of His spoken word! He could calm storms, cast out devils, raise the dead, and multiply small lunches with merely His word. Do you know the power of His word in two resurrections and a final sentencing?

You Need a Lawyer

You are guilty and condemned to die. After death comes your sentencing by God the Judge of all. You face punishment greater than death – eternity in the lake of fire. You need the very best defense attorney.

The Stronger Man

Your parents let you be kidnapped and held in the palace of a very strong man. There is no chance of escape. You have come to like it there, so you do not know you are a prisoner. You need a stronger man to rescue you!

The Coronation of Jesus Christ

What did Jesus do after dying and rising again? Glorious things little known or appreciated. He ascended into heaven, where He was crowned and given a throne. This Jesus is Lord of all!

Jesus and the Angels

What do the greatest created beings in the universe think about Jesus? The New Testament tells us! In fact, God chose to save His elect in order to give the angels an object lesson of His wisdom and love!

He Is Altogether Lovely

How beautiful is Jesus Christ to you? Is he the fairest of ten thousand to your soul? How can we measure His beauty? Let us compare Him to the most ideal man we can imagine by every measure of greatness.

Seed of the Woman

God used the weaker sex – by her cursed childbearing – for a Child to destroy the devil! What power and wisdom! Her Son, lower than the angels, defeated the devil through death, the thing by which he cursed our first parents!