Jesus Christ

The most important doctrine and Person of the Christian religion is Jesus Christ our Lord. Paul chose to know nothing else in His preaching than Jesus Christ crucified (I Cor 2:2). He chose to glory in nothing else in life but the cross of Jesus Christ (Gal 6:14). It was Christ’s love for Paul that drove him to be the most diligent of the apostles (II Cor 5:14-15). Do you know the Christ of Paul?

He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and He is coming soon to burn up this earth and all that is in it and to judge all men and angels with eternal authority. But He is the loving Apostle, Brother, Friend, High Priest, Intercessor, and Saviour for all those who love Him and obey Him. As fully God and fully man, He should be loved and served like no other. He has no peers of any kind. Do you know Him?

Who is Jesus Christ?

Jesus is the most important man in human history. Your calendar counts the years since His birth, dividing time into BC and AD. Who is this Man? Learn about the Star of God’s epic drama, spanning the creation of Earth to its final destruction. Learn how His powerful arch-enemy was defeated. Learn what He will do for those who believe and obey Him, and what He will do to those who despise and ignore Him. Could Jesus be this important? You had better believe it (John 8:24)!  

What Do His Names Mean?

The God of heaven personally named His only begotten Son, Jesus. The Bible declares this name is above every other name, and that all creation will bow down before it (Phil 2:9-11). Do you understand why this name is so special? What about His other names? Learn what the Bible has to say about Christ, the Word of God, Immanuel, and other descriptive names and titles.

Deity of Jesus Christ

Is Jesus God? The Deity of Jesus Christ is the doctrine that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was and is truly God. The so-called Witnesses of Jehovah (groupies of Charles Taze Russell and Judge Rutherford) say Jesus was only a god, though He was actually Jehovah! Muslims say he was only a prophet. Mormons say he was a created spirit brother to Lucifer. Hindus say, “Who is Jesus?” What do you say?

Messianic Psalms

Your greatest desire should be to know and love Jesus Christ more. Do you know how to do it? One of God’s chosen ways is to read David’s inspired prophecies about Jesus Christ – a gift from God to us. Jesus declared that the Old Testament scriptures were about Himself (John 5:39), and Paul wrote that knowing Jesus and glorying in Him is the highest pleasure a person can have (I Cor 2:2; Gal 6:14).

Six Mysteries of Jesus

A mystery in the Bible is something God reveals to His children that men cannot discover. The following six mysteries are fabulous – they are greater facts than anything else you can know. They are incontrovertibly great. There is no debate about them. They reveal astounding secrets that cannot be known except from the Bible.

Jesus and Three Important Trees

How well do you know world history? Do you know about the three most important trees? There are three trees in human history that greatly affect your life, even today.

Jesus: The Desire of All Nations

The Desire of all Nations came 2000 years ago. He is the perfect answer for pain, suffering, hopelessness, and death. His religion turned the world upside down. His truth changed nations. He will change your life, if you will believe and obey Him.

Why did Jesus Speak in Parables?

Sunday School teachers say, “A parable is a simple earthly story teaching a heavenly meaning to help common people understand the truth.” Have you heard this explanation?

Jesus Is Coming Again

Jesus is coming again, and it will not be pretty when He returns. He will return soon to destroy His enemies. Most will be astonished when they meet the real Jesus for the first time, and discover He is nothing like they imagined. Will your house survive this great storm?

Jesus: The Second Adam

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Adam represented all mankind in the Garden of Eden, but God promised another representative. You are in the lineage of the first Adam, which brings death to all. Are you in Christ the second Adam? Make sure!

Do You Love Jesus?

Jesus said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

The Great Divider

Many think Jesus came to bring peace among men, but they have not read what He Himself taught. He came to bring division in families to prove His true disciples, for only they would pay such a cost. Only real Christians will follow this Jesus.



Who is Jesus Christ?

Wasn’t Jesus just a good man?

What does Jesus look like?

Why should I believe Jesus is the Son of God?

Is Jesus Lord? or just Savior?

Why do you deny the eternal sonship of Jesus Christ?

Did Jesus descend into hell and preach to the lost there?

False Christs

Revelation 3:20 Reclaimed

This verse is used in thousands of churches, jails, and hospitals as candy for sinners to let Jesus into their heart to be saved and not go to hell. It may be the most abused verse in the Bible. This short document is to return this text to its rightful owners – believing saints of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Another Jesus

About 2.2 billion persons on earth claim to be Christians. Yet Jesus wondered if there would be any with true faith when He returned. Question everything you know about Jesus to see if it is clearly taught in the Bible. You must reject anything else.


Psalm 45

How about a love song? Of a glorious and victorious Prince loving and marrying His bride? What if Jesus is the Prince and you are the bride? Of all the Messianic psalms, this is the most affectionate and personal.

Order of Melchisedec

You need a priest. No earthly man can help, not even God’s O.T. priests, but especially Catholic priests. Christians have only one Priest, and He was ordained after the order of Melchisedec. Do you know Him?

You Need a Lawyer!

You are guilty and condemned to die. After death comes your sentencing by God the Judge of all. You face punishment greater than death – eternity in the lake of fire. You need the very best defense attorney.

The Stronger Man

Your parents let you be kidnapped and held in the palace of a very strong man. There is no chance of escape. You have come to like it there, so you do not know you are a prisoner. You need a stronger man to rescue you!

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