Proverbs 19:28
An ungodly witness scorneth judgment: and the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity.
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The LORD is a God of truth (Deut 32:4). He demands honesty and truthfulness in all your dealings. You must tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth at all times, but especially when you speak about others. This is a basic but important rule of wisdom.
Those who deceive or lie as witnesses show that they hate God, despise justice, and have a greedy appetite for sin. They will have their reward, for both God and men despise such wicked fools (Pr 19:29; 22:10; 24:9; Is 29:20-21). Most or all sins can be forgiven more easily than lying or bearing false witness. Never misrepresent another person at all.
When you are asked about another person, you make a choice that reveals your character. You either tell the careful truth about the situation, or you compromise the truth in order to protect yourself or a friend, get an advantage, or exact revenge. If you answer falsely to those in authority or in need of information, you reveal yourself as a scorner of judgment – thinking it a thing of little worth, without respect or regard for it. God forbid.
The devil is a liar and the father of lying (Gen 3:4; John 8:44). When you corrupt or misrepresent matters about another person, you are an ungodly witness obeying the devil (Eph 2:1-3; Acts 5:3). You must think justice and righteousness are jokes, for you profanely treat them as nothing by your actions. But the LORD of truth declared in the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not bear false witness” (Ex 20:16; Deut 5:20).
Perjury is no small matter to the God of heaven and earth. He hates false witnesses (Pr 6:19). He condemned them often in the Bible (Pr 10:18; 25:18; Ex 23:1,7; Lev 19:11,16). False witnesses will pay dearly, here and hereafter (Pr 19:5,9; 21:28; Rev 21:8,27). You are foolishly and wickedly presumptuous to treat truth lightly before a truth-loving God.
God’s fury against bad speech includes backbiting, slandering, talebearing, and whispering – crimes called gossip euphemistically, but now nearly forgotten. How are these sins related to lying? They use the tongue to destroy others (Lev 19:16; Ps 15:1-3). Your speech should instead seek to help others and improve their reputations widely.
What happened to false witnesses under God’s civil laws? The punishment at stake was executed on the perjurer. If it was a capital trial for murder, a false witness would be executed (Deut 19:16-21). If an eyeball was at stake, a perjurer had his eye gouged out. Perfect! Wise men quickly perceive that witnesses in God’s legal system would learn to tell the whole truth. In fact, honesty in court and legal dealings would rise dramatically.
Those who lie about others have no regard for equity, fairness, justice, or righteousness, so God labels them scorners – a despicable type of perverse fool that is beyond help. He describes their mouths, which easily and quickly pour out wicked insinuations and false reports, as devouring iniquity. They are flagrant and greedy sinners without consciences, who will lie without remorse or worry whenever convenient, for gain or revenge.
Reader, do you despise false witnesses? Do you always tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Here is the proof: what do you do when you hear someone misrepresent another person? Do you get visibly angry, warn them of their wickedness, and cut them off (Pr 25:23; Ps 101:5; I Thess 5:14)? If you do not, you are an accomplice in their sin, for listening to their lies or slander is a sin itself (Pr 17:4).
Praise God for the Faithful and True Witness at the right hand of God (Rev 3:14; 19:11). He will soon declare the true facts about your life, remembering every good and bad thing you have done (Pr 15:3; Eccl 12:14; Matt 25:31-46; II Cor 5:10). But unless your name is in the Book of Life, you will be cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death (Rev 20:11-15). Is your name there? Beg Him for mercy (Luke 18:14; John 5:24).