First Corinthians 13
- This chapter is found right in the middle of Paul’s three chapters of instructions for the right use of spiritual gifts (12-14).
- Its location is not an accident, and it should greatly affect its interpretation, for the context will give us the overall lesson.
- The church at Corinth had major problems with division (1:10; 11:18; 12:25), strife (1:11; 3:3), and glorying in their spiritual gifts (1:4-7; 8:1; 12:12-30; 14:12,26). Paul included this instruction about love to correct these deficiencies.
- He used chapter 12 to teach the importance of unity, and he used chapter 14 to teach the specific regulations for the gifts.
- It is the teaching of love as the more excellent way of serving Christ Paul used here to correct selfish, envious conduct.
- At the conclusion of chapter 12, Paul gloriously appealed to the Corinthians to fervently desire better spiritual gifts and to pursue a way of serving Christ that was better than any spiritual gift, including the gift of being an apostle (12:31)!
- For a detailed explanation and practical application of the definition of love, see the sermon outline link at the bottom.
- We will learn that love is superior to spiritual gifts by nature (1-3), by definition (4-7), and by duration (8-13).
Outline of Chapter 13:
- Spiritual gifts without love are worthless (1-3)
- Defined love is the greatest relational grace (4-7)
- Love is the enduring grace for all to seek (8-13)
13:1 Speaking in tongues without loving one another is nothing but a very irritating noise.
- The tongues of men are the various languages of mankind (Gen 10:20; John 5:2; Acts 2:5-8).
- The tongues of angels is hyperbole, exaggerating the gift of tongues to exalt love more.
- Remember, tongues are a specific language, not merely babbling or gibberish of any sort.
- Hyperbole is an obvious exaggeration that the reader understands to make a strong point.
- There is no Bible basis for a specific language of angels that could be spoken by men.
- The tongues of angels would not be a spiritual gift, for it would not edify or confirm men.
- This hyperbole cannot justify barbarian babbling and gibberish of today’s false tongues.
- Charismatics appeal to this verse to justify their abuse of the lowest gift with gibberish.
- Paul began with tongues, because the church at Corinth was overly infatuated with this gift.
- Paul will deal with tongues in detail in the next chapter, though ranking it last (12:28).
- Let God be true: Paul ranked the gift of tongues last, even after the gifts of “helps.”
- The emphasis is fitting, since American Charismatics in 2004 are still infatuated with it.
- Charity in this chapter is practical love one toward another, as carefully defined (13:4-7).
- The truest measure of the grace of God is to love the brethren (John 13:35; I John 4:7).
- The love here is not the love of God, but rather the love of saints, which is your calling.
- Any gift of tongues, no matter how incredibly glorious, was an irritating noise without love.
- By this comparison, Paul elevated brother love over the gift of choice of the Corinthians.
- Neither God nor men care what spiritual gift you have, if you cannot love other saints.
- Spiritual gifts were given to benefit others, but what benefit are they from selfish people?
- Sounding brass might be a military bugle, and a tinkling cymbal is merely another vain noise.
13:2 Prophecy, wisdom, knowledge, and faith without loving one another leaves a man nothing.
- The gift of prophecy was the ability to reveal the will of God by direct inspiration (14:29-32).
- The gift of wisdom was the ability to understand all mysteries by direct inspiration (12:8).
- The gift of knowledge was the ability to know things of God by direct inspiration (12:8).
- The gift of faith was the special ability to believe God for great future miracles (12:9).
- These gifts are exaggerated beyond their reality to make a greater appeal for charity.
- The gift of prophecy did not include total knowledge on any subject (13:9; 14:29-32).
- Faith to move mountains is another hyperbole, and it is figurative (Matt 17:20; 21:21).
- Charity in this chapter is practical love one toward another, as carefully defined (13:4-7).
- Any of the revelatory gifts, no matter how extensive, were worthless for a man without love.
- Though the church was built on the prophets, lacking love reduced them to nothing.
- The revelatory gifts were very important and useful in communicating God’s will.
- A church that prides itself on doctrine without love is nothing (Acts 2:42-47; I Cor 8:1-3).
13:3 Even charitable giving and martyrdom without loving one another is totally profitless.
- The incredible contrast between outward charity and the true love of others is shown here.
- Men can easily have false motives for outward actions (Ps 144:7-8; Pr 21:4; 26:24-26).
- Pulling money out of your wallet for another person is much easier than loving them.
- Putting up with irritating idiosyncrasies and offensive words and conduct is much harder.
- Again, extreme descriptions are made of giving and suffering to make a great appeal for love.
- We might think giving your goods to feed the poor is a glorious act of Christian charity.
- We might think giving your body to fire, as a martyr, is a great act of Christian devotion.
- Charity in this chapter is practical love one toward another, as carefully defined (13:4-7).
- Any of these great acts of external giving and suffering are worthless without practical love.
- God is not pleased by a man giving much money and dying as a martyr, if he cannot love.
13:4 God’s inspired definition of love is the most perfect cure for all relational problems.
- Charity in this chapter is practical love one toward another in godly human relationships.
- Love will suffer, enduring the pain of irritations and offences by its object, for a long time.
- Love is benevolent, courteous, and good in all its thoughts and actions toward its object.
- Love does not envy another person for superior advantages of abilities or circumstances.
- Love does not put itself forward in the presence of others due to any presumed superiority.
- Love does not have a puffed mental arrogance or haughtiness about presumed superiority.
- For a detailed explanation and practical application of these phrases, see the outline below
13:5 God’s inspired definition of love is the most perfect cure for all relational problems.
- Charity in this chapter is practical love one toward another in godly human relationships.
- Love always acts in a courteous, conventional, decorous, and appropriate way at all times.
- Love is not selfish in pursuing its own ambitions and preferences over those of others.
- Love does not get offended or angry with others easily, no matter what the offences by them.
- Love thinks the best of others’ actions and does not evilly surmise that they intended wrong.
- For a detailed explanation and practical application of these phrases, see the outline below.
13:6 God’s inspired definition of love is the most perfect cure for all relational problems.
- Charity in this chapter is practical love one toward another in godly human relationships.
- Love is grieved when it sees its object in error and does all it can to help get them right again.
- Love is happy when it sees its object doing everything right and growing in righteousness.
- The depravity of the soul is seen at internal gloating at the sins and punishment of others.
- For a detailed explanation and practical application of these phrases, see the outline below.
13:7 God’s inspired definition of love is the most perfect cure for all relational problems.
- Charity in this chapter is practical love one toward another in godly human relationships.
- Love bears all the burdens and offences of others without getting angry or bitter at them.
- Love believes the best about others, even when there is suspicion of insincerity or evil.
- Love hopes the best about others, even when there is not enough evidence to believe them.
- Love endures repeated irritations and offences of others and does not wear out and give up.
- For a detailed explanation and practical application of these phrases, see the outline below.
- You have just read the finest sentence in any language about the greatest subject of all.
13:8 Love will endure forever, though the spiritual gifts at Corinth were soon to disappear.
- The emphasis on love here is not that it always works, but rather that it will always be in use.
- The “never faileth” of charity is contrasted to prophecies failing, tongues ceasing, and knowledge vanishing away. We know Paul is arguing about the duration of charity!
- Faith, hope, and charity abide; they will not fail, as the spiritual gifts will all fail (13:13).
- Prophecies, tongues, and knowledge were to come to an end, which was in contrast to love.
- Prophecies would not fail in the sense of predictions not coming to pass as foretold, for the prophecies of every prophet of God always came to pass without exception.
- Prophecies would fail in the sense of the temporary gift of prophecy ending (14:29-32).
- Speaking in tongues, or foreign languages, as a supernatural sign gift would also end.
- Knowledge vanishing away was not in the sense of all men becoming senile or ignorant, but rather the temporary gift of supernatural knowledge would come to an end (12:8).
- The gifts Corinth loved were only temporary; the charity that God loved was permanent.
- The apostolic sign gifts and revelatory gifts were temporary gifts to help build the church.
- God promised by covenant to do marvelous things in Israel for 40 years (Micah 7:14-20).
- God gave the gifts to the apostles and their hearers, which was fulfilled (Mark 16:17-20).
- The three gifts mentioned are simply examples of all the miraculous gifts going away.
- Paul lost his power to heal by the time he wrote his epistles to Timothy (I Tim 5:23); he left a minister sick (II Tim 4:20), though he had once used handkerchiefs (Acts 19:12).
- Paul taught Timothy to study, which was not necessary, if wisdom and knowledge stayed.
- In the three Pastoral Epistles there is not a word about any miraculous gifts of any kind.
- There have not been any consistent spiritual gifts since 70AD provable by any church.
- The gifts claimed by Charismatics are hilarious caricatures of the power of the apostles.
- See the sermon outline defining, denying, and defying Charismatic religion.
13:9 The temporary gifts of knowledge and prophecy were only imperfect and partial gifts.
- The gift of knowledge did not reveal everything – they only had a word of knowledge (12:8).
- They only had part of the knowledge necessary for edifying and instructing the church.
- Those with the gift of prophecy could only reveal to the church part of God’s will for them.
- These gifts were quite limited to any individual, so cooperation was necessary (14:29-32).
- Paul said his gifts were imperfect by appealing to hypothetically perfect knowledge (13:2).
- Paul is reminding the saints at Corinth that the gifts they exalted were inferior, partial gifts.
- Why did Paul write epistles to churches, even Corinth? The gifts were not nearly enough.
13:10 Perfect knowledge and prophecy would end the partial gifts of knowledge and prophecy.
- The perfect thing that was coming was contrasted to the things that were in part – knowledge and prophecy (13:9-10). Compare the parallelism of the two occurrences of “that.”
- The complete and inspired Scriptures of the New Testament are “that which is perfect.”
- David called the inspired Old Testament of God perfect, but we need the New (Ps 19:7).
- Paul said Scripture was sufficient to perfect Timothy as a N.T. minister (II Tim 3:16-17).
- James called it the perfect law of liberty, which had to be the New Testament (Jas 1:25).
- Peter called the Scriptures “more sure” than God’s voice from heaven (II Peter 1:16-21).
- The completion of the New Testament meant the end of the apostles and their signs, for the witnesses of the risen Lord Jesus Christ had documented their witness in writing!
- Paul is dealing particularly with revelatory gifts – knowledge and prophecy – which would no longer be needed due to the finished revelation of Scripture.
- Any man coming short of perfection has failed the Bible; the Bible has not failed him.
- The canon of the New Testament Scripture was rapidly coming together easily before 70AD.
- It is a Catholic lie the canon was not finalized until the Council of Carthage (397AD), just as they lie about everything else to take authority from the apostles (I Tim 4:1-3).
- Peter assumed his readers knew which of Paul’s epistles were Scripture (II Pet 3:15-16).
- Paul wrote Timothy and quoted Luke as Scripture (I Timothy 5:18 cp Luke 10:7).
- Paul wrote Timothy, assuming he had Scripture to perfect his ministry (II Tim 3:15-17).
- Paul told Timothy to preach the word (II Tim 4:2), which had to be the N.T. (II Cor 3:6).
- Jude called for earnest defense of the faith, which had already been delivered (Jude 1:3)?
13:11 The time of reformation would end and lead the New Testament churches to maturity.
- To understand this verse, it must be fully grasped on a purely human and personal basis first.
- Paul’s analogy simply describes the maturation process of a human male from child to man.
- The church was in its early development stage of spiritual gifts; they would grow past them!
- The time of reformation depending on imperfect gifts was a childish state of the church.
- The arrival of the canon of Scripture and the ending of temporary gifts would be maturity.
- The Corinthians were an immature church based on Paul calling them children (3:1; 14:20).
- True spiritual maturity would recognize charity as being inherently more valuable than gifts.
13:12 The arrival of a complete New Testament would provide much better comprehension.
- Here is another analogy that should first be understand naturally – dark glass or face to face.
- The issue in this verse is not what they would see, but rather how they would see. Grasp this!
- Seeing through a glass darkly was the temporary inferiority of the impartial gifts of the Spirit.
- Neither the context nor this verse has anything to do with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
- It does not say we will see Him face to face, but rather we will be able to see face to face.
- If the partial gifts remain until the Second Coming, then they would be here, but they are not.
- Of course, any man’s knowledge will only be true to the extent of his application to study it.
- The partial gifts of prophecy and knowledge, which Paul refers to again, have not remained for 2000 years. They went away before 70AD, when the sign-seeking Jews were destroyed.
- There is a definite timeframe in the mind of Paul, for he again used “now” and “then.”
13:13 Faith, hope, and love are all abiding graces superior to spiritual gifts, but love is greatest.
- In contrast to the temporary nature of spiritual gifts, the graces of faith, hope, and love abide.
- Faith and hope last all this life, but they will not work in heaven (Hebrews 11:1; Rom 8:24).
- Though faith and hope abide much longer than spiritual gifts, they are very inferior to love.
- Love will mark the conduct of saints in heaven as much as it ought to mark them now.
- There is no spiritual gift in the early church or in the church today that is equal to loving the brethren rightly.
- The definition of love given in this chapter will optimize every marriage, every family, and every church.
- The Charismatic movement is wrong from numerous aspects, but for sure their spiritual gifts ended long ago.
- The Word of God you have is a very precious thing – the perfect revelation of God: make sure you read it.
Additional study:
- Sermon Outline: The Definition of Love, an exposition of I Corinthians 13:4-7.
- Sermon Outline: Love Is the Greatest
- Sermon Outline: Miscellaneous Thoughts on Love
- Sermon Outline: Getting Along with Others
- Sermon Outline: Charismatic Religion
- Corroborating outline from the Church of Christ.