Put on Jesus Christ


“But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not
provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.”

Romans 13:14



  1. The epistle to the Romans was Paul’s effort to establish the faithful brethren in paganism’s capital.
  2. Paul began the application section of Romans at 12:1, which continues through the end of the epistle.
  3. Exhorting to many duties in chapter 12, he began this chapter with civil authority and brotherly love.
  4. Our text is in the last lesson of chapter 13, a lesson against worldliness and for holiness (13:11-14).
  5. Knowing the time should awaken us from slothfulness in light of the approaching salvation (13:11).
    1. “And that” introduces a second great motive – approaching eternity – to that of love (13:8-10).
    2. The “time” here is the third dispensation – the last days and last time – of the gospel era, which should excite us to know we have passed from the patriarchs and Moses to Christ’s kingdom!
    3. There are other verses to this time matter of the gospel day (Matt 16:3; II Cor 6:2; Heb 3:13; 4:7; 12:27-29; I Pet 1:5; I John 2:18; Jude 1:18).
    4. The time of dark and dead heathenism is past, when the devil deceived the whole world and kept it in abject darkness and ignorance; it is now the gospel day and His coming draws ever nearer.
    5. There are other verses to this matter of awaking from sleep (I Cor 15:34; Eph 5:14; I Thes 5:5-8).
    6. How can we be slothful or sleep any longer? We are in the last time and His great coming nears!
  6. The night of pagan darkness is over and the gospel day was come, so let us live accordingly (13:12).
    1. The gospel of Jesus was at that time breaching the gates of hell and introducing light to men.
    2. The night of total darkness around the earth was ending, as men were converted in all the world.
    3. As you discard bedclothes when night ends and day begins, so Christians ought to cast away the works of darkness in which they were once clothed and prepare for battle with the armor of light.
    4. Let us leave the ignorant sins of the heathen and put on the armor of holiness and righteousness.
    5. We are at war against the lusts of our flesh: it is foolish to think we can take it easy (I Pet 2:11).
    6. The dawning of eternity is approaching and we should prepare for it daily with wise measures.
    7. There is no time for carnal living for a Christian; his Lord will soon come, and he must be ready.
  7. Christians should live honest lives in the day of the gospel, rejecting the world’s varied sins (13:13).
    1. Honesty is more than saying truth, for the opposing clause makes it holiness and righteousness.
    2. Men are cautious and careful in daylight, and Christians should glory in Christ’s day (John 3:13).
    3. The sins here describe the lascivious lifestyle of pagans – identical to many American Christians.
    4. “Rioting” is intemperate, indulgent, excessive, and wanton actions in pleasure and entertainment.
    5. “Chambering” is today’s “partying,” sexual indulgence, lewdness, luxury, and effeminate living.
    6. “Wantonness” is undisciplined and rebellious living, especially in lascivious and lewd matters.
    7. There are three categories of sins – with two example sins representing each category – intemperance and an undisciplined lifestyle, sexual indulgence, and relationship problems.



  1. “But” sets forth the following duties in opposition to the lascivious lifestyle of the wicked (13:13).
  2. “Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ” is choosing to exalt the new man and live like Jesus Christ would.
    1. It is not putting Him on your shoulders for a ride; it is not putting on a tape about Him; it is not putting on a WWJD bracelet or bumper sticker; it is not telling everyone you are a Christian.
    2. It is entirely submitting to Him as your Lord and Saviour in every aspect of faith and practice.
    3. It is taking His lifestyle and conduct as the pattern for your own and emulating him in every way.
    4. The first step in putting on the Lord Jesus Christ is being baptized into Him (Galatians 3:27).
    5. Paul used similar reasoning with others about putting on the new man (Eph 4:17-24; Col 3:5-13).
  3. “And make not provision for the flesh” is avoiding even the things that create opportunities for sin.
    1. The flesh’s powerful lusts will overwhelm you, if you expose it to sinful inputs or opportunities.
    2. We are war against our sinful lusts, and we cannot and dare not allow them any room to rise up.
    3. So strict was Jesus concerning this matter that He taught mutilation, which metaphor means cutting out and cutting off any of those dear and precious things that tempt you (Matt 5:29-30)!
    4. And Paul taught Timothy to flee youthful lusts, as Joseph did regardless of cost (II Tim 2:22).
    5. Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom to his own destruction, but David rejected such (Ps 101:3-8).
  4. “To fulfil the lusts thereof,” refers to fleshly lusts just waiting for an opportunity to overcome you.
    1. According to James, sin begins with the thoughts of it in the fleshly heart, which quickly results in enticing you to the sin, which when played out in sinful action brings death (James 1:14-15).
    2. Do not wonder if you have a sinful flesh. You have one. You must deny it the opportunity to lust.
    3. You cannot get drunk away from wine; you cannot commit adultery away from the desired one.



  1. There are many ways in which you can put on the Lord Jesus Christ, so you must learn about Him; therefore, when you read the Bible, read with an eye toward how Jesus handled Himself in all cases.
  2. Consider how the Lord Jesus Christ used his eyes – especially as it pertained to women around Him.
    1. He was not fixated on their bodies as are most men, because He saw far deeper into their souls.
    2. Even when women were affectionate and intimate with Him, He saw their souls (Luke 7:50).
    3. A godly man putting on Jesus Christ learns to look past their bodies into their souls (Phil 4:3).
    4. He is more interested in helping perfect them before the coming of Christ than anything else.
  3. Consider how the Lord Jesus used his ears – especially as it pertained to the reproach of many.
    1. Though many spoke against Him, reviled Him, cursed Him, mocked Him, ridiculed Him, and attacked Him; He did not return the same speech, and He kept His complete cool to God’s glory.
    2. How well could He hear? He could still hear blind Bartimaeus begging for His sight! Glory!
    3. And He heard the crying of Mary Magdalene in Gethsemane crying for Her crucified Lord!
  4. Submission to the abuse of authority, which is suffering wrongly for conscience toward God, is putting on the Lord Jesus Christ, and it applies to children, wives, and employees (I Pet 2:18-24).
  5. Jesus Christ did all things with an eye to the eternal reward for obedient perseverance, which Paul emulated to his great success as the greatest apostle of Jesus Christ (Heb 12:1-3; II Cor 4:8-18).
  6. Answer temptations with God’s word and do not allow your flesh to reason with you, for sin is very deceitful and will always win any discussion or debate (Luke 4:1-11; Jer 17:9; Heb 3:13).
  7. Let the spirit, character, and conduct of Paul motivate and direct you to follow Christ, for his life and conduct among the churches of Christ were by the spirit and character of Jesus Christ (I Cor 11:1).
  8. Solomon warned his son about staying away from the strange woman, which should lead men to change jobs, drive different routes, cancel magazines, or turn off the television (Pr 5:8; 6:25; 7:8).
  9. Jesus was a man of prayer, those putting Him on will also emulate His praying, which will keep them and arm them from all sorts of temptations and opportunities for sin (Luke 6:12; 9:28).
  10. Television is the most devil-controlled device in a home that provides for the flesh, which includes the carnality of spectator sports that fills the viewer’s mind with matter for the flesh only (Ps 101:3).
  11. Jesus crossed a stormy sea to save a wild Gadarene, who needed Him, for your example; which you emulate by showing individual and personal care to every saint of Christ you meet (I Thes 5:14).
  12. As Jesus Christ forgave us so fully and freely, we ought to forgive others as well; and it is by following His great example toward us that we avoid the world’s relationship sins (Eph 4:31-32).
  13. These examples could be multiplied further, but there is enough here for sincere saints to apply.