God is jealous. He saved you from serving the devil to be His very own bride. He expects total adoration and perfect obedience. Religious holy days are one of the devil’s and world’s favorite ways to seduce you into spiritual adultery, where you will ignorantly make love with pagan idolatry and the devil, often in the name of Christianity. When God sees this adultery, He turns to be your enemy (Jas 4:4).
God is jealous. He knew religious customs of other nations were attractive, so He warned His people strictly to reject all of them. He would not accept any pagan religious traditions, even if done to Him (Deut 12:1-4,29-31). He demands perfect obedience, without turning to the right or the left, without adding or taking away (Deut 5:32; 12:32). He expects you to come out and be separate (II Cor 6:14-18).
Christmas is Spiritual Adultery
Taking an evergreen tree, putting it in your house, decorating it with lights, sitting in the dark, and adoring it to Christmas carols is spiritual adultery. You profess to love Jesus, but you do so with the mementos and techniques of other lovers – the world and pagan religion. You are not content with Christ’s pure gospel – for it has no Mass of Christ. You have added the world’s seductions to keep you happy in your marriage to Christ. He is highly offended at your whorish ways.

120 Reasons Against Christmas
There are many Bible reasons not to celebrate Christmas for those who esteem God’s precepts concerning all things to be right and that hate every false way (Ps 119:128). The God of heaven has specified exactly how He wants to be worshipped. He does not accept inventions or modifications. And He seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). You are living in the perilous times of the last days – a time of great compromise by so-called Christians (II Tim 3:1 – 4:5 ). Where do you stand?
Halloween: The Devil’s Night
What will you do this year? Worship the devil on Halloween night and worship the Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday morning? Such decisions were easy for Christians in the past, because they were not part of a generation of religious compromisers. The Bible is clear! God said, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” Only the rebellious question such plain words from heaven! What will you do this year?
Valentine’s Day
Jehovah created love, sex, and marriage; Valentine’s Day honors lust, casual sex, and chance. Jesus Christ is the Lord of heaven and earth; Rome’s pagan deities of Juno, Lupercus, and Cupid are abominations to Him.
Thanksgiving Day: Celebrate!
America is the most blessed nation in the history of the world, and Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday to give thanks to God. While we vigorously oppose the pagan and papal holy days of Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and Valentine’s Day, we believe that Christian Americans should observe Thanksgiving Day.
Easter: We have a few problems
What do bunnies, eggs, and sunrise services have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
(Hint: nothing whatsoever.)
Easter: When Rome Makes 2 = 3!
The greatest sign Jesus gave proving His deity was to predict His resurrection in three days and three nights. How many nights are there between Good Friday and Easter Sunday morning? Easter tradition tells us Jesus was in the ground only two nights, but Jesus tells us three. Who should we believe? Let God be True!
How to Stop Celebrating
When the Lord reveals the evil of pagan holy days, there are questions about informing others of the change in your life. Here are a few suggestions to be wise and righteous before God without being unduly antagonistic or offensive to those who cannot see (Rom 12:18; I Cor 7:15).