Coronavirus Pandemic


Coronavirus fear is everywhere, but Christians should have faith instead. The Creator God is our Father, His Son is our Savior, and He totally controls this novel virus. Jesus is the Master of disease. He would say, Be not afraid, only believe. We see this pandemic as an opportunity to trust God, examine ourselves, rejoice in His promises, encourage each other, love our neighbors, be a witness to the world, and maintain a Christian work ethic and productivity.

We obey the laws and even the requests and recommendations of our rulers, so we use in-home worship by various electronic means and follow their suggestions for hygiene and distancing. Let us pray for these rulers as we are commanded for prudent wisdom in the weighty decisions they must make.

Below are links to recent and older faith-building sermons and documents about COVID-19 and other dangers, disasters, or fears.


Fear, Faith, Facts, Fables

Coronavirus fear is everywhere, but Christians should be full of faith. They should exalt facts over fables in the media feeding frenzy of terrifying Americans. There is a godly balance to deal with the world’s constant fear tactics.

The Master of Disease   Slides 

The coronavirus pandemic has the world terrified, but Jesus rules all disease. Ten axioms tell the cause, reasons, and cure for disease. Take comfort that Jesus is in full control of COVID-19 as much as He was the Sea of Galilee with His apostles.

Psalm 91

A detailed exposition of the psalm for the comfort of God’s elect.

Proverbs 21:31

The LORD expects you to use reasonable means to protect yourself, but He will do the rest. If you go beyond reasonable means, then you are trusting yourself and your means, rather than trusting Him.

Health, Sickness, and Death  Slides 

Sin brought sickness and death into a perfect world. Unbelievers have no hope beyond this life, so they exalt their bodies over their spirits and time over eternity. The Bible has rules for us to have the right perspective in these crucial things.

Psalm 91 

Various contributors review this excellent Psalm for the comfort of God’s children.

Dealing with Disasters

A Godly perspective of the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Fear – Good and Bad

A simple review of fear – its need, its error, its judgment, its cure, etc.

Safety Is of the Lord

Simple review of God’s safety for His saints to build their faith.
