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Assumptions of Faith
The Great Assumptions of Faith
The BASIS OF THE ASSUMPTIONS Is the Existence of Faith and Its Peculiar Characteristics.
- Faith. Full persuasion and confidence in something regardless of contrary considerations.
- Seeing is not believing when it comes to faith – faith believes regardless of what is seen.
- We understand the worlds were created from nothing (unseen things) by faith (Heb 11:3).
- All men – natural and spiritual – exercise faith: they believe things they cannot see or prove.
- When God denies that all men have faith, He is describing faith toward God (II Thess 3:2).
- The wicked believe their houses shall endure forever (Ps 49:11), yet they cannot prove it.
The NECESSITY OF THE ASSUMPTIONS Is the Infallible Fact that All Men Exercise Their Faith.
- Most men try to escape life without considering its frailty, but we cannot allow such foolish.
- They are afraid of death and eternity, so they use all type of escapes of thinking.
- Life can be reduced to the basic assumptions of faith. Our actions become very clear cut.
- Faith must act upon something. Faith cannot exist without its assumptions. So every man.
- Death is coming for all of us: should we not live according to some carefully-considered plan?
The NATURE OF THE ASSUMPTIONS Provide the Great Dividing Lines Among Men.
- By nature man has several similarities to wild asses (Job 11:12; 39:5-8; Ecclesiastes 3:18-20).
- Yet God has given man some gifts that He did not give wild asses (Is 29:23-29; Ro 1:18-25).
- Will you work to be better than, equal to, or worse than a wild ass? You have three choices.
- Relative to God’s existence and reward, what is the risk: eternal life or carnal pleasures?
- Which assumption will give you peace at the moment of death? We must prepare for this day.
CHOICE #1: Assume God Does Not Exist In Practical Reality and Live Accordingly In the Flesh.
- One merit for this choice is that sin does provide its own pleasurable rewards (Heb 11:25).
- Denying God’s existence should result in total lasciviousness, since you are all that counts.
- God’s laws should be denied, since they are just a reminder that others believe He exists.
- Man’s laws should be denied, since their purpose is to limit exploitation of others.
- This position is consistent only to the extent men dedicate themselves to unrestrained sin.
- This category is made up of those who show little interest in things of religion (Ps 36:1-4).
- God compares these unreasonable men (II Thess 3:2) to the beasts without faith (Ps 49:6-20).
- This choice leaves you equal to wild asses, since you show no more reason than they do.
CHOICE #2: Assume God Does Exist In Absolute Reality and Live Accordingly in Godly Fear.
- Very few men in the world’s history have lived in agreement with this assumption (Eze 22:30).
- Consider how God commended Moses, Samuel, Noah, Daniel, and Job (Je 15:1; Ezek 14:14).
- Consider the failures of Eli, Gideon, Samson, Solomon, Jehu, Hezekiah, and others.
- If God is anything at all like the scriptures describe, then total commitment is required.
- A proper vision of God will do much to initiate or encourage this assumption (Isaiah 6:1-8).
- Let God’s word quicken you (Job 38-41; Is 2:6-22; 40:12-31; Daniel 4; Nahum 1; Rev 4-5).
- Emphasize God’s judgments (Ps 9:16; Ex 14:31), sovereignty (Ec 3:14), and glory (Ex 20:20).
- Take the time to commune about such knowledge (Psalm 4:4) and glory in it (Jer 9:23-24).
- Paul made this assumption when He met Jesus: he counted all things but dung (Phil 3:7-11).
- This assumption properly made will create great zeal for the Lord (Gal 4:18; II Kings 10:16).
CHOICE #3: Profess that God Exists and Live According to Both His Fear and Your Flesh.
- Compromising these two assumptions is true insanity – it denies any reasonable explanation.
- God is Jealous and will not accept partial obedience (Mark 12:30), so He is not satisfied.
- Denying your lusts and gratification brings misery (I Co 15:19), as you are not satisfied.
- God condemns this compromise as the greatest evil (Rev 3:15-16; Ezek 20:39; Judg 10:10-14).
- No lonely faith (James 2:19), hearing (James 1:22), or speech (I John 2:4) will do.
- Most men make this choice. Few choose either extreme. Most men are but hypocrites.
- This choice is worse than a wild ass, since you have chosen to deny all satisfaction.
The EXHORTATION TO THE RIGHT ASSUMPTION Should Prompt Us To Make Commitment.
- Solomon put choices one and two to the test during his life (Eccl 12:13-14; Deut 10:12-21).
- Let your faith grab hold of the promises of God (He 11:6 cp Pr 19:23; 23:17-18 cp Ec 8:12).
- Are you going to be one of the few who have lived for God and done exploits (Dan 11:32)?