Contemporary Christianity



  1. Last Sunday we considered Paul’s perilous times as they affect us individually; today we consider them as a congregation.
  2. Last Sunday we also considered the relationship of faith to feelings individually; today we consider it as a congregation.
  3. Due to the time I have, I cannot deal at length here with all of the accusations I shall make against modern religion practices.
  4. If you detect defensiveness or Pauline boasting in these sermons, it is because I must defend my “Neanderthal” reputation.
  5. We are in a war; our Christian enemies resent our Scriptural dogmatism; and many of them will join the world against us soon.
  6. Fully one-third of the earth claims to be Christian, yet it is obvious to a blind man that little godliness or truth exists in the earth.
  7. It must be our full intention to be the worshippers God is seeking – those who worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:22-24).

The Definition

  1. Contemporary: Current, modern, popular, progressive, present-day, fashionable, up-to-date.
  2. Christianity: Religion nominally claiming Jesus Christ as Son of God and Head of the Church.
  3. Contemporary Christianity is the constant modification of New Testament religion to attract the unregenerate and carnal Christians, please the flesh, and be relatively acceptable to the world.
  4. It is identifiable by a Legion of inventions and alterations made to the simplicity of the gospel as musical instruments, Sunday Schools, mission boards, seminaries, special music, crosses, flags, attendance contests, holy matrimony, flowers, offertories, altars, athletic teams, egg hunts, drama teams, women preachers, mission teams, casual churches, haunted houses, rock bands, lock-ins, Super Bowl parties, Christmas programs, sleepovers, beach parties, same sex marriages, summer camps, athletic trips, laughing revivals, telethons, sharing meetings, Holy Land tours, sunrise services, singing Happy Birthday, singing patriotic songs, soup kitchens, boy scout troops, political rallies, steeples, political demonstrations, early services, celebrity testimonies, stained glass windows, scheduled revivals, baby dedications, hired musicians, coffee houses, Jesus Rocks, healing services, youth ministers, ladies Bible studies, lesbian pastors, self-esteem teaching, story telling, poem reading, rock concerts, Woodstock youth festivals, music ministers, interpretive dance, speaking in tongues, mimes, funerals, moral compromise without limits, doctrinal changes without number, etc., etc., etc.
  5. We oppose this with Bible Christianity, which rejects all such inventions to maintain the truth in simplicity as commanded by our Lord (Matthew 28:20; II Cor 11:3; I Tim 3:15; Jude 1:3).

The Warning

  1. We could easily be in Satan’s “little season” prior to the return of our Lord Jesus (Rev 20:3).
    1. Satan is not so stupid as to attempt our seduction with blatant paganism or witchcraft.
    2. Since he cannot lay anything to the charge of God’s elect, he will corrupt their worship.
    3. We should not be expecting revival as many are teaching but rather gross apostasy.
  2. Paul warned of perilous times in the last days, which we should well consider (II Tim 3:1-13).
    1. Perilous times are not what we think. They are not wars, famines, recessions, or disease.
    2. They are widespread love of pleasure rather than love of God by so-called Christians.
    3. They are the form or motions of religion without the authority of a sovereign Christ.
    4. They are effeminate times in which weak women are preyed on by ministerial creeps.
    5. They are times filled with much learning (the information explosion) but little truth.
    6. They are times filled with examples of sensational extremes without any godly fruit.
    7. They are times when evil men (among Christians) and seducers will grow much worse.
      1. Deception (undetected lies) will increase and control both teachers and hearers.
      2. This is not overt paganism or witchcraft; this is false Christianity in disguise.
  3. Paul warned of a Satanic counterfeit religion with the appearance of truth (II Cor 11:2-15).
    1. Paul fearfully warned of this apostasy as similar to Satan’s seduction of Eve in Eden.
    2. We are warned expressly of another Jesus, gospel, and spirit with fearful attractiveness.
    3. By Paul’s warning, we are not to even bear with such teachers (Galatians 1:8-9; 2:5).
    4. Though Paul was rude in speech and appearance, he was not in knowledge and proof.
    5. Even at Corinth there were false teachers motivated by Satan appearing to be good.
  4. Paul warned of a time when sound doctrine would be rejected for pleasing fables (II Ti 4:3-4).
    1. Men would no longer endure godly teaching – pleasure addicts wanting only a form.
    2. Their own lusts would create a multitude of entertainers to scratch their fleshly ears.
    3. Truth would no longer matter, but rather fables and other lies would be their pleasure.

The Problem

  1. Christians living with hardly any concept of truth and error but with the name and feelings.
  2. Christians exalting feelings over faith as their criterion for both doctrine and practice in life.
  3. Christians exalting expediency and pragmatism over truth for achieving some manmade goal.
  4. Christians following the vague notions of a “spirit” without and in opposition to Scripture.
  5. Christians foaming about the love of Jesus with little regard for doctrinal integrity or holiness.
  6. Christians struggling with controversies as the hilarious Lord-or-Saviour sinners’ prayer.
  7. Christians revolting against strong Bible preaching and condemning it as arrogant and negative.
  8. Christians wanting to assemble for the purpose of “sharing” rather than hearing authority.
  9. Christians measuring the will of God by their feelings, some vague spirit, and circumstances.
  10. Christians so sweet and happy and gracious, yet without a clue as to Scriptural authority.
  11. These Christians often say, “I don’t need doctrine; I have the spirit; and I question your spirit.”
  12. These Christians often say, “I can’t show you Bible verses, but I feel the Lord is leading me.”
  13. These Christians often say, “You can feel the spirit there; you can feel the presence of Jesus.”
  14. These Christians often say, “I just don’t feel that God is like that; I think He is more accepting.”
  15. These Christians often say, “Don’t give me doctrine; don’t preach at me; just give me Jesus.”
  16. These Christians often say, “I know it must be right, because I have never felt this way before.”
  17. These Christians often say, “Doctrine will divide the body of Christ: Jesus told us to love.”
  18. These Christians often say, “But I don’t want to change them; I just want to give them Jesus.”
  19. These Christians often say, “I don’t know about that theological stuff; I just know I love Jesus.”
  20. These Christians often say, “But if it gets kids off the streets to hear about Jesus, isn’t it right?”
  21. These Christians often say, “I’m alright. I don’t measure up to the Bible, but Jesus loves me.”

The Source Heresies

  1. Numbers Driven: Both statistical and psychological confidence is generated by sheer numbers.
    1. Paul warned false Christianity would assume success by gain in numbers (I Tim 6:3-5).
    2. God commanded long ago to resist crowds or a majority moving toward error (Ex 23:2).
    3. If gain indicates godliness, then the Jehovah’s Witnesses must be right by their growth.
    4. But the truth has always been held by a very small remnant i.e. Noah, Elijah, and 120.
    5. As Hitler knew so well, large crowds create a psychological spirit that is very powerful.
    6. You may read “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.”
    7. Anyone who has ever attended an Amway meeting knows exactly the mass psychology.
    8. Consider Promisekeepers, Bill Gothard, Christian concerts, crusades, youth festivals, denominational gatherings, multi-church revivals, public demonstrations, etc.
    9. It is impossible to attend such large assemblies without believing you found the Spirit.
    10. Two churches worshipping together will create an atmosphere of obvious “blessing.”
  2. Entertainment Driven: Most church assemblies and church activities are designed to entertain.
    1. Special music, dramas, poems, plays, interpretive dance, and story telling all fit here.
    2. Here we see the itching ears of a people loving pleasure and not God (II Tim 3:4; 4:4).
    3. Give the people a religious, sensual experience without commitment: they will love it.
    4. A church with short, entertaining services without obligation will grow very rapidly.
    5. Members of these churches are shocked, offended, and disgusted by Bible preaching.
  3. Smooth Talkers: These are the effeminate, elegant, refined, politically correct preachers today.
    1. “Smooth things” are sin (Isaiah 30:8-11; Jer 6:13-14; 23:16-32; Eze 13:1-23; 22:25-28).
    2. God never called cultured and polished men under either testament to preach His Word.
    3. John and Jesus were peculiar preachers in their day (Matt 7:28-29; 11:16-19; 23:4-36).
    4. Paul said the time would come (perilous times) when doctrine is hated (II Tim 4:3-4).
    5. True Bible preaching is warfare between the preacher and his hearers (II Cor 10:3-6).
    6. It is to be done with great authority and dogmatism (Gal 1:8-9; II Tim 4:2; Titus 2:15).
  4. Everyman Ministries: This is the idea that every person has a ministry of great importance.
    1. If you flatter everyone with value (as our education system), you keep them all happy.
    2. So we have youth missions, ministers of music, Christian artists, Ladies-to-Jails, etc.
    3. But Paul clearly and rhetorically denies such universal “ministries” (I Cor 12:28-31).
    4. In fact, when we read church rules to Timothy, we have only two offices (I Tim 3:1-13).
    5. Any exercise of authority against this sort results in a repeat of Korah (Num 16:1-50).
    6. Godly saints are thankful and content being kings and priests before God (Rev 1:6).
  5. Salvation Business: Fulfilling the Great Commission and populating heaven is big business.
    1. Rejecting clear apostolic context, modern do-gooders take the Commission personally.
    2. Paul positively declares the Commission was fulfilled before 70AD (Col 1:6,23).
    3. Doesn’t anyone find it amazing that not one such verse can be found in the epistles?
    4. Rather than perfecting holiness in the fear of God (II Cor 7:1), let’s regenerate sinners!
    5. Rather than perfecting your ordinary duties (Eph 5:22 – 6:9), let’s be busy evangelizing!
    6. Here we have the folly of ordinary saints confused with Christ’s work or bishops’ work.
    7. If all are constantly flattered as soldiers in Christ’s kingdom, who cares about diapers?
  6. Dual Citizenship: The ultimate dream of contemporary Christianity is to be a rich Christian.
    1. Testimonials by athletes, businessman, politicians, doctors, and actors fuel this heresy.
    2. The warning is clear: riches and the desire of success is a great evil (I Timothy 6:6-10).
    3. Jesus warned of worldly and financial deception (Mat 6:19-34; 10:39; 13:22; 19:16-26).
    4. These churches honor and promote those who try to have their cake and eat it too.
    5. God’s saints, either rich or poor, are strangers and pilgrims here (He 11:13; I Pe 2:9-12).
  7. Personality Cult: Here we have the careful promotion and public adoration of a single person.
    1. All men love a hero they can follow and trust; so various efforts are made to create one.
    2. Even the church at Corinth stumbled at ministerial personalities (I Cor 1:10-17; 3:3-9).
    3. The invention and proliferation of mass media help foster these larger-than-life sinners.
    4. It is so much easier to trust Brother Bill (Gothard), than to study or follow your pastor.
    5. Reject Pharisees (Mat 23:5-14), popes (II Thes 2:1-4), and Diotrephes (III John 1:9-11).
  8. Cathedral Complex: The construction of beautiful and impressive buildings to move men.
    1. Rather than a building, the church proper is the collection of saints in common union.
    2. The proper picture of a church should be a photograph of all the members together.
    3. An impressive and costly building for worship nicely deceives the flesh and mind.
    4. Inside, the buildings are decorated with the finest finishing, furniture, art, flowers, etc.
    5. If grand enough visually, it can give you spiritual feelings without a word or sound.
    6. Paul plainly condemned this error (Acts 17:24-25,29), and N.T. saints met in obscurity.
  9. Political Agenda: Political agendas are pursued in Christ’s churches distorting the gospel.
    1. Carnal Christians looking for a cause get excited mixing Christianity and Americanism.
    2. With all the evil of the Romans in Paul’s day, there is total silence of such a mixture.
    3. Bible Christians honor, pay, and pray regardless (Rom 13:1-7; I Tim 2:1-2; I Pet 13-17).
    4. Even during captivity in pagan Babylon, God’s saints prayed for Babylon (Jer 29:4-7).
    5. Satan’s state-church heresy created the American and Christian flags in most churches.
    6. Christianity is not just an American cultural icon like Chevrolet, baseball, and apple pie.
    7. Americanism and Christianity are enemies; they are not friends or similar philosophies.
    8. True Christians must reject the Declaration of Independence as anarchic and seditious.
  10. Activity Calendar: Create and promote numerous activities for all ages to be too busy to think.
    1. Contemporary church visitors usually ask first, “What youth activities do you have?”
    2. The youth program of the New Testament is for fathers to train their children (Eph 6:4).
    3. If the church has enough after-school programs, the parents can fully quit child training.
    4. A man busy eight days a week with church activities is “godly” without time to pray.
    5. Carnal Christians love to be useful in a religious cause, so churches are full of them.
  11. Market Segment: Hire consultants to find your market niche and design worship accordingly.
    1. The Lord took such a survey and chose to preach the gospel anyway (I Cor 1:18-24).
    2. Here we might need to use the SBC’s “Stealth Church” to deceive Baptist-haters.
    3. Or change the name from Bible Baptist Church to Community Lighthouse Cathedral.
    4. Some SBC churches take any baptism in order to be more “open” to their community.
  12. Organization vs Organism: Here the value of the organization is esteemed over spiritual truth.
    1. If you’ll give and let me sell, then we can build this into the world’s biggest church.
    2. With our modern complex, programs, and layers of management, who needs the Spirit?
    3. The worst thing to happen to a church is our Lord to remove the candlestick (Rev 2:5).
    4. Pastors of these churches spend 95% of their time in administration or ceremonial roles.
    5. The true church is a living body activated by the Spirit rather than a religious business.
  13. Social Do-Gooders: These churches pride themselves as wonderful community benefactors.
    1. To keep the Pharisees happy, we can substitute some noble project in the community.
    2. How else will we fill hell with all those claiming many wonderful works (Matt 7:22)?
    3. When a person gives $10,000 annually to United Fund, how can you call them a sinner?
    4. When a church provides a home for unwed mothers, it truly must be God’s church.
    5. Sunday Schools originated with a noble idea of teaching poor children to read.
    6. No matter how sincere, when did God call silly women to teach children the Scriptures?
    7. Jesus plainly identified the great givers who overlooked greater matters (Matt 23:23).
  14. Child Worship: Exalt and pamper the children and the mothers will worship your Jesus.
    1. Natural mothers will do anything for their children, so creeps take advantage of them.
    2. An annual Christmas program with little Sarah as Mother Mary will last a whole year.
    3. Nurseries, children’s church, Awana, Boy Scouts, camps, teams, and so forth fit here.
    4. The warnings in the Bible are for men to grow up, and they should train their children.
    5. Children had no role, position, or esteemed value in the Christ’s religion of the N.T.
  15. Body of Christ: Promote the idea that everyone is going to heaven so nothing really matters.
    1. Since God loves everybody and we’re all going to heaven, let’s not fuss with doctrine.
    2. “Those Baptists be real surprised when they see us Catholics and Mormons in heaven.”
    3. “Hey, Promisekeepers, can you all feel the spirit here? Let’s have communion tonight.”
    4. “You keep bringing up doctrine; you’re dividing Christ’s body; you’re sowing discord.”
    5. Jesus Christ wants individual churches split over truth (Rom 16:17-18; II Thess 3:6,14).
  16. Decisional Regeneration: Make the fatal mistake you can cause regeneration, and watch out!
    1. Choose baptismal regeneration, and you quickly justify infants with just a few drops.
    2. Choose decisional regeneration, and you quickly create a nightmare of false salvations.
    3. “Save the lost at any cost” and “the end justifies the means” become gospel mantras.
    4. “If it brings in the lost, who cares if they didn’t do it in the Bible. We got to save them.”
    5. “If a mother will accept Jesus to get milk for a starving baby, then give me the bottle.”
    6. “It doesn’t matter you are not perfect and often wicked; you accepted Jesus in 1965.”
    7. “All you must do to go to heaven is invite Jesus into your heart.” Then I can sin boldly?
  17. Charismatic Pride: Exalt an exciting spirit of tongues, healing, and power to give false hope.
    1. In order to replace sound doctrine, let us all pretend we are apostles with great gifts.
    2. We can babble like children; we can laugh like drunks; and we can shake like strippers.
    3. “Yea, I know Paul had some rules for gifts; but he never saw an outpouring like this!”
    4. “If Baptist preachers would just close their Bibles, they’d get the fillin too! Ha! Ha!”
    5. “I’ll be able to live on this spirit laughter until the gospel show comes again next year.”
  18. Women’s Liberation: Reject Paul as a woman-hater and give women equality in the church.
    1. Natural women do not like submission to men, so some churches reject the doctrine.
    2. These churches flatter women as equals and give them ministries to fuel their pride.
    3. Paul told them to shut up in the church (I Cor 11:3; 14:34-35; I Timothy 2:11-12).
    4. Regardless of sincerity, God has never called a woman to a N.T. office (I Tim 3:1-13).
  19. Babel Restored: Exalting unity above all else, we can find peace by eliminating differences.
    1. God destroyed the attempt at Babel to unite men together to oppose His government.
    2. Today we call it the ecumenical movement or other names to describe its rebuilding.
    3. Therefore, we modify any doctrine necessary in order to accommodate the most people.
    4. “To fill the coliseum we will need to invite the Catholic diocese and Mormon stake.”
    5. “Brother, look at God’s blessing! We have Baptists and Jehovah’s Witnesses hugging.”
  20. Will Worship: Talk about the will of God and leading of the spirit until the Bible is forgotten.
    1. If God’s will is transferred to feelings and “leadings,” then Scripture is unnecessary.
    2. “I just know this is the Lord’s will” excuses anyone doing whatever evil they wish.
    3. “God told me to do it, so I just can’t listen to your verses on this subject.” Come again?
    4. “But I had this dream when I was two . . . I saw a baby’s bottle over a mission field.”
    5. “I know God wants me to be a woman preacher, cause three churches have called me.”
    6. “But it can’t be God’s will for me to love my husband, cause I don’t like him anymore.”
    7. “But sometimes I follow God’s still, small voice rather than the confusing Bible.”
    8. God’s Scriptures are MORE SURE than His audible voice from heaven (II Pet 1:16-19).
  21. Feeling Fantastic: If we do enough to make them feel good, they will not question the agenda.
    1. “I had such a blessing at a church yesterday . . . I can’t recall what he preached about.”
    2. These pastors should work for Zig Ziglar’s or Dale Carnegie’s Success seminars.
    3. Robert Schuller is the ultimate heretic here: “You are the best looking people ever.”
    4. It doesn’t take genius to arrange music, testimonies, awards, speeches to fuel feelings.
    5. And Satan is willing to assist the worshippers of feelings with his own spirits of “joy.”
    6. If I spend an hour telling you you’re beautiful in different ways, you will feel “blessed.”
  22. Japanese Management: If we eliminate ministerial authority, we can call the shots ourselves.
    1. The Quakers and Plymouth Brethren have been notorious for this dilution of doctrine.
    2. How else could saints have fallen for two comings of Christ separated by seven years?
    3. The home church movement often follows this heresy with everyone sharing their ideas.
    4. “Let’s sit down and share our ideas of what Christ’s death on the cross means to us.”
    5. “Sister Eleanor, I know you’re 95, but could you share some ideas on the incarnation.”
    6. “Visitor Latoya, I know you’re new here, but we’d love to hear your ideas on Daniel 7.”
    7. Jesus left authority in His churches for teaching and ruling (I Tim 5:17; Heb 13:7,17).
  23. Fire Walkers: If you pick the right beat, play it loud, and play it long enough, spirits will come.
    1. Israel fornicating with a calf or tripping with Jimi Hendrix, music works (Ex 32:17-18).
    2. Many churches have sound systems and jamming sessions to drive you stark crazy.
    3. Paul demands that Biblical Christianity exalt the understanding (I Corinthians 14:1-19).
    4. The N.T. is silent about instrumental music; and such noises are directly contrary to it.
    5. The O.T. was sensual and carnal in appealing to the senses, but not the New Testament.
  24. Convenience Catering: Since modern Christians are so busy, let us make it as easy as possible.
    1. We can offer drive-in churches, early services, television services, and nearby satellites.
    2. Just make sure you don’t forget to lick that envelope and send your money for our gym.
    3. Dialup the internet while driving to work, and we’ll give you Sunday’s best sound bites.
    4. “I don’t attend church; instead I listen to ‘Focus on the Family’ driving home each day.
    5. “I have the best church. I get weekly tapes from them. They have 250,000 like me.”
  25. Silent Suggestion: Since God has been silent on many aspects of worship, He must not care.
    1. How far do you want to run this one? Use bananas and distilled water at communion?
    2. God considers His Word complete in itself. We are not to add or delete (Deut 12:32).
    3. I hear foolish clamoring for the “strange fire” of Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10:1-7).
    4. Did God tell Moses he couldn’t smite the rock (Num 20:7-13)? How did He tell him?
    5. Did God tell David he couldn’t use an ox cart (I Chron 15:13)? Was it worth death?
    6. When the Bible tells us to sing, we sing. We don’t play, bang drums, or burn incense.
  26. Popular Party: When all else fails, create a church that is esteemed by the world for the world.
    1. These churches have high social standings and a membership of movers and shakers.
    2. They will be politically correct regarding evolution, salvation, sanctification, and God.
    3. Their most valuable function is networking for those trying to get ahead professionally.
    4. Membership at these churches is not only acceptable but even noteworthy to pagans.
  27. Bedside Bishops: These sweet and gentle men keep members comfortable through death.
    1. They visit birthing mothers in the hospital and dedicate the children in a formal service.
    2. They perform Catholic wedding ceremonies and visit all the sick in the hospital.
    3. At the time of death they become a loving funeral director and take yet another role.
    4. Nowhere in the New Testament are bishops ever given such responsibilities from God.
    5. Every member should take mutual care one of another during good and bad events.
    6. Bishops are protected to give time and energy to prayer and God’s Word (Acts 6:1-4).
  28. Fundamentalists: Let us divide the Word of God into matters we esteem and those we don’t.
    1. They have a loud bark but a small bite. They scream orthodoxy but compromise easily.
    2. They will fight tobacco and movies, but they will compromise baptism and prophecy.
    3. They will divide over musical styles, but they will unite over major election differences.
    4. They love to say, “I believe in the inspiration of the Bible.” But they can’t identify it.
    5. In order to fight the ecumenical movement in Angola, they will modify most anything.
    6. This is “pick and choose” religion – all matters of faith are essential or nonessential.

The Cure

  1. Return to where Paul warned about perilous times. There he gives the sure cure (II Tim 3:1-13).
    1. Remember that these instructions are to a minister to oppose such false Christianity.
    2. Continuing is required (3:14). We cannot stop, quit, turn around, or veer off course.
    3. Retain what you have learned (3:14). We contend for a once-delivered faith (Jude 1:3).
    4. If it is the things learned (3:14), then there can be no additions or innovations (Tit 1:9).
    5. Hold only certain things (3:14). Prove all things for the truth (I Thes 5:21; Luke 1:1-4).
    6. Apostolic authority is required (3:14) as God’s (II The 2:15; 3:6,14; I Jn 4:1-6; Re 2:3).
    7. These things can be found in the Scriptures (3:15), which bring the needed wisdom.
    8. Paul’s most trusted assistant knew the Scriptures from childhood (1:5). Let’s do so!
    9. They were things known (Heb 5:14) rather than heard (Jas 1:22) or believed (Jas 2:19).
    10. All Scripture is given to protect God’s man and therefore God’s saints from lies (3:16).
    11. Timothy’s Scripture was a copy of a copy or a translation (3:15); he had no originals!
    12. It is inspired by God directly so that men wrote God’s words (II Pet 1:21; Psalm 45:1).
    13. Scripture is profitable – more so than seminaries, bookstores, websites, and dreams.
    14. Doctrine is teaching, instruction, precepts, and lessons regarding that which is true.
    15. Reproof is censure, condemnation, or rebuke of wrong practices. It is a strong word.
    16. Correction is identifying a false course of action and its appropriate replacement.
    17. Instruction in righteousness is those lessons for pleasing Christ with godly lives.
    18. That the man of God may be perfect: Inspired Scripture + Man of God = Perfection.
    19. Throughly = thoroughly. Scripture makes the ministry fully, perfectly, and completely prepared for all good works. To argue beyond this for modern inventions is blasphemy.
    20. Ministers are charged before God and Jesus Christ as Judge in this controversy (4:1).
    21. PREACH THE WORD. We do not look anywhere else for God’s will or truth or Spirit.
    22. Ministers are to be instant (insistent, pressing, urgent) regardless of doctrinal popularity.
    23. In spite of modern Christianity, they must blast away with doctrine and a thick skin.
    24. Ministers must be vigilant, tough under persecution, evangelistic, and prove themselves.
    25. Paul fought a good fight and kept the faith and passed the torch to Timothy and others.
  2. Our position is very simple. We are Bible Christians. God said it; we believe it; that settles it.
    1. It is perilous times. A form of Christianity is here with another Jesus, gospel, and spirit.
    2. We are to recognize their religion as Satanic deception and boldly turn away from it.
    3. We will continue to follow the Scriptures alone (Ps 119:128; Acts 17:11; I Thess 5:21).


  1. Our goal, defined fearfully by Paul, is to be a church that is a chaste virgin of the Lord Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 11:2).
  2. Our goal, defined by Paul and Jude, is to defend, uphold, and contend for the faith once delivered (I Tim 3:15; Jude 1:3).

Contemporary Christianity


  1. Last Sunday we considered Paul’s perilous times as they affect us individually; today we consider them as a congregation.
  2. Last Sunday we also considered the relationship of faith to feelings individually; today we consider it as a congregation.
  3. Due to the time I have, I cannot deal at length here with all of the accusations I shall make against modern religion practices.
  4. If you detect defensiveness or Pauline boasting in these sermons, it is because I must defend my “Neanderthal” reputation.
  5. We are in a war; our Christian enemies resent our Scriptural dogmatism; and many of them will join the world against us soon.
  6. Fully one-third of the earth claims to be Christian, yet it is obvious to a blind man that little godliness or truth exists in the earth.
  7. It must be our full intention to be the worshippers God is seeking – those who worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:22-24).

The Definition

  1. Contemporary: Current, modern, popular, progressive, present-day, fashionable, up-to-date.
  2. Christianity: Religion nominally claiming Jesus Christ as Son of God and Head of the Church.
  3. Contemporary Christianity is the constant modification of New Testament religion to attract the unregenerate and carnal Christians, please the flesh, and be relatively acceptable to the world.
  4. It is identifiable by a Legion of inventions and alterations made to the simplicity of the gospel as musical instruments, Sunday Schools, mission boards, seminaries, special music, crosses, flags, attendance contests, holy matrimony, flowers, offertories, altars, athletic teams, egg hunts, drama teams, women preachers, mission teams, casual churches, haunted houses, rock bands, lock-ins, Super Bowl parties, Christmas programs, sleepovers, beach parties, same sex marriages, summer camps, athletic trips, laughing revivals, telethons, sharing meetings, Holy Land tours, sunrise services, singing Happy Birthday, singing patriotic songs, soup kitchens, boy scout troops, political rallies, steeples, political demonstrations, early services, celebrity testimonies, stained glass windows, scheduled revivals, baby dedications, hired musicians, coffee houses, Jesus Rocks, healing services, youth ministers, ladies Bible studies, lesbian pastors, self-esteem teaching, story telling, poem reading, rock concerts, Woodstock youth festivals, music ministers, interpretive dance, speaking in tongues, mimes, funerals, moral compromise without limits, doctrinal changes without number, etc., etc., etc.
  5. We oppose this with Bible Christianity, which rejects all such inventions to maintain the truth in simplicity as commanded by our Lord (Matthew 28:20; II Cor 11:3; I Tim 3:15; Jude 1:3).

The Warning

  1. We could easily be in Satan’s “little season” prior to the return of our Lord Jesus (Rev 20:3).
    1. Satan is not so stupid as to attempt our seduction with blatant paganism or witchcraft.
    2. Since he cannot lay anything to the charge of God’s elect, he will corrupt their worship.
    3. We should not be expecting revival as many are teaching but rather gross apostasy.
  2. Paul warned of perilous times in the last days, which we should well consider (II Tim 3:1-13).
    1. Perilous times are not what we think. They are not wars, famines, recessions, or disease.
    2. They are widespread love of pleasure rather than love of God by so-called Christians.
    3. They are the form or motions of religion without the authority of a sovereign Christ.
    4. They are effeminate times in which weak women are preyed on by ministerial creeps.
    5. They are times filled with much learning (the information explosion) but little truth.
    6. They are times filled with examples of sensational extremes without any godly fruit.
    7. They are times when evil men (among Christians) and seducers will grow much worse.
      1. Deception (undetected lies) will increase and control both teachers and hearers.
      2. This is not overt paganism or witchcraft; this is false Christianity in disguise.
  3. Paul warned of a Satanic counterfeit religion with the appearance of truth (II Cor 11:2-15).
    1. Paul fearfully warned of this apostasy as similar to Satan’s seduction of Eve in Eden.
    2. We are warned expressly of another Jesus, gospel, and spirit with fearful attractiveness.
    3. By Paul’s warning, we are not to even bear with such teachers (Galatians 1:8-9; 2:5).
    4. Though Paul was rude in speech and appearance, he was not in knowledge and proof.
    5. Even at Corinth there were false teachers motivated by Satan appearing to be good.
  4. Paul warned of a time when sound doctrine would be rejected for pleasing fables (II Ti 4:3-4).
    1. Men would no longer endure godly teaching – pleasure addicts wanting only a form.
    2. Their own lusts would create a multitude of entertainers to scratch their fleshly ears.
    3. Truth would no longer matter, but rather fables and other lies would be their pleasure.

The Problem

  1. Christians living with hardly any concept of truth and error but with the name and feelings.
  2. Christians exalting feelings over faith as their criterion for both doctrine and practice in life.
  3. Christians exalting expediency and pragmatism over truth for achieving some manmade goal.
  4. Christians following the vague notions of a “spirit” without and in opposition to Scripture.
  5. Christians foaming about the love of Jesus with little regard for doctrinal integrity or holiness.
  6. Christians struggling with controversies as the hilarious Lord-or-Saviour sinners’ prayer.
  7. Christians revolting against strong Bible preaching and condemning it as arrogant and negative.
  8. Christians wanting to assemble for the purpose of “sharing” rather than hearing authority.
  9. Christians measuring the will of God by their feelings, some vague spirit, and circumstances.
  10. Christians so sweet and happy and gracious, yet without a clue as to Scriptural authority.
  11. These Christians often say, “I don’t need doctrine; I have the spirit; and I question your spirit.”
  12. These Christians often say, “I can’t show you Bible verses, but I feel the Lord is leading me.”
  13. These Christians often say, “You can feel the spirit there; you can feel the presence of Jesus.”
  14. These Christians often say, “I just don’t feel that God is like that; I think He is more accepting.”
  15. These Christians often say, “Don’t give me doctrine; don’t preach at me; just give me Jesus.”
  16. These Christians often say, “I know it must be right, because I have never felt this way before.”
  17. These Christians often say, “Doctrine will divide the body of Christ: Jesus told us to love.”
  18. These Christians often say, “But I don’t want to change them; I just want to give them Jesus.”
  19. These Christians often say, “I don’t know about that theological stuff; I just know I love Jesus.”
  20. These Christians often say, “But if it gets kids off the streets to hear about Jesus, isn’t it right?”
  21. These Christians often say, “I’m alright. I don’t measure up to the Bible, but Jesus loves me.”

The Source Heresies

  1. Numbers Driven: Both statistical and psychological confidence is generated by sheer numbers.
    1. Paul warned false Christianity would assume success by gain in numbers (I Tim 6:3-5).
    2. God commanded long ago to resist crowds or a majority moving toward error (Ex 23:2).
    3. If gain indicates godliness, then the Jehovah’s Witnesses must be right by their growth.
    4. But the truth has always been held by a very small remnant i.e. Noah, Elijah, and 120.
    5. As Hitler knew so well, large crowds create a psychological spirit that is very powerful.
    6. You may read “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.”
    7. Anyone who has ever attended an Amway meeting knows exactly the mass psychology.
    8. Consider Promisekeepers, Bill Gothard, Christian concerts, crusades, youth festivals, denominational gatherings, multi-church revivals, public demonstrations, etc.
    9. It is impossible to attend such large assemblies without believing you found the Spirit.
    10.  Two churches worshipping together will create an atmosphere of obvious “blessing.”
  2. Entertainment Driven: Most church assemblies and church activities are designed to entertain.
    1. Special music, dramas, poems, plays, interpretive dance, and story telling all fit here.
    2. Here we see the itching ears of a people loving pleasure and not God (II Tim 3:4; 4:4).
    3. Give the people a religious, sensual experience without commitment: they will love it.
    4. A church with short, entertaining services without obligation will grow very rapidly.
    5. Members of these churches are shocked, offended, and disgusted by Bible preaching.
  3. Smooth Talkers: These are the effeminate, elegant, refined, politically correct preachers today.
    1. “Smooth things” are sin (Isaiah 30:8-11; Jer 6:13-14; 23:16-32; Eze 13:1-23; 22:25-28).
    2. God never called cultured and polished men under either testament to preach His Word.
    3. John and Jesus were peculiar preachers in their day (Matt 7:28-29; 11:16-19; 23:4-36).
    4. Paul said the time would come (perilous times) when doctrine is hated (II Tim 4:3-4).
    5. True Bible preaching is warfare between the preacher and his hearers (II Cor 10:3-6).
    6. It is to be done with great authority and dogmatism (Gal 1:8-9; II Tim 4:2; Titus 2:15).
  4. Everyman Ministries: This is the idea that every person has a ministry of great importance.
    1. If you flatter everyone with value (as our education system), you keep them all happy.
    2. So we have youth missions, ministers of music, Christian artists, Ladies-to-Jails, etc.
    3. But Paul clearly and rhetorically denies such universal “ministries” (I Cor 12:28-31).
    4. In fact, when we read church rules to Timothy, we have only two offices (I Tim 3:1-13).
    5. Any exercise of authority against this sort results in a repeat of Korah (Num 16:1-50).
    6. Godly saints are thankful and content being kings and priests before God (Rev 1:6).
  5. Salvation Business: Fulfilling the Great Commission and populating heaven is big business.
    1. Rejecting clear apostolic context, modern do-gooders take the Commission personally.
    2. Paul positively declares the Commission was fulfilled before 70AD (Col 1:6,23).
    3. Doesn’t anyone find it amazing that not one such verse can be found in the epistles?
    4. Rather than perfecting holiness in the fear of God (II Cor 7:1), let’s regenerate sinners!
    5. Rather than perfecting your ordinary duties (Eph 5:22 – 6:9), let’s be busy evangelizing!
    6. Here we have the folly of ordinary saints confused with Christ’s work or bishops’ work.
    7. If all are constantly flattered as soldiers in Christ’s kingdom, who cares about diapers?
  6. Dual Citizenship: The ultimate dream of contemporary Christianity is to be a rich Christian.
    1. Testimonials by athletes, businessman, politicians, doctors, and actors fuel this heresy.
    2. The warning is clear: riches and the desire of success is a great evil (I Timothy 6:6-10).
    3. Jesus warned of worldly and financial deception (Mat 6:19-34; 10:39; 13:22; 19:16-26).
    4. These churches honor and promote those who try to have their cake and eat it too.
    5. God’s saints, either rich or poor, are strangers and pilgrims here (He 11:13; I Pe 2:9-12).
  7. Personality Cult: Here we have the careful promotion and public adoration of a single person.
    1. All men love a hero they can follow and trust; so various efforts are made to create one.
    2. Even the church at Corinth stumbled at ministerial personalities (I Cor 1:10-17; 3:3-9).
    3. The invention and proliferation of mass media help foster these larger-than-life sinners.
    4. It is so much easier to trust Brother Bill (Gothard), than to study or follow your pastor.
    5. Reject Pharisees (Mat 23:5-14), popes (II Thes 2:1-4), and Diotrephes (III John 1:9-11).
  8. Cathedral Complex: The construction of beautiful and impressive buildings to move men.
    1. Rather than a building, the church proper is the collection of saints in common union.
    2. The proper picture of a church should be a photograph of all the members together.
    3. An impressive and costly building for worship nicely deceives the flesh and mind.
    4. Inside, the buildings are decorated with the finest finishing, furniture, art, flowers, etc.
    5. If grand enough visually, it can give you spiritual feelings without a word or sound.
    6. Paul plainly condemned this error (Acts 17:24-25,29), and N.T. saints met in obscurity.
  9. Political Agenda: Political agendas are pursued in Christ’s churches distorting the gospel.
    1. Carnal Christians looking for a cause get excited mixing Christianity and Americanism.
    2. With all the evil of the Romans in Paul’s day, there is total silence of such a mixture.
    3. Bible Christians honor, pay, and pray regardless (Rom 13:1-7; I Tim 2:1-2; I Pet 13-17).
    4. Even during captivity in pagan Babylon, God’s saints prayed for Babylon (Jer 29:4-7).
    5. Satan’s state-church heresy created the American and Christian flags in most churches.
    6. Christianity is not just an American cultural icon like Chevrolet, baseball, and apple pie.
    7. Americanism and Christianity are enemies; they are not friends or similar philosophies.
    8. True Christians must reject the Declaration of Independence as anarchic and seditious.
  10. Activity Calendar: Create and promote numerous activities for all ages to be too busy to think.
    1. Contemporary church visitors usually ask first, “What youth activities do you have?”
    2. The youth program of the New Testament is for fathers to train their children (Eph 6:4).
    3. If the church has enough after-school programs, the parents can fully quit child training.
    4. A man busy eight days a week with church activities is “godly” without time to pray.
    5. Carnal Christians love to be useful in a religious cause, so churches are full of them.
  11. Market Segment: Hire consultants to find your market niche and design worship accordingly.
    1. The Lord took such a survey and chose to preach the gospel anyway (I Cor 1:18-24).
    2. Here we might need to use the SBC’s “Stealth Church” to deceive Baptist-haters.
    3. Or change the name from Bible Baptist Church to Community Lighthouse Cathedral.
    4. Some SBC churches take any baptism in order to be more “open” to their community.
  12. Organization vs Organism: Here the value of the organization is esteemed over spiritual truth.
    1. If you’ll give and let me sell, then we can build this into the world’s biggest church.
    2. With our modern complex, programs, and layers of management, who needs the Spirit?
    3. The worst thing to happen to a church is our Lord to remove the candlestick (Rev 2:5).
    4. Pastors of these churches spend 95% of their time in administration or ceremonial roles.
    5. The true church is a living body activated by the Spirit rather than a religious business.
  13. Social Do-Gooders: These churches pride themselves as wonderful community benefactors.
    1. To keep the Pharisees happy, we can substitute some noble project in the community.
    2. How else will we fill hell with all those claiming many wonderful works (Matt 7:22)?
    3. When a person gives $10,000 annually to United Fund, how can you call them a sinner?
    4. When a church provides a home for unwed mothers, it truly must be God’s church.
    5. Sunday Schools originated with a noble idea of teaching poor children to read.
    6. No matter how sincere, when did God call silly women to teach children the Scriptures?
    7. Jesus plainly identified the great givers who overlooked greater matters (Matt 23:23).
  14. Child Worship: Exalt and pamper the children and the mothers will worship your Jesus.
    1. Natural mothers will do anything for their children, so creeps take advantage of them.
    2. An annual Christmas program with little Sarah as Mother Mary will last a whole year.
    3. Nurseries, children’s church, Awana, Boy Scouts, camps, teams, and so forth fit here.
    4. The warnings in the Bible are for men to grow up, and they should train their children.
    5. Children had no role, position, or esteemed value in the Christ’s religion of the N.T.
  15. Body of Christ: Promote the idea that everyone is going to heaven so nothing really matters.
    1. Since God loves everybody and we’re all going to heaven, let’s not fuss with doctrine.
    2. “Those Baptists be real surprised when they see us Catholics and Mormons in heaven.”
    3. “Hey, Promisekeepers, can you all feel the spirit here? Let’s have communion tonight.”
    4. “You keep bringing up doctrine; you’re dividing Christ’s body; you’re sowing discord.”
    5. Jesus Christ wants individual churches split over truth (Rom 16:17-18; II Thess 3:6,14).
  16. Decisional Regeneration: Make the fatal mistake you can cause regeneration, and watch out!
    1. Choose baptismal regeneration, and you quickly justify infants with just a few drops.
    2. Choose decisional regeneration, and you quickly create a nightmare of false salvations.
    3. “Save the lost at any cost” and “the end justifies the means” become gospel mantras.
    4. “If it brings in the lost, who cares if they didn’t do it in the Bible. We got to save them.”
    5. “If a mother will accept Jesus to get milk for a starving baby, then give me the bottle.”
    6. “It doesn’t matter you are not perfect and often wicked; you accepted Jesus in 1965.”
    7. “All you must do to go to heaven is invite Jesus into your heart.” Then I can sin boldly?
  17. Charismatic Pride: Exalt an exciting spirit of tongues, healing, and power to give false hope.
    1. In order to replace sound doctrine, let us all pretend we are apostles with great gifts.
    2. We can babble like children; we can laugh like drunks; and we can shake like strippers.
    3. “Yea, I know Paul had some rules for gifts; but he never saw an outpouring like this!”
    4. “If Baptist preachers would just close their Bibles, they’d get the fillin too! Ha! Ha!”
    5. “I’ll be able to live on this spirit laughter until the gospel show comes again next year.”
  18. Women’s Liberation: Reject Paul as a woman-hater and give women equality in the church.
    1. Natural women do not like submission to men, so some churches reject the doctrine.
    2. These churches flatter women as equals and give them ministries to fuel their pride.
    3. Paul told them to shut up in the church (I Cor 11:3; 14:34-35; I Timothy 2:11-12).
    4. Regardless of sincerity, God has never called a woman to a N.T. office (I Tim 3:1-13).
  19. Babel Restored: Exalting unity above all else, we can find peace by eliminating differences.
    1. God destroyed the attempt at Babel to unite men together to oppose His government.
    2. Today we call it the ecumenical movement or other names to describe its rebuilding.
    3. Therefore, we modify any doctrine necessary in order to accommodate the most people.
    4. “To fill the coliseum we will need to invite the Catholic diocese and Mormon stake.”
    5. “Brother, look at God’s blessing! We have Baptists and Jehovah’s Witnesses hugging.”
  20. Will Worship: Talk about the will of God and leading of the spirit until the Bible is forgotten.
    1. If God’s will is transferred to feelings and “leadings,” then Scripture is unnecessary.
    2. “I just know this is the Lord’s will” excuses anyone doing whatever evil they wish.
    3. “God told me to do it, so I just can’t listen to your verses on this subject.” Come again?
    4. “But I had this dream when I was two . . . I saw a baby’s bottle over a mission field.”
    5. “I know God wants me to be a woman preacher, cause three churches have called me.”
    6. “But it can’t be God’s will for me to love my husband, cause I don’t like him anymore.”
    7. “But sometimes I follow God’s still, small voice rather than the confusing Bible.”
    8. God’s Scriptures are MORE SURE than His audible voice from heaven (II Pet 1:16-19).
  21. Feeling Fantastic: If we do enough to make them feel good, they will not question the agenda.
    1. “I had such a blessing at a church yesterday . . . I can’t recall what he preached about.”
    2. These pastors should work for Zig Ziglar’s or Dale Carnegie’s Success seminars.
    3. Robert Schuller is the ultimate heretic here: “You are the best looking people ever.”
    4. It doesn’t take genius to arrange music, testimonies, awards, speeches to fuel feelings.
    5. And Satan is willing to assist the worshippers of feelings with his own spirits of “joy.”
    6. If I spend an hour telling you you’re beautiful in different ways, you will feel “blessed.”
  22. Japanese Management: If we eliminate ministerial authority, we can call the shots ourselves.
    1. The Quakers and Plymouth Brethren have been notorious for this dilution of doctrine.
    2. How else could saints have fallen for two comings of Christ separated by seven years?
    3. The home church movement often follows this heresy with everyone sharing their ideas.
    4. “Let’s sit down and share our ideas of what Christ’s death on the cross means to us.”
    5. “Sister Eleanor, I know you’re 95, but could you share some ideas on the incarnation.”
    6. “Visitor Latoya, I know you’re new here, but we’d love to hear your ideas on Daniel 7.”
    7. Jesus left authority in His churches for teaching and ruling (I Tim 5:17; Heb 13:7,17).
  23. Fire Walkers: If you pick the right beat, play it loud, and play it long enough, spirits will come.
    1. Israel fornicating with a calf or tripping with Jimi Hendrix, music works (Ex 32:17-18).
    2. Many churches have sound systems and jamming sessions to drive you stark crazy.
    3. Paul demands that Biblical Christianity exalt the understanding (I Corinthians 14:1-19).
    4. The N.T. is silent about instrumental music; and such noises are directly contrary to it.
    5. The O.T. was sensual and carnal in appealing to the senses, but not the New Testament.
  24. Convenience Catering: Since modern Christians are so busy, let us make it as easy as possible.
    1. We can offer drive-in churches, early services, television services, and nearby satellites.
    2. Just make sure you don’t forget to lick that envelope and send your money for our gym.
    3. Dialup the internet while driving to work, and we’ll give you Sunday’s best sound bites.
    4. “I don’t attend church; instead I listen to ‘Focus on the Family’ driving home each day.
    5. “I have the best church. I get weekly tapes from them. They have 250,000 like me.”
  25. Silent Suggestion: Since God has been silent on many aspects of worship, He must not care.
    1. How far do you want to run this one? Use bananas and distilled water at communion?
    2. God considers His Word complete in itself. We are not to add or delete (Deut 12:32).
    3. I hear foolish clamoring for the “strange fire” of Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10:1-7).
    4. Did God tell Moses he couldn’t smite the rock (Num 20:7-13)? How did He tell him?
    5. Did God tell David he couldn’t use an ox cart (I Chron 15:13)? Was it worth death?
    6. When the Bible tells us to sing, we sing. We don’t play, bang drums, or burn incense.
  26. Popular Party: When all else fails, create a church that is esteemed by the world for the world.
    1. These churches have high social standings and a membership of movers and shakers.
    2. They will be politically correct regarding evolution, salvation, sanctification, and God.
    3. Their most valuable function is networking for those trying to get ahead professionally.
    4. Membership at these churches is not only acceptable but even noteworthy to pagans.
  27. Bedside Bishops: These sweet and gentle men keep members comfortable through death.
    1. They visit birthing mothers in the hospital and dedicate the children in a formal service.
    2. They perform Catholic wedding ceremonies and visit all the sick in the hospital.
    3. At the time of death they become a loving funeral director and take yet another role.
    4. Nowhere in the New Testament are bishops ever given such responsibilities from God.
    5. Every member should take mutual care one of another during good and bad events.
    6. Bishops are protected to give time and energy to prayer and God’s Word (Acts 6:1-4).
  28. Fundamentalists: Let us divide the Word of God into matters we esteem and those we don’t.
    1. They have a loud bark but a small bite. They scream orthodoxy but compromise easily.
    2. They will fight tobacco and movies, but they will compromise baptism and prophecy.
    3. They will divide over musical styles, but they will unite over major election differences.
    4. They love to say, “I believe in the inspiration of the Bible.” But they can’t identify it.
    5. In order to fight the ecumenical movement in Angola, they will modify most anything.
    6. This is “pick and choose” religion – all matters of faith are essential or nonessential.

The Cure

  1. Return to where Paul warned about perilous times. There he gives the sure cure (II Tim 3:1-13).
    1. Remember that these instructions are to a minister to oppose such false Christianity.
    2. Continuing is required (3:14). We cannot stop, quit, turn around, or veer off course.
    3. Retain what you have learned (3:14). We contend for a once-delivered faith (Jude 1:3).
    4. If it is the things learned (3:14), then there can be no additions or innovations (Tit 1:9).
    5. Hold only certain things (3:14). Prove all things for the truth (I Thes 5:21; Luke 1:1-4).
    6. Apostolic authority is required (3:14) as God’s (II The 2:15; 3:6,14; I Jn 4:1-6; Re 2:3).
    7. These things can be found in the Scriptures (3:15), which bring the needed wisdom.
    8. Paul’s most trusted assistant knew the Scriptures from childhood (1:5). Let’s do so!
    9. They were things known (Heb 5:14) rather than heard (Jas 1:22) or believed (Jas 2:19).
    10. All Scripture is given to protect God’s man and therefore God’s saints from lies (3:16).
    11. Timothy’s Scripture was a copy of a copy or a translation (3:15); he had no originals!
    12. It is inspired by God directly so that men wrote God’s words (II Pet 1:21; Psalm 45:1).
    13. Scripture is profitable – more so than seminaries, bookstores, websites, and dreams.
    14. Doctrine is teaching, instruction, precepts, and lessons regarding that which is true.
    15. Reproof is censure, condemnation, or rebuke of wrong practices. It is a strong word.
    16. Correction is identifying a false course of action and its appropriate replacement.
    17. Instruction in righteousness is those lessons for pleasing Christ with godly lives.
    18. That the man of God may be perfect: Inspired Scripture + Man of God = Perfection.
    19. Throughly = thoroughly. Scripture makes the ministry fully, perfectly, and completely prepared for all good works. To argue beyond this for modern inventions is blasphemy.
    20. Ministers are charged before God and Jesus Christ as Judge in this controversy (4:1).
    21. PREACH THE WORD. We do not look anywhere else for God’s will or truth or Spirit.
    22. Ministers are to be instant (insistent, pressing, urgent) regardless of doctrinal popularity.
    23. In spite of modern Christianity, they must blast away with doctrine and a thick skin.
    24. Ministers must be vigilant, tough under persecution, evangelistic, and prove themselves.
    25. Paul fought a good fight and kept the faith and passed the torch to Timothy and others.
  2. Our position is very simple. We are Bible Christians. God said it; we believe it; that settles it.
    1. It is perilous times. A form of Christianity is here with another Jesus, gospel, and spirit.
    2. We are to recognize their religion as Satanic deception and boldly turn away from it.
    3. We will continue to follow the Scriptures alone (Ps 119:128; Acts 17:11; I Thess 5:21).


  1. Our goal, defined fearfully by Paul, is to be a church that is a chaste virgin of the Lord Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 11:2).
  2. Our goal, defined by Paul and Jude, is to defend, uphold, and contend for the faith once delivered (I Tim 3:15; Jude 1:3).