Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord?




“Is any thing too hard for the LORD?”

Genesis 18:14


  1. Who asked our title question? It was the LORD Himself, asking Abraham about Sarah’s doubting laughter.
  2. And it is also found asked by God to Jeremiah, when comforting him with Israel’s recovery (Jer 32:27).
  3. Our church, as any church of saints, has needs of all sorts – but we trust the living God Who is most able.
  4. The life of faith is defined in Hebrews 11:6, where we must believe two fundamental things to please God.
  5. The things written before – the Old Testament – were written for our learning to give us hope (Rom 15:4).
  6. This is why we read Bible stories to our children – to build faith in God’s ability and desire to bless (Ex 10:1-2; 13:11-16; Deut 4:7-10; Joshua 4:1-8,20-24; Ps 44:1-8; 71:17-18; 78:1-8; 145:4-7; Isaiah 38:19).


  1. A widow of Zidon and her only son were planning their last meal (I Kings 17:8-16).
  2. A prophet’s widow had a hard financial problem with just a little oil (II Kings 4:1-7).
  3. Don’t doubt the LORD’s ability, even in the worst circumstances (II Kings 6:24 – 7:20).
  4. God challenges men to try Him for a blessing they cannot receive (Malachi 3:8-12).
  5. The LORD is able to see and value your financial situation and faith (Luke 21:1-4).


  1. God rejuvenated Abraham’s reproductive power for many more years (Genesis 25:1-2).
  2. Naaman the Syrian had leprosy, so God used a little captive servant girl (II Kgs 5:1-14).
  3. A woman, whom doctors only made poor and worse, was easily healed (Mark 5:25-29).
  4. A man infirmed for 38 years was healed without the therapy that he sought (John 5:1-9).
  5. Jesus healed many personally, but the world could not contain them all (John 20:30-31).


  1. Jacob was deceived by Laban, who also changed his wages ten times (Genesis 31:1-42).
  2. Joseph had setbacks, but God took care of him (Gen 39:1-6,19-23; 40:1-23; 41:37-45).
  3. David faithfully tended his father’s sheep, so God promoted him to king (Ps 78:70-72).
  4. Daniel had setbacks, but God took care of him (Daniel 1:9,17-21; 2:46-49; 6:1-3,28).


  1. Isaac received God’s direct providence in Rebekah at forty (Genesis 24:1-6,58-67).
  2. Ruth, a widow of Moab, met a rich man by hap, who married her (Ruth 2:1-3; 4:13-17).
  3. Esther, an orphan captive far from home, met a rich king who loved her (Esther 2:8,17).
  4. Abigail, a godly woman who disobeyed her husband, married David (I Sam 25:36-42).
  5. Bathsheba was trouble to David, but God gave him Solomon by her (II Sam 12:24-25).


  1. Though a rebellious house, Israel gave more than needed for God’s house (Ex 36:3-7).
  2. David found great deliverance from God for his very soul (Psalm 31:21-24; 138:3).
  3. The wild man of the Gadarenes was violently possessed by many devils (Mark 5:1-20).


  1. Consider barren wombs: Sarah (Genesis 21:6-8), Rachel (Genesis 30:22-24), Hannah (I Sam 1:19-20), woman of Shunem (II Kings 4:12-17), and Elizabeth (Luke 1:7,24-25).
  2. Consider the life of these great men, who were once children loved by their parents in faith: Moses (Heb 11:23-28), Samuel (I Sam 1:27-28), and Timothy (II Tim 1:5; 3:15).
  3. On his deathbed, God promised David’s family a perpetual kingdom (II Samuel 23:1-7).
  4. The widow of Zarephath of Zidon saw God’s power in Elijah again (I Kings 17:17-24).


  1. Solomon asked for wisdom to be able to do his great job well (I Kings 3:5-14; Jas 1:5).
  2. Jehoshaphat begged God for help, when not knowing what to do (II Chron 20:1-30).
  3. Elisha’s servant was dismayed with fear of not knowing what to do (II Kings 6:13-23).


  1. Two spies were certainly in a pickle, when they were caught at Rahab’s (Joshua 2:1-7).
  2. Joshua was running out of time, so the Lord stopped the sun for him (Joshua 10:6-14).
  3. Saul surrounded David, but God brought a diversion for poor Saul (I Samuel 23:26-29).
  4. Three Hebrew men faced horrible circumstances for fearing the LORD (Dan 3:19-27).
  5. Paul had great confidence in God’s abililty to preserve men in a storm (Acts 27:21-26).


  1. Samson made his final request to the LORD for strength after great sin (Judges 16:28).
  2. David sinned greatly, but confessed, and the LORD quickly forgave (II Samuel 12:13).
  3. Ahab sinned far more than most, but God had mercy even upon him (I Kings 21:25-29).
  4. Manasseh sinned horribly, was judged severely, and then forgiven (II Chron 33:1-20).
  5. Saul of Tarsus was forgiven persecution and made an apostle (Gal 1:13-24; I Tim 1:16).


  1. Did Joshua decide not to pray, because the sun usually moved each day (Joshua 10:12)?
  2. Did Elisha tremble about his hard request for twice the spirit of Elijah (II Kings 2:9)?
  3. Did Abraham weakly resign himself to God’s plan to destroy Sodom (Gen 18:23-33)?


  1. Esau swore to kill Jacob, but kissed and made up graciously (Gen 27:41-42; 33:1-15).
  2. Moses, when threatened by hateful enemies, received a powerful answer (Nu 16:28-35).
  3. Ahithophel was a gifted enemy, but the LORD saved David (II Samuel 16:23 – 17:23).


  1. Gideon needed a lesson in faith, so God reduced his army to 300 men (Judges 7:1-7).
  2. Jonathan taught his armourbearer that odds do not matter to the LORD (I Sam 14:6-15).
  3. Asa faced an army of Ethiopians with a numerical superiority of 2-1 (II Chron 14:8-15).


  1. Since we can see that nothing is too hard for the LORD, we must learn His willingness to help (I Peter 5:7).
  2. If we gladly give good gifts to our children, being innately selfish, how much better can He (Luk 11:11-13)?
  3. The LORD takes pleasure in us – believe it (Ps 35:27; 147:11; Pro 11:20; Is 62:4; Zeph 3:17; Mal 3:16-17).
  4. If we keep our hearts right, He will give what we ask (Ps 145:19; Mat 7:7; 21:22; Jas 4:2-3; I Jn 3:22; 5:14).
  5. Obey God, for this is the first rule of His blessings toward us (II Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 37:4; 84:11; 1:1-6).
  6. Strip yourself of all self-confidence, and trust the Lord only (II Chron 20:12 cp I Peter 5:6; Isaiah 66:1-2).
  7. Expect great things from God and claim them by bold prayer (II Kings 4:3 cp James 4:2-3; 1:5-7; Heb 4:16).
  8. Glorify him; especially after, but even before His blessings (II Chronicles 20:26-28 cp Psalm 50:14; 37:4).