Marriage Essentials
Marriage should emphasize the spiritual companionship of a man and a woman on their pilgrimage to heaven (I Cor 9:5).
- Godliness with contentment is great gain and essential for a happy, peaceful life (I Tim 6:6; Heb 13:5).
- Two Christians by the nature of their new souls cannot have a good marriage while playing with sin.
- Godliness includes esteeming God’s Word highly and hating false ways in your marriage (Ps 119:128).
- Godliness leads to a God-blessed and happy life, which is the basis of a good marriage (I Peter 3:10-13).
- Selfishness, bitterness, moodiness, anger, defrauding, adultery, and all disruptions of a marriage are sin.
- Two spouses living godly lives will have God’s blessings on their union and treat each as He prescribes.
- The highest love between two sinners depends on the degree they spiritually approach Christ in their hearts.
- The woman was made for the man: she should daily remember her life’s purpose (Gen 2:18; I Cor 11:9).
- Her sin in Eden aggravated her situation and put her under rule (Gen 3:16; I Tim 2:11-14; I Cor 14:34-35).
- Reverence (Eph 5:33), obedience (Tit 2:5), submission (Eph 5:22), and diligence (Pr 31:10-31) are obvious.
- Leadership (I Cor 11:3), protection (II Tim 3:6), knowledge (I Pet 3:7), and fidelity (Pr 5:19) are obvious.
- The best definition of love is found in I Corinthians 13:4-7. Two people observing this would be great.
- Forget the sound and rhythm of these oft-quoted phrases; get their sense and meaning and do them today!
- Love, even ravishing love, is a choice and a commandment, which we choose to do by grace (Prov 5:19).
- Rather than vacation spots, a new dress, pizza delivery, sex more frequently, or other superficial changes.
- “Soul love” (Deut 13:6; I Sam 18:1-4; 20:17) has its best chance between two believers in love with Christ.
- Two people cannot even begin to have a relationship unless they communicate to agreement (Amos 3:3).
- Jesus defined friendliness as communication of intentions (Jn 15:15), and Solomon did similarly (Pr 20:5).
- Be quick to hear. Don’t be an oaf; listen to your wife; let her teach you to be the world’s greatest lover.
- Our Lord’s New Testament commandment is for spouses to give the other due benevolence (I Cor 7:1-5).
- Each spouse owes the other all they want, the way they want it, and when they want it with cheerful love.
- There is no room for modifying this standard, and there is no difference between men and women’s rights.
- Marriage makes all sensible lovemaking honorable, yet all other avenues are condemned (Hebrews 13:4).
- Compromise in your marital relationship will hinder your prayers and create a lean, bitter soul (I Pet 3:7).
- Women must avoid “affairs” with their children as mothers; men must avoid “affairs” with jobs as workers.
- It requires much hard work, so it cannot be waited for from Cupid’s bow or other influence of pagan Fate.
- When Paul taught about marriage, he addressed each party as responsible for their actions (Col 3:18-19).
- You cannot excuse yourself in your marriage, because your spouse is not all that you think they should be.
- If both parties wait for a change from the other, nothing happens. If both make the change, love happens.
- If we forgave one another as Christ forgives us, there would be nothing left but tender hearts (Ep 4:31-32).
- The odious woman is hated by all (Prov 30:21-23); the gracious woman is esteemed by all (Prov 11:16).
- Jesus taught that giving is more blessed than receiving, yet most couples forget this easy lesson (Ac 20:35).
- The “golden rule” of our Lord’s gospel was to do unto others as you would have done unto you (Lu 6:31).
- Marriages can be restored with three steps taught by Jesus – remember, repent, do first works (Rev 2:5).
- Giving up on a marriage is wrong (Phil 4:13). God exhorts us to believe His restorative grace (Joel 2:25).