Forgotten Sins

“Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 5:19


“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.”

Matthew 23:23


  1. If you think these small matters of righteousness, it is greatness to preach and do them (Matt 5:19-20).
  2. The evidence of eternal life is not a decision for Jesus: it is holy character and performance (Psalm 15).
  3. These sins are not just another list of burdens. These are sins, because they offend God and destroy lives. It is our life, righteousness, wisdom, and happiness to learn, love, and keep these commandments.
  4. We have considered the Beatitudes, which are God’s special blessings on the faithful and the marks of the true citizens of Zion; but here we have those offences and sins God hates, which we must avoid.
  5. Not only must we know and hate these sins, we need to hate them in our wives, children, and others.
  6. Consider David in Psalm 101. He chose to be perfect himself, and he rejected the company of sinners.
  7. The God of heaven set up a kingdom under the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are citizens of it (Dan 2:44).
    1. Unless our righteousness exceeds that of carnal Christians, we cannot enter it (Matt 5:19-20).
    2. Kingdom righteousness – these forgotten sins – should be of highest priority (Matthew 6:33).
    3. For only those who do the will of the Father shall enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21).
    4. Those who commit these sins shall not inherit the kingdom (I Corinthians 6:9-10; Gal 5:19-21).
    5. At baptism we swore allegiance to our King and new lives, which John Baptist made practical to each category of hearer, as did Peter to Cornelius (Luke 3:1-14; Acts 10:33; Romans 6:1-12).
    6. God loves righteousness and hates sin, so we should do the same (Proverbs 6:16-19; Heb 1:9).


  1. In one place, they ranked tithes of herbs above judgment, mercy, and faith (Matt 23:23).
  2. In another place, they put faith-promise offerings above honoring parents (Matt 15:3-6).
  3. In another place, they justified murder by foolish anger and railing (Matthew 5:21-26).
  4. In another place, they justified adultery by lust in the heart and divorce (Matt 5:27-32).
  5. In another place, they ranked the Sabbath over personal mercy and kindness (Mat 12:7).
  6. In another place, they ranked an ox over a woman crippled 18 years (Luke 13:10-17).
  7. Which is worse – murder or adultery? Though God punishes both with death, there is a difference in consequences; yet some think murder is more easily forgiven than divorce.
    1. Where do such priorities originate? Because they would never commit murder!
    2. Because pornography lovers and marital defrauders can be hateful hypocrites!
  8. Which is worse – whispering or rape? Whispering can violate a person’s character or reputation forever, and rape violates a person’s body temporarily. The purpose of such a provoking question is to stir righteous indignation about a forgotten sin – whispering.
    1. For rape evokes enormous outrage in the soul, but whispering is often slighted.
    2. Rape is only mentioned as a legal matter once in the Bible (Deut 22:23-29).
    3. Whispering, talebearing, backbiting, slandering, evil surmising, false accusing, and other such sins are mentioned over and over in many contexts.
    4. Rape was punished by marriage without divorce (Deut 22:28-29; II Sam 13:13).
    5. Jesus classified personal harm as breaking the 6th commandment (Matt 5:21-26).
  9. It is our duty to have God’s mind when it comes to sin and oppose thinking or teaching that creates artificial classifications or emotional responses for certain sins over others.


  1. Jesus warned repeatedly against the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
    1. We are easily capable of justifying our sins and strongly condemning others.
    2. He repeatedly condemned the hypocrisy of the Pharisees (Matthew 6:2,5,16; 15:7; 16:3; 22:18; 23:13-15,23,25,27,29; Luke 11:44; 12:1,56).
  2. Pharisees further define sins by their own depraved hearts rather than God’s holy word.
    1. What is pride? A man saying, “I know what I am talking about,” when he is teaching God’s word? Absolutely not! Elihu spoke this way emphatically. What about Jesus (Mark 11:33), John (Matt 3:7), Peter (Acts 2:14-40; 4:19), Paul (I Cor 15:10; II Tim 4:7), David (II Sam 6:21), and Joshua (Joshua 24:15)!
    2. What is humility? A man walking bowed down, hanging his head, shaking hands effeminately, talking very slowly, and wanting to tell you often that he knows nothing? Neither Jesus nor any Bible preacher ever acted like that at all! Humility is trembling before the word of God, not before men, and obeying it!
  3. Hypocritical hearts in the Lord’s people are not new at all (Ezek 33:31; Isaiah 58:1-7).
    1. Men may not see it, but it will be seen and judged (I Tim 5:24-25; I Cor 4:5).
    2. The Lord is able to see past feigned love and purity to our very heart (Jer 3:10).
    3. Ananias and Sapphira conceived wicked hypocrisy in their hearts (Acts 5:3-4).
  4. A double heart is a horrible evil (Psalm 12:1-2; Jas 1:8; 4:8; I Chr 12:33; Matt 6:19-24).
  5. An evil heart is known by much talking and negative spirit (Pro 14:33; 6:12-15; 17:20).
  6. A good heart is known by fruit and knowledge it disperses (Luke 8:15; Pro 15:7; 12:23).


  1. In our text, Jesus ranked judgment, mercy, and faith above tithing your herb produce.
  2. Remember that only eating the fruit of a forbidden tree damned our race to eternal hell.
  3. Consider the lists of sins that include many we do not emphasize or even understand (Romans 1:29-31; II Corinthians 12:20; Galatians 5:19-21; I Tim 6:3-5; II Tim 3:1-5).
  4. Not giving financially what the Lord expects is the same as robbing God (Malachi 3:8).
  5. Denying your spouse sexually is defrauding, just like adultery (I Thess 4:6; I Cor 7:5).
    1. But you will never see or hear equal venom against this common sin of prudes.
    2. Many Christians intentionally and often neglect their spouses sexually.
    3. One is omission and the other commission, one invisible and the other visible.
    4. Yet the whitewashed sin is covenantbreaking, without natural affection, unmerciful, hateful, and so forth; all of which carry the death penalty under God.
  6. Rebellion is like witchcraft, and stubbornness is like idolatry (I Samuel 15:22-23).
  7. Covetousness is idolatry, according to the inspired words of Paul (Col 3:5; Eph 5:5).
  8. Foolish talking and jesting are in the same list with fornication of whores (Eph 5:3-10).
  9. Speaking evil of civil leaders is as a rabid dog to be killed (II Pet 2:10-12; Jude 1:8-10).
  10. What about the O.T. death penalty? Do you think it shows God’s seriousness about sin? Then check out setting light by your parents (Deut 27:16; Prov 30:17)? Why are so many comedies, jokes, jabs, and allowances made for joking about parents?
  11. Consider Paul’s list of sins where it is easy to see only one of them (Romans 1:18-32).
    1. We focus on sodomy, when God judiciously turns men over to reprobate minds.
    2. We then might be able to see murder, fornication, unrighteousness, wickedness, inventors of evil things, covenantbreakers, and haters of God as scandalous sins.
    3. But how often do we miss, underestimate, or minimize malignity, whisperers, deceit, backbiters, debate, envy, despiteful, maliciousness, pride, covetousness, boasters, without understanding, without natural affection, implacable, and unmerciful? Why can we so easily ignore these great sins to ridicule sodomy?
    4. Let us teach our hearts the truth – these sins are all worthy of death before God.
    5. And the final verse warns against even associating with such sinners (1:32), which is why David was so opposed to such people in his house (Ps 101:2-8).
    6. And the final verse warns against even enjoying the lives of such sinners (1:32), which is a New Testament condemnation of movies, Hollywood stars, mags, etc.
  12. Paul lists sins of carnal Christians in the perilous times of these last days (II Tim 3:1-5).
    1. Do we truly hate . . . loving ourselves, being covetous, boasters, proud, unthankful, unholy, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure, and weak religious formality? For these perils are not easily avoided and defeated.
    2. Is this just a warning of weak character to come? Or are they dangerous sins?
    3. Paul’s warning here emphasizes the vulnerability of women to this hypocrisy.


  1. Such. A demonstrative word used to indicate the quality or quantity of a thing by reference to that of another or with respect to the effect that it produces or is capable of producing. Of the character, degree, or extent described, referred to, or implied in what has been said.
  2. Consider “such things” (Rom 1:32), “such an one” (I Cor 5:11), “such” (I Cor 6:11), “such like” and “such things” (Gal 5:21), “from such turn away” (II Tim 3:5), “from such withdraw thyself” (I Tim 6:3-5), and “these things” (Eph 5:6).
  3. These lists are easily combined since they contain at least one sin from the other lists.
    1. Fornication occurs in five passages, indicating its seriousness and popularity.
    2. Covetousness occurs in four passages showing its seriousness and popularity.
  4. Unrighteousness and wickedness, which are included in this master list, should be viewed in context with the seriousness of the other sins specifically stated.
  5. Other sins can be added from other passages, if (1) they also are of “such” a character, (2) if they are synonyms of sins already listed, or (3) they have sins of “such” character included with them in a list.
  6. We do not include matters of private judgment that could come before a church, but we must include as a sin the rejection of church deliberation (Matt 18:15-18; I Cor 6:1-8).
  7. Any minister who teaches his church that such sins can be tolerated and forgiven without proper discipline is deceiving his people with vain words (Ephesians 5:6).
  8. The purpose of this study is not to list all sins, but those forgotten today to some degree.


  1. As shown above, they are “forgotten” by Pharisees focusing on sensational sins like adultery, murder, drunkenness, sodomy, theft, divorce, etc. Anything less than these great sins is considered a mere weakness, inconvenience, bad habit, or poor fault.
    1. Consider the “Temperance Movement” by publicity-craving women and social gospel ministers like Billy Sunday. It damned wine, falsely condemned moderate drinking, outlawed alcohol, and distorted drunkenness beyond reason.
    2. Consider the anti-divorce positions advocated by Fundamentalists and Catholics. They can more easily forgive a murderer or blasphemer than a divorced person.
    3. Bill Gothard teaches a husband should help his wife maintain an adulterous affair in order to avoid a divorce. This is absurd beyond words (Ezek 16:38)!
    4. An ugly, odious woman who defrauds and talks back to her husband can easily and haughtily condemn our recent president and his sexual sins with a staffer.
  2. As shown above, they are “forgotten” by Pharisees focusing on outward and visible sins, while missing the sins of spirit and attitude like hatred, envy, pride, bitterness, etc. Today’s ignorant Christians, addicted to television, movies, and comics, do not have the mental ability to comprehend a sin unless it is a transitive verb with a physical object!
    1. But God declares that covetousness – hidden lust – is idolatry (Col 3:5; Ep 5:5).
    2. Murder and adultery are much more easily and often committed by our hearts!
    3. How often are emulation, envy, implacability, and such sins even mentioned?
  3. Furthermore, many of these sins are no longer identified and hated in our crooked and perverse nation, which has almost eliminated them from public censure. You will not hear anything against them anywhere else. The only crime our society still unanimously condemns is hatred and condemnation of sin by Bible-believing saints. Incredible!
    1. Talking back by children was not allowed just two generations ago, but now it is universal in sitcoms, classrooms, and homes (Tit 2:9; Heb 12:9; Deut 27:16).
    2. Slandering or false accusing were fighting or dueling offences not long ago.
  4. Furthermore, many of these English words are no longer in use and their definitions and application have been long “forgotten.”
    1. How do you know if you are pleasing God about being heady and surfeiting?
    2. Have you been guilty this past week of emulation, concupiscence, or railing?
  5. If we want to serve God and please the Lord Jesus Christ zealously, then we must remember and avoid these sins right along with the rest. Lord, help us learn and resist.



Abusers of Themselves with Mankind

I Corinthians 6:9; Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13

Definition: Sodomy; pederasty; homosexuality; men with men (or women with women) exchanging the natural and honorable bodily use of the opposite sex for dishonorable and vile same-sex perversion: sexual intercourse or other sexual acts between two men.

See also: sodomy, without natural affection.

Compare: Genesis 13:13; 18:20-23; 19:1-11; Judges 19:16-28; Romans 1:24-27

Consider: What our wicked society calls the gay lifestyle, God calls an abuse of nature and an abomination. God has only one cure for sodomy, repent (Rom 1:32). True revival is getting rid of sodomites (I Kings 15:11-12; 22:46; II Kings 23:7). God’s name for a sodomite is dog (Deut 23:18; Rev 22:15), and their lusts are God’s judgment on men for rejecting him and thinking themselves wise (Rom 1:18-27). But let every man (or woman) remember two things: but for grace there you go (I Cor 10:12), and any sin breaks the whole law (James 2:10). We often commit the other sins in Romans 1:28-32, and God counts them all similar. We cannot rail on sodomy, while being guilty of other sins, or we are just like the tribes of Israel fighting Benjamin (Judges 20:12-25).


Answering Again

Titus 2:9

Definition: To make a rejoinder to anything authoritative or final, or where silence or acquiescence would be proper; to reply impertinently. Impertinently. Intrusively, presumptuously, saucily; in a manner contrary to what is due towards superiors or strangers. Gainsay. To speak against, contradict. To speak or act against, oppose, hinder.

See also: gainsay, debate, clamour, strife, swelling.

Compare: Romans 10:21; Jude 1:11; Proverbs 21:19; 27:15; I Tim 2:11-12; II Tim 2:23; I Pet 3:4; Prov 18:13; Deut 27:16; Prov 30:17; Job 40:3-5.

Consider: Responses of “why?” or “but” to those in authority, or making unnecessary suggestions or corrections when they are not solicited, are examples of answering again. Men understand this better than most wives, for they do less of it to bosses and leaders. This is the sin of talking back, which used to be taught very strictly to children; especially when the good rule for children was for them to be seen, not heard. It can be a problem with servants to masters, wives to husbands, and children to parents. It does not fit with reverence or the proper respect for those God has placed in offices over us.



Romans 1:30; II Corinthians 12:20

Definition: The action of detracting, slandering, or speaking ill of one behind his back.

See also: Whispering, slander, and talebearing.

Compare: Leviticus 19:16; Psalm 15:3; 101:5; Proverbs 6:19; 11:13; 20:19; 25:23; 26:20-22; II Corinthians 12:20-21.

Consider: The information explosion has created a great market for gossip, rumors, sleaze reporters, and freedom of information. Men love to fault others in their absence in order to flatter themselves or destroy another. Backbiting cannot be justified because the disclosed facts are true, for truth can also hurt the reputation of others, which is the very essence of the crime. We should desire to build up every man’s reputation as far as we can. Informing authorities for the sake of righteousness, protecting the innocent, helping an offender, righteously recording history, or witnessing in court are justified actions of reporting the faults of others (Lev 5:1; Deut 13:12-18; Matt 18:16; Acts 15:36-41; I Cor 1:11; Gal 2:11; I Tim 1:20; II Tim 4:10,14; III John 1:9).



I Peter 4:3-5; Amos 6:1-7

Definition: Indulgence in luxurious entertainment, feasting, carousel.

See also: Revelling, surfeiting, gluttony.

Compare: II Tim 3:4; Luke 12:19-20,42-46; 15:13; 17:26-30; 21:34-35; Job 1:4-5; Matthew 24:37-39; Daniel 5:1-6; I Thess 5:3-8; Rom 13:13-14; I Cor 7:29-31; Proverbs 23:20-21; Eccl 7:1-6; Isaiah 22:12-14; 56:9-12; Ezek 16:49-50; Amos 6:1-7; James 4:9.

Consider: Today’s addiction to revelry, eating, and entertainment fits this prohibition. Consider modern partying, food buffets, spectator sports, amusement parks, etc. Why are most birthday parties built on insanity and stupidity? Is there a good reason? While some of these things can be done virtuously, they tend toward ungodliness and are often sinful, which is how the world uses them. The warning is against excess (I Pet 4:4). And a Christian’s life is to be marked by sober godliness (Tit 2:11-14). Appearing “strange” to the world is not evidence of being extreme, but likely of being holy (I Pet 4:4).



Ephesians 4:31-32; Colossians 3:19; James 3:14-17

Definition: Characterized by intense animosity or virulence of feeling or action: virulent. Animosity. Excitement of feeling against any one; hostility of mind tending to break out into action, active hatred or enmity. Virulent. Violently bitter, spiteful, or malignant; full of acrimony or enmity. Acrimony. Sharp or irritating bitterness of disposition or manner.

See also: Hatred, grudge, malignant, malice, envy, despiteful, strife, implacable.

Compare: Romans 3:14; Hebrews 12:15; James 3:10-11,14-17; Psalm 64:2-4.

Consider: Do you have feelings of resentment causing a critical and negative view of another person and their actions? Bitterness is from hell, and Christians are to forsake it. Overlook their offences, or confront them Scripturally. It cannot exist in marriage. Godly child training will address bitterness, for this devilish spirit must be driven away.



Romans 13:13

Definition: Sexual indulgence, lewdness; luxury, effeminacy; esp. in a chamber for it.

See also: Concupiscence, fornication, lasciviousness, banquetings.

Compare: Proverbs 7:6-23; Judges 16:1.

Consider: Modern unchaperoned dating, nightclubs, school parties, necking in a back seat of a car, and “partying” are modern counterparts to the chambering of Paul’s day.



Ephesians 4:31

Definition: Loud shouting or outcry, vociferation; esp. the excited outcry of vehement appeal, complaint, or opposition: commonly, but not always, implying a mingling of voices. General vehement expression of feeling, especially of discontent or disapprobation (often including noisy manifestation); popular outcry. Vociferate. To utter in a loud voice; to shout out clamorously; to declaim or assert with loud vehemence.

See also: Answering again, gainsaying, odious, despiteful, prating, tumult, froward.

Compare: Proverbs 9:13-15 (7:11); 21:9 (21:19); 30:21-23; Acts 19:23-29; I Pet 3:4.

Consider: A loud-mouthed, always-taking, complaining, questioning, or suggesting woman fits the bill perfectly. Such a woman when married is unbearable. Our parents would say, “Don’t raise your voice at me,” but this is now a forgotten sin. No one under authority should ever raise their voice at those over them, especially children. Our parents would say, “Silence is golden,” but this is now a forgotten sin. Children should be seen rather than heard, but now they are heard with loud and selfish demands. Those raised in clamorous homes are often clamorous themselves by the example and habit.



Colossians 3:5; I Thessalonians 4:3-7

Definition: Eager or vehement desire, especially libidinous desire, sexual appetite, lust. Paul admitted this sin was identified in his own life by the law against lust, or coveting; therefore, we understand it to be the sinful desire and lust that leads to fornication.

See also: Chambering, lasciviousness, incontinent, filthiness, uncleanness, fornication.

Compare: Romans 7:7-8.

Consider: Modern adjectives like randy, hot, horny, and so forth should not describe Christians. Saints are to be known for temperance in such matters by denying their bodily appetites outside the will of God and using them only to the glory of God. Sanctification is so ordering one’s body as to avoid sexual sins. Things that provoke this natural appetite should be avoided in order to remain continent. The place to start is in your thoughts, for fornication cannot result without thinking of it first.



Romans 1:29-31

Definition: Violating or failing to keep a mutual agreement between two or more persons to do or refrain from doing certain acts.

See also: Deceit, traitors, defraud, purloining, froward, variance.

Compare: II Timothy 3:4; I Corinthians 7:2-5; Ecclesiastes 5:4-7; and Psalm 15:4.

Consider: Modern divorces, sexual depriving, and marital dysfunction are all plain acts of breaking the marriage covenant. This sin has added implications for those who made more detailed marriage covenants, but it impacts us all. For if we do not love our spouse with the love covenanted, then we are breakers of it. What about a church covenant? Covenants do not need a written document, especially among Christians. We have actual or implied covenants in jobs, loans, families, partnerships, etc., etc.



Romans 1:29-31; II Corinthians 12:20-21

Definition: Strife, contention, dissension, quarrelling, wrangling, arguing; a quarrel.

See also: Strife, gainsaying, variance, and answering again.

Compare: Isaiah 58:4; Philippians 2:14; II Timothy 2:23; I Timothy 6:4; and Titus 3:9.

Consider: Arguing, disputing, or questioning merely to oppose or resist; questioning with the intent of sparring rather than learning; and inappropriate questions due to age, rank, ability, or study are all examples of ungodly debating. Of course, this prohibition does not apply to godly defense of the faith (Acts 17:17; Titus 1:9-11; Jude 1:4).



I Corinthians 7:1-5

Definition: Defrauding in this context is denying, resisting, or neglecting the sexual needs of your spouse. Since the man’s sexual drive is usually greater than the woman’s, she must be conscious daily of this fact. No woman can understand a married man’s pain for a lack of sex in his marriage. A woman should suspect it, even if he does not complain to her. She was made for him, so she better get busy before meeting the Man Christ Jesus on the day of judgment. And men must also remember that normal and healthy women need and want it often; and they are capable of much more than the man due to little or no refraction time between orgasms, so the text works both ways equally well. If God made the woman capable of more, a good husband will act accordingly.

See also: Covenantbreaking, bitterness, hatred.

Compare: Exodus 21:10; Proverbs 5:19; Song 2:6-7; 8:3-4.

Consider: “Honey, I have a headache,” is not good enough; for surely you did many other things that day with your little headache. Bad marital habits or ruts, or the fact that your spouse has not complained, are not legitimate excuses. God has ordered you to fully satisfy your spouse as to when, where, how, and how often regardless of your opinion or their reluctance to ask, beg, borrow, buy, or extort sexual pleasure from you. It is meaningless that a spouse has not asked for more; give it until they say, “Enough!”



Romans 1:30

Definition: Contemptuous; insulting, opprobrious. Cruel, fierce; cherishing ill-will; malignant, malicious; spiteful. Contemptuous. Showing contempt (said of persons, their conduct and acts); full of contempt; disdainful, scornful, insolent.

See also: Scorn, answering again, malignity, swelling, highminded.

Compare: Ezekiel 25:6,15; 36:5; Acts 14:5; Hebrews 10:29; and Matthew 5:44.

Consider: Saucy, disrespectful, and rebellious attitudes, words, and actions are the sin. Saints will have respectful, kind, and loving attitudes and actions toward others.



I Corinthians 6:9-10

Definition: That has become like a woman; womanish, unmanly, enervated, feeble; self-indulgent, voluptuous; unbecomingly delicate or over-refined.

See also: Abusers of themselves with mankind, without natural affection.

Compare: Deuteronomy 22:5; Isaiah 19:16; Jeremiah 51:30; I Cor 11:14-16; 16:13.

Consider: These are men that do not act like men. The issues could be hair length, sexual orientation, cross-dressing, effeminate clothing, staying at home while the wife works, fear of going to war in a case of national security, fear of threats to family, etc.



Galatians 5:19-21

Definition: The endeavour to equal or surpass others in any achievement or quality; also, the desire or ambition to equal or excel.

See also: Envy, pride, strife, vainglory.

Compare: Romans 11:14; Philippians 2:3-4.

Consider: This is arrogant and/or extreme competitiveness. It is the envious desire to match or beat others in any area of life. Competitive sports breed this sin in many youth, when affection for one’s opponent is despised as weakness and contrary to competition. Huffiness or irritation at another winning any honor or event is an indication of this sin. A fallen face or spirit due to a mere athletic contest or game indicates a heart that is heading in the direction of this sin. Godliness is loving others for their promotion.



Galatians 5:19-21; James 3:14-16

Definition: Malignant or hostile feeling; ill-will, malice, enmity. Active evil, harm, mischief. The feeling of mortification and ill-will occasioned by the contemplation of superior advantages possessed by another.

See also: Bitterness, emulation, strife.

Compare: Pr 27:4; Titus 3:3; Acts 17:5; 13:45; 7:9; Gen 30:1; Rom 12:15; I Cor 12:26.

Consider: Bitterness, jealousy, or grudges are often signs of this sin. Backbiting, talebearing, slandering, or whispering can also be indications of an underlying spirit of envy for the advantage of another. The antidote is to rejoice and be thankful for the superiority or blessings of another. Sincerely praise those you resent to kill this sin.


Evil Surmising

I Timothy 6:4

Definition: An allegation, charge, imputation; esp. a false, unfounded, or unproved charge or allegation; conjecturing or suspecting evil of another.

See also: Backbiting, hatred, slandering, talebearing, whispering.

Compare: I Corinthians 13:4-7; where love allows no evil thinking about another person, but rather believes and hopes all things.

Consider: This is assuming the worst about a given person and/or situation; where Christian charity always assumes the best. This is speculating about another’s motives or actions, when all the facts are not in, or you are ignorant of facts in the case. It is your Christian duty to believe and hope the best about the words or actions of another person.



I Corinthians 5:11

Definition: To obtain from a reluctant person by violence, torture, intimidation, or abuse of legal or official authority, or by importunity, overwhelming arguments, or any powerful influence.

See also: Slander.

Compare: Ezekiel 22:12; Psalm 109:11; and Proverbs 20:14.

Consider: This is extreme bargaining in the purchase of something. This is anything akin to blackmail or high pressure to get someone to do something against his will. It does not have to involve force or blackmail to be extortion, as any powerful influence to get another person to do something they do not want to do is extortion. This can be loosely applied to the seduction efforts by guys or girls against the opposite sex.



Ephesians 5:3-5; Colossians 3:8; II Corinthians 7:1

Definition: Moral corruption or pollution; obscenity; vileness, wickedness, lewdness. Filthy. Disgraceful, contemptible, low, mean, scurvy, disgusting. Filth. A vile creature; a scoundrel; slut, drab, whore. Obscene. Offensive to the senses, or to taste or refinement; disgusting, repulsive, filthy, foul, abominable, loathsome. Offensive to modesty or decency; expressing or suggesting unchaste or lustful ideas; impure, indecent, lewd. Vile. Despicable on moral grounds; deserving to be regarded with abhorrence or disgust; characterized by baseness or depravity. Lewd. Bad, vile, evil, wicked, base; unprincipled, ill-conditioned; good-for-nothing, worthless, ‘naught.’ Lascivious, unchaste.

See also: Uncleanness, lasciviousness, naughtiness, wickedness.

Compare: Ezra 9:11; Ezekiel 16:36; 24:13; James 1:21; Revelation 17:4; II Peter 2:7; Jude 1:7-8.

Consider: This is any sexual sin that does not clearly or easily fall into fornication or adultery. Here we would include pornography, peeping, dirty jokes, phone sex, bodily exposure, cross-dressing, transvestism, or any similar sins.


Foolish Talking

Ephesians 5:3-5

Definition: Talking that is fool-like, wanting in sense or judgment. Ridiculous, amusing, insignificant, paltry, poor, mean, or trifling speech.

See also: jesting. This is the opposite of gravity and sobriety.

Compare: Prov 15:2; Eccl 5:3; Matt 12:36; Job 29:21-24; Titus 3:9; II Timothy 2:23.

Consider: Modern sitcoms, stand-up comedians, jokes, anecdotes, babbling without purpose, inane cackling, and all other vain talking fits this sin. In a foolish generation like the present one, it is hard to imagine that this is a sin that God condemns severely.



I Corinthians 5:11; I Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21; Romans 1:29-31

Definition: Voluntary sexual intercourse between two people who are not married to each other; a large category of sexual sins including adultery and sodomy.

See also: Filthiness, chambering, uncleanness, whoremonger, adulterers, etc.

Compare: I Corinthians 5:1; 6:12-20; 7:1-2; 10:8; Ezekiel 16:15; 23:3,21; Deut 22:28-29; Exodus 22:16-17; Jude 1:7; I Thessalonians 4:1-8.

Consider: The word is hardly used any more: casual sex is sin. Specifically, it means sexual intimacy between unmarried persons; but generally it means any sexual sin no matter the marital state of the parties. Is oral sex fornication? Yes. Heavy petting? Yes. For both are sexual intimacy that is reserved for marriage. If not fornication, then filthiness. See the verses in Ezekiel above to see the degree of detail God identified.



Psalm 101:4; Proverbs 3:32; Proverbs 10:31; Proverbs 11:20

Definition: Disposed to go counter to what is demanded or what is reasonable; perverse, difficult to deal with, hard to please; refractory, ungovernable; bad, evilly-disposed, ‘naughty’.

See also: Implacable, odious.

Compare: Psalm 18:25-26; Prov 2:15; 4:24; 6:12; 8:8; 16:28; 17:20; 21:8; I Pet 2:18.

Consider: Froward people are obnoxious and offensive. This is the opposite of gracious, peaceable, charitable, and good. Such a man or woman does not grow in favor with either God or men. Everyone must always make excuses for the unconventional and unacceptable conduct of these boorish people. They are rude, disagreeable, irritating, inconsiderate, selfish, and sinful.



Romans 10:21; Jude 1:11

Definition: Given to contradiction, contumacious. Contumacious. Contemning and obstinately resisting authority; stubbornly perverse, insubordinate, rebellious. Gainsay. To deny. To speak against, contradict. To speak or act against, oppose, hinder. To refuse.

See also: Answering again, clamour, debate, despiteful, variance.

Compare: Titus 1:9-11.

Consider: These are mouthy talkers that like to oppose others. To every instruction, they have objections or questions. They prefer to disagree than to agree and cooperate.



Proverbs 23:20-21

Definition: The excessive eating of food.

See also: Surfeiting, banquetings, revelling.

Compare: Deuteronomy 21:20; Matthew 11:19; Luke 7:34; 21:34; Eccl 10:17.

Consider: Many self-righteous types love to rail on drunkards and drunkenness, but God does not consider drunkenness any worse than gluttony. Both are the lack of temperance in bodily appetite for oral consumption. In a nation with a superabundance of food and drink, it is easy to be guilty of this sin. God calls us to moderation and temperance in the self-denial of our bodily appetites. Food is for health and strength, not merely pleasure or total satiation. Bad habits can be corrected.



I Timothy 3:3,4,8,11; Titus 2:2,7

Definition: Grave, weighty, or serious character or nature; importance, seriousness. Weighty dignity; reverend seriousness; serious or solemn conduct or demeanor. Seriousness and sobriety as opposed to levity and gaiety.

See also: Sobriety, temperance.

Compare: I Tim 2:9,15; 3:2,11; I Thess 5:6,8; Titus 1:8; 2:2,4,6; I Pet 1:13, 4:7; 5:8.

Consider: This serious approach to life is almost lost in this frivolous day. Just two generations ago men and women were much more sober about life, as even indicated by their faces in family photographs. The obsessive need to say “cheese” for photographs is a simple indicator of this grinning, asinine, foolish, and light generation. It is helpful to consider Paul’s focused emphasis on this subject for young men (Titus 2:6).



Leviticus 19:18; James 5:9

Definition: To murmur; to utter complaints murmuringly; to grumble, complain; to be discontented or dissatisfied. Ill-will or resentment due to some special cause, as a personal injury, the superiority of an opponent or rival, or the like.

See also: Bitterness, envy, hatred, strife, malignant.

Compare: Psalm 59:15.

Consider: A critical, negative, or malicious attitude toward other persons is grudging that God considers sin. It is a man’s glory and honor to pass over transgressions and not hold grudges or engage in strife (Pr 19:11; 20:3). Christians should love and be peaceful toward all men, regardless of any personal offences or slights in the past.



II Timothy 3:4

Definition: Headlong, precipitate, impetuous, violent; passionate; headstrong; ‘hurried on with passion.’ Headlong. With unrestrained course; without regard to where one is going; precipitately. Rushing forward impetuously; wildly impetuous. Precipitate. Of persons, or their dispositions, etc.: Actuated by violent or sudden impulse, without deliberation; acting with excessive or unwise haste; over-hasty, rash, inconsiderate, headstrong. Impetuous. Acting with or marked by great, sudden, or rash energy; vehement, violent, passionate, ardent.

See also: Without understanding.

Compare: Prov 7:21-22; 14:29; 18:13; 19:2; 21:5; 25:8,28; Ecclesiastes 7:8-9; James 1:19-20; Ephesians 5:15-17; Acts 19:36 [Greek=rash]. Judas fell headlong (Acts 1:18).

Consider: Emotional reactions, rash purchases, wild speeches, impetuous decisions, and impulsive actions are all examples of the sin of being heady. God expects us to be sober, calm, circumspect, cautious, careful, slow, prudent, discreet, and wise.



II Timothy 3:4

Definition: Having or characterized by a haughty, proud, or arrogant spirit.

See also; Pride, conceit, vainglory.

Compare: Matt 20:20-28; Rom 12:3,10,16; Prov 26:12,16; Phil 2:3-4; III John 1:9; Matt 20:25-28; 23:5-8.

Consider: It is a self-righteous, arrogant spirit that cannot forgive, overlook, or serve others selflessly, but rather enjoys the preeminence and being served and esteemed by others. Can you condescend to men of low estate to love and serve them, as Paul taught? Christianity is humility and meekness in loving and serving others and considering their things more important than your things.



II Timothy 3:3; I Corinthians 7:5

Definition: Want of continence or self-restraint; inability to contain or retain; with reference to the bodily appetites, esp. the sexual passion: unchastity.

See also: Temperance, moderation, concupiscence.

Compare: Lamentations 3:27.

Consider: The lack of self-control and self-discipline, which are trademarks of this generation, especially the children and youth. It particularly applies to the undisciplined nature of most dating today, where casual sex is expected and given, though the Bible speaks so clearly against it. Christians are to rule their bodily lusts (I Cor 9:24-27).


Inordinate Affection

Colossians 3:5

Definition: An excessive love for acceptable things, or any love for unacceptable things.

See also: Lasciviousness, effeminate, without natural affection, abusers of themselves with mankind.

Compare: Romans 1:26-27.

Consider: This is loving things too much, particularly pleasure and sexual indulgence, including the affection and desire for sodomy. But since the expression is vague, we can apply it more broadly to include excessively loving sleep (Pr 20:13), food and drink, children, family, or any other object that conflicts with loving God and holiness.



Romans 1:31

Definition: That cannot be appeased; irreconcileable; inexorable; of persons, feelings.

See also: Froward, grudge, odious.

Compare: Proverbs 18:19; 30:15-16; I Kings 21:4.

Consider: This sin generated the expression, “You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t,” describing people impossible to please. Are you easily reconciled, satisfied, and content with the decisions of others? Are you known as agreeable, cooperative, easy, helpful, and a team player? Do you make it hard for others to get along with you? If you do not know, then ask how many friends really enjoy your company.



Ephesians 5:4

Definition: The action of joking, pleasantry; trifling; ridicule. Sport. I. 3. To indulge in sport, fun, or ridicule, at, over, or upon a person or thing. Sportingly. 1. As a matter of amusement or diversion; in or with jesting words or speech; not earnestly or seriously.

See also: Foolish talking, gravity, sobriety.

Compare: Job 29:24; Ps 90:12; Prov 26:18-19; Eccl 7:2; Isaiah 57:4; II Kings 2:23-24.

Consider: For the intemperate ones who want to know how much jesting is allowed, the answer is none! If and when you become too sober and grave to please God and good men, then we will look for those verses suggesting levity, mirth, and hilarity. Your difficulty with understanding this prohibition is due to this foolish, inane, asinine generation; but one second at the judgment seat of Christ will cause you to understand. It is to learn this lesson that Solomon valued the house of mourning over that of feasting.



Galatians 5:19; Mark 7:21-23; II Corinthians 12:21

Definition: Inclined to lust, lewd, wanton. Lewd. Lascivious. Unchaste. Wanton. Of persons: undisciplined, ungoverned; not amenable to control, unmanageable, rebellious.

See also: Lewd, wanton.

Compare: Ephesians 4:17-19 and I Peter 4:3-5.

Consider: Lustful living for sexual pleasure without self-discipline or self-denial. This describes the pleasure-obsessed generation that wants to play and be amused 24/7 with little temperance, self-control, or self-discipline. It is the careless attitude of today’s youth in regard to sex, clothing, modesty, language, movies, music, and so forth.



Romans 1:29; Ephesians 4:31; Colossians 3:8

Definition: The desire to injure another person; active ill-will or hatred. Malicious. Of persons, their dispositions, etc.; Given to malice; addicted to sentiments or acts of ill-will.

See also: Malignity, hatred, envy, despiteful, grudge, bitterness.

Compare: I Corinthians 5:8; 14:20; Titus 3:3; Jas 3:14-16; I Peter 2:1,16; III John 1:10.

Consider: Bitterness, grudges, hatred, and the desire for revenge. Such a spirit is entirely contrary to the Christian religion. The harboring of hatred in your heart is a violation of the sixth commandment, Thou shalt not kill. Christians are to be loving, merciful, and tenderhearted. Envy and strife in your heart is from the devil.



Romans 1:29

Definition: Wicked and deep-rooted ill-will or hatred; intense and persistent desire to cause suffering to another person; propensity to this feeling.

See also: Malice, hatred, envy, strife, and despiteful.

Compare: Matthew 5:21-26; 26:6-16; Psalm 35:11-16; I Corinthians 6:7.

Consider: Bitterness, grudges, joy at calamities. This wicked desire for harm to another person is contrary to Jesus Christ. He taught that we should love and help our enemies.



Galatians 5:23; Colossians 3:12; I Timothy 6:11; Titus 3:2; I Peter 3:4

Definition: The quality of being meek; gentleness of spirit; humility. Meek. Free from haughtiness and self-will; piously humble and submissive; patient and unresentful under injury and reproach.

See also: Num 12:3; Matt 11:29; I Cor 4:21; II Cor 10:1; Gal 6:1; Eph 4:2; II Tim 2:24-25; James 1:21; 3:13; I Peter 3:15.

Compare: Highminded.

Consider: Meekness is not weakness; meekness is humility, submission, patience, and longsuffering. Meekness is avoiding the center of attention. Meekness is contentment with staying in the background and being willing to serve without honor.



Philippians 4:5

Definition: The quality of being moderate, in various senses; now only with reference to conduct, opinions, demands, desires, or their indulgence; avoidance of extremes; self-control, temperance.

See also: Temperance, incontinent.

Compare: I Corinthians 6:7; 7:29-35; 9:24-27; Hebrews 13:5-6.

Consider: The issue at stake is clearly self-control and temperance, because the word is used in connection with the Lord’s coming in judgment.



James 1:21

Definition: Wickedness, viciousness, depravity. Naughty. Characterized by moral badness or wickedness; bad, wrong, blameworthy, improper.

See also: Unrighteousness, wickedness, froward.

Compare: I Samuel 17:28; Proverbs 6:12; 11:6; 17:4; Jeremiah 24:2.

Consider: This is a word for sinful, evil, and wicked conduct.



Deuteronomy 18:10-12

Definition: The pretended art of revealing future events, etc., by means of communication with the dead; more generally, magic, enchantment, conjuration.

See also: Prognostication, witchcraft.

Compare: I Samuel 28:7-19.

Consider: Why should we seek to a dead man for the future, when we have the living God as our eternal refuge? Witchcraft, sorcery, and spirits are in many movies, television programs, novels, and other forms of entertainment today. The Ouija board and other items of sorcery are used to foretell the future by the power of evil spirits.



Proverbs 30:23

Definition: Deserving of hatred, hateful; causing or exciting hatred or repugnance, disagreeable, offensive, repulsive; exciting odium. Odium. Hatred, dislike, aversion, detestation.

See also: Froward, implacable.

Compare: I Chronicles 19:1-6; Proverbs 18:24; 19:13; 21:9,19; 27:15-16; Eccl 7:26.

Consider: This describes the despised and hated woman, who in her irritating, negative, critical, haughty, and poisonous spirit drives people to despise and resent her. And this woman never figures out that she is such a woman, so there is no hope in correcting her, for she is blameless in her own perverted and profane mind.



Proverbs 10:8,10

Definition: To talk, to chatter: usually dyslogistic, implying speaking much or long to little purpose; formerly also to speak insolently, boastfully, or officiously; to tell tales, blab.

See also: Foolish talking, jesting, clamour.

Compare: III John 1:10; Eccl 7:6.

Consider: This is a babbler, a chatterer. God expects us to be slow to speak and to choose our words carefully for profit. A fire of thorns describes these babblers, which makes a lot of noise but does not produce any effective heat for accomplishing much.



Isaiah 47:13

Definition: To know or tell of (an event, etc.) beforehand; to have previous knowledge of; to presage; to foretell, predict, prophesy, forecast. An astrological or astrometeorological forecast for the year, published in (or as) an almanac.

See also: Witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy.

Compare: Isaiah 44:25; Daniel 2:2; 5:7,15.

Consider: We must reject the horoscope, Ouija board, fortune cookies, etc. Only the living God knows the future. We must reject Harry Potter and all the other movies and programming that are trying to popularize spiritual powers of the dark sort. Only God knows the future, and He jealously considers it one of His most important traits.



Titus 2:9-10

Definition: To misappropriate, or take dishonestly; to steal, esp. involving a breach of trust; to pilfer, filch. Pilfer. To plunder, steal; spec. to steal in small quantities, to filch, peculate. Filch. To steal, esp. things of small value; to pilfer.

See also: Traitor.

Compare: Acts 5:2.

Consider: This sin is small thefts. Milking the time clock, taking office supplies home, using the phone and computer for personal use, etc. Fidelity in small things will bring promotion to greater things (Luke 16:10-12). Consider Joseph (Gen 39:1-6) and Daniel (Dan 6:1-5) and their great faithfulness even to pagan masters in foreign lands.



I Corinthians 5:11

Definition: To utter abusive language. 2. To jest, to rally.

See also: Revile, despiteful, backbiting, slander, jesting.

Compare: Matthew 5:21-22; I Samuel 15:10-14; and Mark 15:29-32.

Consider: This is name-calling without a justifiable reason. This includes angry outbursts, sarcastic comments, public ridicule, private rants, excessive criticism, lack of respect to those in authority, mean speech to others, slander, and backbiting.



Galatians 5:19-21

Definition: Riotous or disorderly merry-making or festivity; a revel; also, great delight or joy.

See also: Rioting, banqueting, surfeiting,

Compare: I Peter 4:3-5.

Consider: This is partying in the modern sense. It includes and intends an excessive approach to eating, entertainment, recreation, amusement, drinking, carousing, and other works of the flesh and world. Life is sober, and reveling is treating life as a giant party with excessive drinking, playing, fighting, gaming, and similar things.



I Corinthians 6:9-10

Definition: To degrade, abase. To subject to contumely or abuse; to assail with opprobrious or abusive language. Contumely. Insolent reproach or abuse; insulting or offensively contemptuous language or treatment; despite; scornful rudeness. Opprobriate. To speak abusively or contemptuously of or to.

See also: Railing, despiteful, backbiting, slander.

Compare: Exodus 22:28; Matthew 27:39-44; and Acts 23:3-4.

Consider: This is wicked and ridiculing speech about or to another person. This is despising another person with your language.



Romans 13:13

Definition: To live in a wanton, dissipated, or unrestrained manner; to revel; to indulge to excess in something. 2. To indulge (oneself) to the full in some pleasure or recreation.

See also: Revelling, banquetings, gluttony, surfeiting, etc.

Compare: Proverbs 23:20-21; Luke 15:13,30; Titus 1:6; I Peter 4:4; II Peter 2:13.

Consider: This is the modern craze for eating, drinking, partying, recreation, and amusement. The sin is in the excess, where restraint is lost and rules of sober and moderate conduct are compromised. This is lustful living for pleasure in a wild way, rather than a grave and sober approach to life based on self-denial and temperance.



Proverbs 22:10; Proverbs 24:9; Isaiah 29:20-21; Proverbs 19:25; Proverbs 21:11

Definition: To treat with ridicule, to show extreme contempt for, to mock, deride. To hold in disdain, to contemn, despise. To feel it beneath one, to disdain indignantly to do something. Scorner. One who scorns, derides, mocks or contemns; esp. one who scoffs at religion. Contemn. To treat as of small value, treat or view with contempt; to despise, disdain, scorn, slight.

See also: Despiteful, swelling.

Compare: II Kings 19:21; II Chron 30:10; Neh 2:19; Job 12:4; Psalm 22:7; 44:13; 79:4; Prov 9:7-8; 13:1; 15:12; 21:24; Isaiah 29:20-21; Hab 1:10; Matt 9:24.

Consider: This is saucy, disrespectful, haughty, and arrogant attitude, speech, or conduct. A scorner hates being corrected, instructed, reproved, or warned. A scorner also hates the one doing the correction. Fools are dumb and ignorant; but scorners are much worse. Scorners are closer to the sons of Belial despised in the Bible. A scorner actual despises learning, wisdom, and change due to an arrogant haughtiness and profane wickedness of spirit. They cannot be helped. They are to be avoided at all costs. The only hope for peace is to get rid of scorners (Pr 22:10).



Galatians 5:19-21

Definition: Violent party strife; an instance of this, esp. a factious contest attended with rioting and disorder. A concerted movement to overthrow an established government; a revolt, rebellion, mutiny. Conduct or language inciting to rebellion against the constituted authority in a state.

See also: Debate, variance, sowing discord.

Compare: Mark 15:7; I Corinthians 1:10-13; 3:1-4.

Consider: This is any effort to speak against those in authority in an attempt to discredit them, their office, or their position on any subject. If you have a problem with anyone in authority over you, then you should humbly and respectfully take your problem to them in private. There is no room for sharing rebellion with others under authority. Labor unions are a profane and wicked example of seditious conduct against business owners.



II Timothy 3:2

Definition: Loving one’s own self; preferring and thinking highly of one’s own self; self-esteem, self-respect, arrogance, conceit.

See also: Pride, highminded,

Compare: Lev 19:18; Psalm 8:4; 113:6; Prov 26:12; Matt 5:3; 19:19; 22:39; Luke 18:11; Rom 12:3,10,16; 13:9; I Cor 4:7; II Cor 12:7; Gal 5:14; 6:3; Phil 2:3-4; Jas 2:8.

Consider: This is one of the most popular panaceas of our generation that is said to solve most every ill. It is prescribed by all psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists, etc. Whitney Houston’s blasphemous song calls it “The Greatest Love of all.” Consider Dale Carnegie courses, James Dobson books, and other foaming efforts at selfishness. There is no longer any rebuke or punishment for pride and selfishness, which are synonyms for this evil attitude about oneself. The message of Christianity is to love others as much as we already love ourselves, for our natural love of self is very great.



II Peter 2:10

Definition: Wilful or obstinate persistence in following one’s own desires or opinions.

See also: Heady.

Compare: I Sam 15:22-23; Psalm 49:6; Proverbs 26:12,16; Titus 1:7.

Consider: Here is rebellion and stubbornness. The man who thinks he is wise is more dangerous than a fool. There is safety in a multitude of counselors, not in thinking you have a good idea about anything. The human heart is very deceitful, and you need to check your ideas with others, who may not be emotionally or financially involved. It is wisdom to subject all your thoughts to the judgment of other wise men.



Proverbs 10:18

Definition: The utterance or dissemination of false statements or reports concerning a person, or malicious misrepresentation of his actions, in order to defame or injure him; calumny, defamation. Calumny. False and malicious misrepresentation of the words or actions of others, calculated to injure their reputation; libellous detraction, slander. A false charge or imputation, intended to damage another’s reputation; a slanderous report. Defamation. The bringing of ill fame or dishonour upon any one; disgrace, shame. The action of defaming, or attacking any one’s good fame; the fact of being defamed or slandered.

See also: Whispering, backbiting, and talebearing.

Compare: Numbers 14:36; I Samuel 24:9-15; Psalm 31:13; 50:20; 101:5; Romans 3:8; I Timothy 3:11.

Consider: Slander is spreading false accusations about another person. Backbiting, talebearing, and whispering are spreading true information about another person that is detrimental to their reputation. Slander can be easily committed by slighting twisting the events, the tone, the motives, or the degree of others’ actions.



Titus 2:2,4,6; I Peter 5:8

Definition: The quality of being sober or moderate in the indulgence of appetite; moderation in any respect; avoidance of excess or extravagance; staidness, gravity, seriousness; soundness or saneness of judgment.

See also: Gravity.

Compare: Acts 26:25; I Thess 5:6,8.

Consider: The levity, frivolity, and carnality of our generation fits well here. Life is sober, and the Day of Judgment will be much more sober. It is profane to live foolishly in light of the seriousness and eternal consequences of life. We should number our days and apply our hearts unto wisdom (Ps 90:12).



Deuteronomy 23:17

Definition: The sin of the inhabitants of Sodom. An unnatural form of sexual intercourse, esp. that of one male with another.

See also: Abusers of themselves with mankind, without natural affection.

Compare: Genesis 13:13; Romans 1:18-32.

Consider: This wicked generation uses euphemisms like gay, alternative lifestyle, and so forth to describe this abominable perversion. It does not matter how the media and educational systems portray sodomites, for it totally contrary to God and nature. It is not a sickness; it is a vile sin. It is sent by God to judge an unthankful and arrogant nation.



Galatians 5:19-21; Romans 13:13; Philippians 2:3

Definition: The action of striving together or contending in opposition; a condition of antagonism, enmity, or discord; contention, dispute.

See also: Variance, debate, bitterness, answering again, envy, and emulation.

Compare: Proverbs 15:18; 18:6; James 3:14-16; II Timothy 2:23; I Corinthians 3:3; Luke 22:24; Genesis 13:7; Numbers 27:14.

Consider: Strife is fighting, and Christians are called to be peacemakers. You should hate bitterness, conflict, disputes, debate, arguments, hatred, envy, and variance. A godly man will do all he can to avoid fights and to make peace between others. Unity in one mind is God’s command for the churches of Jesus Christ (I Cor 1:10).



James 1:21

Definition: The condition or fact of being more abundant or copious than is necessary; excessive quantity or number; esp. excess in diet or dress. Action or conduct characterized by or exhibiting excess or extravagance; immoderate indulgence or expenditure.

See also: Surfeiting, rioting, revelling, banquetings, etc.

Compare: Ephesians 5:18; I Peter 4:3-4.

Consider: Here is our generation – unable to restrain themselves and going to excess in any and every aspect of sin and wickedness. Where is the moderation required by the Bible? Temperance, or self-denial and self-discipline, is the opposite of this sin.



Luke 21:34

Definition: Excessive taking of food or drink; gluttonous indulgence in eating or drinking.

See also: Gluttony, revelling, banquetings, etc.

Compare: Proverbs 23:20-21; Eccl 10:17.

Consider: All-you-can-eat buffets, parties, eating contests, gorging, etc. Saints are to be known for their temperance, especially in bodily appetites. You do not have to eat until you are full, especially if you are in a habit of overeating. Eating is for strength, not for complete satiation.



II Corinthians 12:20-21

Definition: Inflation by pride, vanity, etc.; proud, haughty, or indignant feeling; also, proud or arrogant behavior or talk, swagger; puffed up.

See also: Despiteful, scorn, and highminded.

Compare: II Peter 2:18; Jude 1:16; I Corinthians 4:19; 5:2; 13:4; Colossians 2:18.

Consider: This is a puffed up, blow up, swelled up opinion of oneself, which should be expected with all the emphasis on self-love, self-esteem, and self-confidence.


Leviticus 19:16; Proverbs 11:13

Definition: The carrying of injurious or malicious reports. Talebearer. One who officiously carries reports of private matters to gratify malice or idle curiosity. Officiously. In an unduly forward or obtrusive manner; with importunate forwardness; without being asked or required; gratuitously. As opposed to officially: Informally on the part of authority or its agents.

See also: Whispering, backbiting, evil surmising, and slander.

Compare: Proverbs 17:9; 18:8; 20:19; and 26:20-22.

Consider: It does not matter if the news you have about another person is true. It is talebearing, if you do not have an important need to tell the information and/or the information will damage their person or reputation. Everything you say about another person should be positive, edifying, and helpful. There is no need or room for criticism.



Acts 24:25; Galatians 5:22-23; II Peter 1:5-7

Definition: The practice or habit of restraining oneself in provocation, passion, desire, etc.; rational self-restraint.

See also: Incontinent, moderation, gravity, sobriety.

Compare: I Corinthians 9:25; Philippians 4:5; Titus 1:8; 2:2,12.

Consider: This is self-discipline and self-denial, which are the hallmarks of maturity and indispensable traits of the Christian religion. The Temperance Movement was a false and erroneous use of the word, for they demanded total abstinence from wine or any alcoholic beverage. The Bible allows moderate use of wine and strong drink; it only condemns drunkenness. True temperance is godly self-denial and self-discipline of all the lust of body and soul.



II Corinthians 12:20-21

Definition: Commotion of a multitude, usually with confused speech or uproar; public disturbance; disorderly or riotous proceeding.

See also: Swelling, sedition.

Compare: Matthew 27:24; Mark 5:38-39; Acts 21:34.

Consider: Union strikes are a perfect example. There is no room in any church meeting for raised voices, party strife, or lines being drawn unless absolutely necessary based on specific Bible instruction or precedent.



Galatians 5:19-21; I Thessalonians 4:7; II Corinthians 12:20-21

Definition: The quality or state of being morally or spiritually unclean; moral impurity; sexual fornication or filthiness; an instance of this.

See also: Filthiness.

Compare: Romans 1:24; Numbers 5:19; Leviticus 20:21

Consider: Here is another broad category to catch any sexual sins that might not line up perfectly with adultery, fornication, or sodomy. Pornography and similar sexual sins would fall into this broad term.



II Timothy 3:2

Definition: A lack of appreciation for things God has done on your behalf.

See also: Highminded, selfwill.

Compare: Romans 1:18-25; I Thess 5:18.

Consider: It used to be a basic rule for children to say, “Thank you,” for any kindness. The fourth Thursday in November used to be a day set aside for thanking God for His great mercies in this nation, but now it is Turkey Day, Football Day, Gluttony Day, or anything but Thanksgiving Day. God judges men and nations with sodomy for not being thankful (Rom 1:21-27).



Philippians 2:3

Definition: Glory that is vain, empty, or worthless; inordinate or unwarranted pride in one’s accomplishments or qualities; disposition or tendency to exalt oneself unduly; idle boasting or vaunting.

See also: Highminded, pride, conceit, emulation.

Compare: Proverbs 26:12; Galatians 6:3; Luke 18:11; Romans 12:3,16; I Cor 3:18; 8:2.

Consider: This is the modern idea of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-love. It is thinking highly of yourself and trying to promote yourself to others.



Galatians 5:19-21

Definition: The fact or state of undergoing change or alteration; tendency to vary or become different; variation. The state or fact of disagreeing or falling out; discord, dissension, contention, debate.

See also: Strife, debate, sedition, sowing discord, implacable.

Compare: Matthew 10:35 and Proverbs 24:21.

Consider: God has commanded the churches to be unified in one mind and in peace (I Cor 1:10; Eph 4:3). There is no room for varying opinions, except in matters of liberty, and then there is no room for doubtful disputations about such things (Rom 14:1).



Romans 13:13

Definition: Undisciplined, ungoverned; not amenable to control, unmanageable, rebellious. 2. Lascivious, unchaste, lewd.

See also: Lasciviousness, lewdness, selfwill, temperance.

Compare: Isaiah 3:16; I Timothy 5:11; James 5:5.

Consider: Here is excessive care, interest, and activity in sensual and sexual things. It includes preoccupation with appearance, pleasure, recreation, sleep, amusement, and other sensual activities. It is an undisciplined approach to life.



Romans 1:29-31; II Corinthians 12:20-21

Definition: The action of saying or reporting something quietly or secretly; suggestion or insinuation (by whispered speech); faint mention or rumour; esp. malicious insinuation, secret slander or detraction, backbiting.

See also: Slander, talebearing, and backbiting.

Compare: Psalm 41:7; 101:5; Proverbs 16:28.

Consider: This is the Bible term for modern gossip. It does not matter if what you are telling is true about another person. It is wrong, unless you have a very important duty to report the matter to someone in authority. Nothing should ever be told about another person unless it is positive and promotes the reputation of the other party.



Ephesians 5:5; Hebrews 13:4

Definition: One who has dealings with whores; one who practices whoredom; a fornicator, lecher. Whoredom. The practice of playing the whore, or of intercourse with whores; illicit sexual indulgence in general; fornication, harlotry.

See also: Fornication, chambering.

Compare: I Timothy 1:8-11; Revelation 21:8; 22:15; Jeremiah 3:2; Ezekiel 16:25-26,34; 23:3,8; Genesis 38:24; Proverbs 6:26; 5:19-20; Deut 25:11-12.

Consider: The modern terms for this sin are slut, player, Casanova, Don Juan. This sin includes casual sex, no matter how nice the present generation tries to make it.



Galatians 5:20

Definition: Involvement with witches directly or indirectly.

See also: Necromancy, prognostication.

Compare: Exodus 22:18; Deut 18:10.

Consider: Before ridiculing witches too much, remember that rebellion and stubbornness are equivalent sins in the opinion of the blessed God (I Sam 15:22-23). There is a cure for witches – they should be put to death by the civil power. This sin includes many modern books and movies, like the Harry Potter series.


Without Natural Affection

Romans 1:31; II Timothy 3:3

Definition: Love for things that does not match the natural predilection of most men.

See also: Abusers of themselves with mankind, inordinate affection, sodomy.

Compare: Romans 1:26-27.

Consider: This is most specifically another synonym for sodomy. It might also include without natural parental affection, as so many nations practiced abortion and infanticide for population regulation and religious sacrifice. The ostrich is an example of not properly loving her young, which stupid bird is copies by mothers aborting their babies.


Without Understanding

Romans 1:31

Definition: Acting without knowledge; senseless, foolish; morally reprobate.

See also: Heady, selfwill.

Compare: Job 34:35; 35:16; 38:2; 39:13-18; 42:3; Proverbs 6:32; 7:7,22-23; 9:16-18; 19:2; James 1:24.

Consider: This is action without thinking. This is a scornful rejection of instruction and learning, especially in a moral or spiritual sense. This is a synonym for Solomon’s fool.