
The book of Job has two chapters introducing Job and his dire situation (1-2), twenty-nine chapters of passionate exchanges between Job and his three friends (3-31), Elihu’s godly explanation and rebuke of all four men (32-37), God’s glorious rebuke of Job (38-41), and the conclusion of the matter (42). Job’s three friends around his age, introduced by Elihu, are Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar (Job 2:11-13). For 29 chapters they debated: Job justifying himself, and his friends condemning him as a hypocrite: See Job 3:1; 4:1; 6:1; 8:1; 9:1; 11:1; 12:1; 15:1; 16:1; 18:1; 19:1; 20:1; 21:1; 22:1; 23:1; 25:1; 26:1; 31:40. Elihu was a patriarchal descendant of Nahor’s second son Buz, a nephew of Abraham (Gen 22:21).

Every young man should be taught about Elihu, and every young man should remember Job 32 well! Here is a young man zealous for the glory of God and defense of the truth with wisdom and humility. These are some of the best Bible chapters for glorifying God and reviving your spirit. Try them!

  1. He got angry (Job 32:1-3).
  2. He justified God (Job 32:2).
  3. He protected Job (Job 32:3).
  4. He was humble (Job 32:4).
  5. He was wise (Job 32:5).
  6. He was modest (Job 32:6-7).
  7. He was spiritual (Job 32:8).
  8. He was bold (Job 32:9-17).
  9. He was zealous (Job 32:18-20).
  10. He feared God (Job 32:21-22).
  11. He exhorted (Job 33:1-3).
  12. He justified God (Job 33:12).
  13. He loved truth (Job 33:31-33).
  14. He demanded unity (Job 34:1-4).
  15. He named names (Job 34:5-9).
  16. He submitted to God (Job 34:31-32).
  17. He exalted God (Job 36:1-4).
  18. He gave hope (Job 36:16).
  19. He warned (Job 36:17-18).
  20. He was practical (Job 36:22 – 37:24).