It is the trait of dependability, faithfulness, integrity, reliability, stability, or steadfastness.
It is the opposite of changeableness, inconsistency, instability, uncertainty, or variableness.
God is faithful without change – we must follow His character (Mal 1:6; Heb 13:8; Jas 1:17).
Because He does not change, we can always depend on Him with unwavering faith.
Because He does not change, we should not change either, in order to be like him.
We want to be like our heavenly Father by being consistent and faithful (Matt 5:48).
Are you consistent? Do others believe this? Can they count on you? If you are not, why not?
Consistency in spirit (or moods), speech, and actions is what we are considering here.
It is too simple to focus on having a consistent spirit, for we want to be so in all areas.
We must be consistent in truth, with one another, in our spirits, and with rules we require.
Can others count on you to be the same every day or month in character and opinions?
Others, especially wives and children, can only count on you if you are very consistent.
If wives or children cannot count on you, you may defeat or discourage them (Col 3:21).
A little folly of inconsistency on the part of a wise man sends forth a smell (Eccl 10:1).
What do others say about your presence? I wonder what kind of a mood he is in today?
Inconsistency indicates a spiritual problem, for God is not so and does not affect men so.
Inconsistency reveals immaturity and weakness of character, for the strong are constant.
Solomon warned of pain and trouble by counting on an unfaithful man in trouble (Pr 25:19).
Solomon contrasted faithful or unfaithful men in several ways (Pr 13:17; 20:6; 25:13; 26:6).
We speak of the former value of a handshake, but do we faithfully keep all commitments to the degree agreed upon, and do we fulfill them as quickly as possible?
A faithful friend is not moved at all circumstances, and he is the same in adversity (Pr 17:17).
King Saul is an example of an inconsistent man by his back-and-forth treatment of David, while David is an example of a consistent man by his constant treatment of King Saul.
Other bad examples are Israel in the book of Judges, Joab in his service to David and Israel, Elijah, John Mark with Paul and Barnabas, and Paul’s friends at his trial (II Tim 4:16), etc.
Paul was a consistent man for constant faithfulness under varying circumstances (Act 20:24).
This is a quality for marriage to emphasize, especially on the part of a husband, so that his wife, his children, and his larger family will always know they can count on him.
A faithful wife, whom her husband can trust his entire life, is a great blessing (Pr 31:10-12).
Greater faith and love in God will make you more consistent (Ps 112:7; Matt 6:24; Jas 1:8).
There are consequences to being inconsistent, which we should avoid with all our might.
“Be sure your sin will find you out” applies to this aspect of godliness as much as to any.
Only a wise man that is always wise continues to send forth a sweet aroma (Eccl 10:1).
Backsliders will be filled with their own ways, and faithful men with theirs (Prov 14:14).
We do not give a good picture of Christianity to others by varying moods or actions.
You will likely never have much spiritual fruit in your own life or in the lives of others.
You will likely not have close or committed friends, because they cannot count on you.
Your family will not be maximized due to insecurity and a bad example by variableness.
Your word will not be worth much, because no one will know if it will be true tomorrow.
An inconsistent parent will train children to think inconsistency is okay by his example.
You can be consistent. You can be the same yesterday, today, and until the Lord comes.
Read and pray daily (in morning), commit yourself to God, and repent of sins quickly.
Live life one day at a time without frustration or overwhelmed by the future (Matt 6:34).
Rule your spirit, for changing moods show a lack of temperance (Proverbs 16:32; 25:28).
Keep your heart fixed on God, His unchangeable word, and heaven for perfect stability.
Avoid counting or trusting on the persons or things of this world, for they will disappoint.
Build your faith by His word and fixing your heart and mind on Him and His promises.
Reject any thoughts that are not contented, godly, positive, thankful, or constructive.
Consciously remember the importance of consistency and being so each and every day.
Prepare yourself ahead of time that circumstances are nothing compared to character.
If you are impulsive, you must guard against seat-of-the-pants decisions that you forget.
Constancy in inputs, seeking good ones and ending bad ones, will help (I Cor 15:33).
There are benefits, and they are significant enough to provoke us to be more consistent.
We will please God more by consistently loving and serving Him no matter what comes.
We will present a much more convincing picture of Christianity to those around us.
We will be much happier ourselves, not succumbing to the weakness of mind or flesh.
We will provide a consistent and solid example for our children to imitate and learn.
There is no downside to being consistently godly – to God, to others, or to yourself.