Kingdom Priorities
“But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the LORD of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.”
Malachi 1:14
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Matthew 6:33
“Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.”
Hebrews 12:28-29
Preparatory Reading: Malachi 1; Hebrews 12:22-29; Revelation 1:9-20; Matt 21:33-46; 22:1-14; 6:24-34; Mark 12:28-34; Luke 19:11-27; 18:18-30; 10:1-12; Psalms 29; 47; 48; 95; 98; 99; 145; 149; Ephesians 6; II Timothy 3:1 – 4:4; Revelation 12.
- We are not a church for doing a Sunday religious thing to look or feel better personally or socially.
- God chose us to be citizens of His Son’s kingdom in an awesome drama of conflict and total victory.
- Last Lord’s Day we considered the Stronger Man and His kingdom (Luke 11:21-22; Rev 12:5-17).
- Six weeks ago I addressed the men of this church regarding their duties as keepers of His kingdom.
- The appeal I made to them to consider themselves as David’s Gittites still applies today to this study.
- You are strangers and pilgrims in America, for citizenship in Jesus Christ’s kingdom is far greater.
- The President of the United States might be a powerful earthly leader, but he is only Christ’s pawn.
- We Gentiles, the heathen of the Bible, are incredibly blessed to have the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
- The world does not know the incredible importance of our assemblies just as it did not know Him.
- Our religion becomes a vain sham to the degree we allow any earthly matter to compromise worship.
- Our God is King over all (I Chr 29:10-13; II Chr 20:5-6; Psalm 47:2; 83:18; 103:19).
- Our God is King forever (Psalm 10:16; 29:10; 145:13; 146:10; Jer 10:10; I Tim 1:17).
- Nebuchadnezzar, a king of kings himself, learned both facts about God (Dan 4:34-35).
- God has made the man Jesus Christ King over all (Rom 9:5; I Cor 15:25; Eph 1:22).
- God made the man Jesus Christ King forever (Ps 45:6; Is 9:6-7; Lu 1:33; Heb 1:8-12).
- God is King deserving the best. Anyone giving less than the best is cursed (Mal 1:14).
- God has crowned the Lord Jesus Christ with glory and honor as our King (Heb 2:8-9).
- We ultimately worship God through Jesus Christ His appointed King (Heb 12:28-29).
- He is King of kings, Lord of lords, and Prince of kings of the earth (Rev 1:5; 19:16).
- The Bible has several kingdoms, which we will list but not allow them to distract us.
- God reigns over a universal kingdom of all things, as proven above (I Chr 29:11).
- Israel was a kingdom synonymous with the O.T. church (I Sam 15:28; II Chr 2:1).
- God translates us at regeneration into Christ’s vital kingdom (Col 1:13; Eph 2:1-5).
- There is a heavenly kingdom: we know it as heaven (II Timothy 4:18; II Pet 1:11).
- There are heretical kingdoms e.g. premillennial and postmillennial kinds we reject.
- The kingdom halls of JW’s are lunatic asylums of the followers of Charles Russell.
- There is a spiritual kingdom of Jesus Christ that is closely related to His true churches.
- It is closely related to the Old Testament kingdom of Israel, though more spiritual.
- Daniel prophesied the God of heaven would set it up while Rome ruled (Da 2:44).
- The kingdom of God and heaven are identical; Scofield erred (Matthew 19:23-24).
- This is the kingdom John, Jesus, and Paul announced as present with men entering.
- Before there was any local church, baptism was the way to enter this kingdom.
- It is not identical to churches, for believers between churches are in His kingdom.
- Kingdom is never used in the plural, while any two churches are certainly plural.
- The churches of Jesus Christ are the organizational, visible aspect of this kingdom.
- Our church, considered individually, is the body of Christ itself (I Cor 12:12-27).
- Our church is an outpost of Christ’s kingdom in an enemy world, much like David established to protect his kingdom and collect tribute (II Sam 8:1-15; Acts 15:16).
- Not in the future, when the Jewish fable of a premillennial kingdom is to occur, as God fully kept His promises to that earthly, forsaken nation (Neh 9:7-8; Luke 21:24).
- Not in the future, when the fable of a postmillennial kingdom arrives, as Presbyterians seek public offices to supposedly take the world for God (II Ti 3:13; Re 12:12; 20:3).
- John, Jesus, and Paul repeatedly taught that God’s kingdom was a present reality, for men were entering it in the days of John and the gospel is the message concerning it.
- Christ’s kingdom and its duties should be a priority right now (Matt 3:2; Rev 12:10).
- A full study of Christ’s kingdom is beyond these sermons. We defer, but you may read links below, especially here.
- John the Baptist, the Dipper or Immersionist, announced it as at hand (Matthew 3:2).
- Jesus preached the same news as John, the kingdom was at hand (Matt 4:17,23; 10:7).
- Greatness in His kingdom requires doing and teaching least commands (Mat 5:19-20).
- Talking the talk is vain, as the King will judge your actions (Matt 7:21-23; 21:28-32).
- It was entered violently by those rightly appreciating it (Matt 11:12 cp Luke 16:16).
- The prophesied kingdom was there by Christ’s power over the devil (Matthew 12:28).
- The devil sends tares in the kingdom to remove sooner or later (Matt 13:24-30,36-43).
- This kingdom is not to be viewed as very small, like most churches (Matt 13:31-35).
- Christ’s kingdom has good and bad fish in it (Mat 13:47-51; 22:8-14). Which are you?
- If you are a sincerely baptized believer, then you are a citizen, and you should show it, for baptism was your oath of loyalty to the King and His kingdom, world without end!
- It is the poor of this world that make up Christ’s kingdom (James 2:5; I Cor 1:26-29).
- The kingdom is spiritual; they know neither King nor citizens (Lu 17:20-21; I Jn 3:1).
- You are not your own, for you are bought with a price (I Cor 6:19-20). Show it today!
- You were rescued by the stronger man (Luke 11:21-22), so walk worthy of your King.
- How well do you compare to those with exploits for a lesser kingdom (Dan 11:32)?
- Churches have a heart of zealots, a shell of faithless/fruitless, and a body of average.
- Are there any present that covet and desire the best gifts to serve the kingdom more?
- There have been some great ones, of both sexes, that should provoke us to service.
- Cornelius led his house to fear God and was godly with God and men (Acts 10:1-2,22,34-35).
- Ananias had a good reputation with all the Jews in the capital city of Syria (Acts 22:12).
- Phebe was a succourer, or helper, of the apostle Paul and of many saints (Romans 16:1-2).
- Gaius was so given to hospitality that Paul said he was host of the whole church (Rom 16:23).
- Stephanas and family were addicted to service and worth acknowledgment (I Cor 16:15-18).
- Timothy was an exceptional minister with his priorities superior to all others (Phil 2:19-22).
- Epaphroditus was another minister that Paul commended highly for devotion (Phil 2:25-30).
- Philemon was a worker with Paul known by saints for love, faith, and works (Philemon 1:1-7).
- Gaius had a lifestyle in the truth, in faithful service, and a witness of charity (III John 1:3-6).
- Demetrius had a good report of all men, as measured by truth, and the apostles (III John 1:12).
- This kingdom was prophesied as built by God, to take the whole earth, to destroy all world kingdoms, and to endure forever (Daniel 2:34-35,44). Exalt His kingdom today!
- This kingdom has authority over the prince of this world (Lu 11:21-22; Re 20:3; etc.).
- Jesus came in kingdom power when pouring out the Holy Ghost, sending the gospel to turn the world upside down, judging the Jews by Rome, etc., etc. (Mat 16:28; 24:14).
- We Gentiles have been brought into David’s kingdom by the gospel (Acts 15:13-18).
- We Gentiles have been grafted into the olive tree of God’s kingdom (Romans 11:17).
- Christ’s churches have heavenly authority (Matt 16:19; 18:18; I Cor 5:12-13; 6:1-5).
- How can we emphasize it more than what Paul in Hebrews 12:22-29 wrote of it, for the description of its features, its comparison, and its judgment are glorious indeed?
- The Thessalonians risked death for serving another king, even Jesus (Acts 17:6-8).
- How important are the churches of Christ?
- How important are His churches?
- The kingdom of God is to be sought FIRST in life, taught by necessities (Matt 6:33).
- God’s kingdom must be more important than anything else, including necessities.
- The “things” under consideration here are food, drink, and clothing (Matt 6:25-32).
- The King of the kingdom promises all these things if you put His kingdom first.
- The issue here is not just the external or formal kingdom, but His righteousness.
- If true of necessities, how offensive is choosing discretionary things above Him?
- You cannot serve two masters; trying it is spiritual adultery (Matt 6:24; James 4:4).
- You should remember that God already knows you need all these things (6:32).
- The kingdom of Christ should be a prize above all earthly possessions (Mat 13:44-46).
- Love and its objects are a choice; true worshippers set affections above (Col 3:1-3).
- Those who mind earthly things are belly worshippers and enemies (Phil 3:18-19).
- Some men exalt Christ’s kingdom over marriage, thus certainly children (Matt 19:12), for a wise man seeking Christ and His kingdom first hates carefulness (I Cor 7:32-35).
- Your professional or financial goals must not compete with Christ (Matt 19:23-26).
- Wrong priorities can bring God’s severe judgment (Mal 1:14; Mat 22:7; He 12:28-29).
- Your love of Christ is far more important than any religious ritual (Mark 12:28-34).
- Give up everything for it, even if He does repay you (Luke 18:18-30; I Tim 6:6-10).
- Ruth, a Moabitess, chose the land and people of Israel over her own (Ruth 2:14-18).
- Israelites (the ten tribes) sold their inherited properties and moved to Judah (the two tribes) to join revivals in God’s kingdom (II Chr 11:16; 15:9; 30:1,11,25; I Chr 12:19).
- A prophecy of Christ’s gospel kingdom shows geographical sacrifice (Zech 8:21-23).
- The most important geographical factor in your living choices should be a true church of Jesus Christ, not jobs, economics, family, schools, or any other such carnal thing.
- Not premillennial junk of promoting “Left Behind” nonsense to deceive and divert.
- Not the postmillennial junk of getting involved in politics and taking society for God.
- Building up the church of Christ by every joint and part (Eph 4:16; Heb 10:23-25).
- Serving churches and strangers as we have openings (Rom 16:1-4; II Cor 8:18-19,23).
- I must do the work of an evangelist to fulfill my calling (II Tim 4:5; Acts 16:9).
- You can also help others (I Thes 1:8; Ac 15:3; Ro 15:24; I Cor 16:6; III Jn 1:5-8).
- Our website is to help build Christ’s kingdom throughout the world in all nations.
THE PRIVILEGE (and risk)
- Israel had kingdom privileges taken from them due to sin (Matthew 21:33-46; 22:1-7).
- Their haughtiness and lack of fruitfulness caused God to give it to the Gentiles.
- Their neglect and earthly priorities caused God in wrath to judge them severely.
- Those destroyed in Jerusalem’s overthrow were neglectful or murderous rebels.
- The Jews were rejected for Gentiles in the kingdom (Mat 8:11-12; Luke 13:28-30).
- This was not the first time – consider the book of Judges and the Babylonian captivity.
- Paul warned Gentiles at Rome not to be highminded but rather to fear (Ro 11:17-22).
- Do you rightly appreciate the mysteries of this invisible kingdom (Matt 13:11,16-17)?
- If you do appreciate them, what efforts do you make to hear them rightly (Luke 8:18)?
- Here are terrifying words of judgment about neglecting the kingdom (Luke 10:10-12).
- The main kingdom work is to live righteously (Matt 6:33; I Thess 2:10-12 cp 4:1-18).
- Men have done all conceivable things for earthly kings, who in turn did little for them.
- Earthly kings are ridiculously inferior to God and Jesus Christ, Who are our Kings!
- Like athletes, temperate in all things, worldly men show great allegiance to kings.
- Yet, men have served devotedly and diligently with little reward but proximity.
- Yet, men have put themselves in mortal danger for the order or praise of kings.
- Yet, men have committed suicide for kings out of loyalty or hope of future reward.
- What will you gladly do for the King of kings? Your best is but reasonable service.
- God’s kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom 14:17-19).
- The context of Christian liberty is to teach personal opinions are quite worthless.
- Righteousness is doing right, God’s way; peace and joy in the Holy Spirit are keys.
- It is by serving Jesus Christ in these ways that a person pleases God and men.
- Be a doer, rather than a talker, for the kingdom is in action (I Cor 4:20; I John 2:4).
- Servants are the greatest in Christ’s kingdom. What do you truly do to serve others?
- It is the work of faith that proves your election, not the talk of faith (I Thes 1:2-4).
- Selfishness and slothfulness are the enemies of any kingdom, natural or spiritual.
- Employers may pay to buy your soul – but God sent His Son for your eternal gain!
- You should not think of you more highly than you ought (Matt 18:1-4; Rom 12:3).
- The kingdom is helped by each member helping build up the local body, or outpost.
- The church is built by members contributing their duties (Ep 4:16; Heb 10:23-25).
- The church, and the kingdom, is a team effort where the individual is secondary.
- We build camaraderie or esprit de corps by rejoicing and weeping with others.
- There are many one another duties taught.
- We perfect one another by performing the duties assigned to convert and restore.
- A primary reason for assemblies is to press to godliness (Heb 3:12-13; 10:23-25).
- Each member has duties toward all other members (Lev 19:17; I Thess 5:14).
- The wiser brethren are to convert and restore the fallen (Gal 6:1-5; Jas 5:19-20).
- Simply showing up, giving carnal greetings, singing, and going home is nothing!
- There are men called to full-time Christian service, but kingdom service is full-time!
- God by Jesus Christ has chosen some men to be His ambassadors (Mark 13:34).
- There are only a rare few that truly fulfill their calling (Phil 2:19-22; Col 4:10-11).
- Working heartily on Monday as unto the Lord is serving Christ (Col 3:22-25).
- Intermeddling with all wisdom is your duty (Pr 18:1; 9:9; Heb 5:12-14; I Pet 3:15).
- Are you a soul winner by knowing the words of truth (Prov 11:30; 22:17-21)?
- If you care about Christ’s kingdom, grow in ability to admonish (Rom 15:14).
- God’s pastors (scribes) bring things new and old (Matt 13:52). Do you crave both?
- Get rid of strange children, informally or formally; quality is far better than quantity.
- There is judgment written for New Testament citizens (Ps 149:6-9; I Cor 5:1-13).
- This judgment includes small matters between brothers (Mat 18:15-17; I Co 6:1-8).
- God will bless efforts to add members; He holds us accountable to exclude them.
- Are you a keeper of the kingdom?
- Jesus expects you to occupy and leverage His grace (Matt 25:14-30; Luke 19:11-27).
- There are those, unlike Paul, that squander God’s grace (II Cor 6:1; I Cor 15:10).
- They are shortsighted, carnally-minded belly worshippers (II Pe 1:9; Phil 3:18-19).
- We must earnestly contend for the faith once delivered (Jude 1:4; Neh 13:23-31).
- We cannot and must not allow compromise of even minor precepts (Matt 5:19-20).
- A great way to contend against God’s enemies is to obey the Bible (Prov 28:4)!
- Each duty of scripture e.g. personal habits, marriage, children, and jobs play a role.
- We are bound to give thanks for truth … and to stand fast in it (II Thess 2:13-15).
- There is no worship but in spirit and truth that truly pleases God (John 4:23-24).
- All men will know we are Christ’s kingdom by our love to one another (John 13:35).
- A kingdom divided cannot stand, and this is true of Christ’s churches (I Cor 1:10).
- Charity is the greatest kingdom grace of all (I Cor 12:31 – 13:13; Col 3:12-15).
- It is the work and labor of love that proves election (I Thess 1:2-4; Hebrews 6:10).
- We should reject all natural distinctions under Christ’s blood (Gal 3:28; Col 3:11).
- Prayer of all kinds … for laborers, for their labor, for doors of labor, for advancement.
- Do you pray with all perseverance for all in the outpost of your church (Eph 6:19)?
- Do you labor and wrestle in prayer for the kingdom of Jesus Christ worldwide?
- It is good to always be zealously affected in a good thing, and there is no better thing.
- Participation is eager, ready, voluntary, seeks assignments, creative, initiative, etc.
- Does your zeal provoke others (II Co 9:2; Ga 4:18)? Or cause others to doubt you?
- Faithfulness is constant continuing in the things marked out by scripture (Prov 20:6).
- We must exalt kingdom inputs – influences in our lives to build Christ’s kingdom.
- We must reject Satan’s inputs – things leading to compromise of Christ’s kingdom.
- It is important we continue to avoid shame (Luke 19:11-27; John 8:31; Col 1:23).
- Our church should be exemplary in as many ways as possible to give others hope.
- Our church should be exemplary for gospel conversions (Matt 5:16; I Peter 2:12).
- The Thessalonians can be our guide, and we should follow closely (I Thes 1:6-10).
- Every part of the gospel should be included from a work ethic to hair length, etc.
- Teach your children the precepts of Bible Christianity – how to be kingdom citizens!
- You have a mission field, if you choose those words, and it is right in your home.
- By example and instruction you can train children to be kingdom-minded adults.
- It is through much tribulation we must enter the kingdom of God (Ac 14:22), so do not think because you live in America in 2012 there are not enemies (II Tim 3:12).
- The world only hates Christ’s kingdom and will do anything to discredit or destroy it.
- The world hates Jesus and His kingdom, as they killed Him (Gal 6:14; I Jn 5:19).
- The world has a very different lifestyle from saints, and we reject it (I Jn 2:15-17).
- The world hates true Christianity, and we must not conform to it (Romans 12:1-2).
- The world wants you in the wide gate and broad way, but not Jesus (Matt 7:13-14).
- The world is not neutral to God, and your friendship is spiritual adultery (Jas 4:4).
- The devil will fight to the final end to destroy or discredit it (though he totally loses!).
- The devil has his own kingdom, and he hates Christ’s with all his profane fury.
- The Man Jesus on earth had power to deliver men from the devil (Luke 11:14-23).
- The Man Jesus destroyed the devil’s works at Calvary (Col 2:14-15; Heb 2:14-15).
- The Man Jesus cast Satan out of heaven on His arrival (Rev 12:5-17; Jn 12:27-31).
- The Man Jesus will loose Satan to deceive nations again, which will come against the saints to persecute directly, and then He will destroy all of them (Rev 20:7-10).
- The devil seeks to devour you: submit to God and resist him (Jas 4:7; I Pet 5:8-9).
- If you do not resist the devil and fight his inputs, you give him a door (Ep 4:26-27).
- Temptation to sin can involve satanic warfare i.e. Ac 5:3; I Cor 7:5; I Chr 21:1; etc.
- We stand against the wiles of the devil in the might of Jesus Christ (Eph 6:10-20).
- This simple text can excite confidence and zeal for kingdom warfare against Satan.
- We remember to not be distracted by flesh and blood foes, but spiritual enemies.
- We choose to be strong in the Lord: we only have power by His might (Phil 4:13).
- We choose armor listed by God to resist the devil’s deceiving, lying, subtle wiles.
- We need the whole armor of God to be ready for defending Christ’s kingdom.
- We see that the assigned activity is praying with all perseverance always for it.
- For details, see the sermon for Ephesians 6, which deals with the verses at length.
- Your flesh, in love with the devil and the world, will never encourage you toward it.
- Your flesh has nothing compatible with God and His kingdom (I John 2:15-17).
- Your flesh loves sin and seeks your ruin to disgrace His kingdom (I Cor 9:24-27).
- Your flesh loves sin and your ruin, so you must avoid provision for it (Rom 13:14).
- Your flesh opposes you; we are strangers and pilgrims, so act like it (I Pe 2:11-12).
- Your flesh will defile His kingdom, unless you take up your cross daily (Lu 9:23).
- Carnal Christianity is all around us and attacking at all times (II Timothy 3:1 – 4:4).
- Evil seducers in the churches of Christ will be worse and worse (II Timothy 3:13).
- If we are belly worshippers of earthly things, we are His enemies (Phil 3:18-19).
- If we are castaways of any kind, we are the enemies of His kingdom (I Cor 9:27).
- Adversaries may be on the inside – Moses would ask, Who is on the LORD’s side?
- The Bible lists many sins and sinners that cannot inherit the heavenly kingdom (I Cor 6:9-10; Gal 5:19-21), so we should stand opposed to those sins and sinners, as written.
- Choose athletes or soldiers as examples for temperance and zeal in kingdom duties.
- Kingdom life is like a race, so run wisely (He 12:1-3; I Cor 9:24-27; Phil 3:13-14).
- You have a war to fight, and you cannot fight it lazily or naturally (Eph 6:10-19).
- You cannot serve God and mammon, or worldly success (Matthew 6:24; James 4:4).
- Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked (Deut 32:15), and pleasure seeks your ruin (I Pet 2:11).
- Paul was committed to not let anything keep him from serving his king (Phil 1:20-21).
- The devil will be loosed for a little season to wage war against the saints (Rev 20:7-9).
- All enemies will be formally and finally put under the feet of Christ (I Cor 15:23-28).
- Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom – you will be changed (I Cor 15:50-53).
- The glorious God will order an abundant entrance for fruitful saints (II Peter 1:8-11).
- The privilege of the kingdom of Christ is a blessing and gift by grace that is beyond description.
- The duties to serve such a great God and His Son and our Saviour should be obvious to the just.
- Do you understand and accept duty? It describes your kingdom responsibility to Christ (Luke 17:10).
- Christians can never give up … never relax … until you reach your long home … your eternal home.
- The love of Christ should constrain you; the terror of God should persuade you (II Cor 5:9-15).
For Further Study:
- Sermon Outline: The Gospel Millennium.
- Sermon Outline: Keepers of the Kingdom
- Sermon Outline: Kingdom Warfare.
- Sermon Outline: Occupy Till I Come.
- Sermon Outline: Kingdom Reputation.
- Sermon Outline: Kingdom Duties.
- Sermon Outline: Why You Live at This Time.
- PowerPoint: What Is a Church?
- Sermon Outline: What Is a Church?
- Sermon Outline: Glory of the Church.
- Sermon Outline: Dispensationalism’s Best Verse
- Sermon outline, “Who Is on the Lord’s Side?”
- Sermon Outline: Give No Place to the Devil.
- Sermon Outline: The Power of Darkness.
- Sermon Outline: Spiritual Adultery.
- Sermon Outline: Becoming Sound Doctrine.
- Sermon Outline: Few There Be that Find It.