The Cup of Jesus Christ





“The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?”

John 18:11



  1. We observe the Lord’s Supper today, and we will use a cup of wine that should remind us of our Lord’s cup.
  2. Our Lord Jesus Christ drank the bitterest cup of the wrath of God for our sins so that we do not have to do so.
  3. We will remember our Lord’s death the way He ordained for us – breaking bread and drinking wine from a cup.
  4. We will consider a legendary cup, the contents cup, the covenant cup, the suffering cup, and the salvation cup.
  5. Let us consider His cup in light of Jesus rejecting help from both Peter and angels (John 18:11; Matt 26:51-54).
  6. We will then lift our own cup, the sixth cup, which will remind us of His cup of suffering and the salvation cup.



  1. Legends of the Holy Grail and/or Holy Chalice are profanely inferior to our Lord’s cup.
    1. Various legends and Catholic fables took the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper.
    2. Some said Joseph of Arimathea caught blood and water when washing Jesus’ body.
    3. Arthurian legends include passionate knightly quests to find this cup for its powers.
    4. For more about the Holy Grail (from Wikipedia) …
    5. For more about the Holy Chalice (from Wikipedia) …
  2. The Holy Spirit inspired John to see the Whore of Rome with a golden cup (Rev 17:4).
    1. This graphic vision has the RCC riding the Roman Empire to power (Rev 17:1-6).
    2. This is just how Daniel viewed the RCC as the little horn of his vision (Dan 7:1-28).
    3. This is the man of sin and son of perdition that Paul warned about (II Thess 2:1-15).
    4. Daniel, Paul, and John gave detailed prophecies of Rome’s many blasphemous lies.
    5. John’s vision includes the purple and scarlet colors of the RCC and precious stones.
    6. Any observance of the Roman Mass will see the prominent place of a gold chalice.
    7. The sight of a garishly-dressed whore is picture perfect for Rome’s spiritual adultery.
    8. God sees the RCC chalice filled with abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
    9. Furthermore, God calls His people out of her and judgment of her cup (Rev 18:4-6).
    10. Rome’s great blasphemy is her transubstantiation heresy and other aspects of Mass.
    11. The Head of our church foresaw RCC heresy of the cup (Matt 26:27; Luke 22:17).
    12. For more of the RCC heresy of the cup …
  3. Thank God for saving us from the devilish lies of Rome (II Thess 2:3-13; I Tim 4:1-6).



  1. This is the literal cup with the fruit of the vine in it that Jesus blessed at the Last Supper.
    1. He presented it to His apostles for all of them to drink from it to remember His death.
    2. After observing the Passover, He ordained its final replacement, the Lord’s Supper.
    3. Paul described Jesus Christ as perfectly fulfilling the Passover for us (I Cor 5:7-8).
  2. This cup is the simplest of the five to identify and understand – the one used by Jesus.
    1. It is recorded as the literal cup in three gospel (Matt 26:27; Mark 14:23; Luke 22:17).
    2. By comparing the three gospel accounts, we know that all the apostles partook of it.
    3. Paul described the cup used by N.T. churches from it (I Cor 10:16,21; 11:25-28).
    4. This cup with the blood red product of grapes represented His shed blood for us.
    5. The direction for N.T. churches was for all to assemble and partake of its contents.



  1. This is the literal cup with the fruit of the vine in it that Jesus blessed at the Last Supper.
  2. However, this literal cup had a metaphorical meaning attached for the new testament.
    1. Jesus used the same cup with contents for His covenant (Luke 22:20; I Cor 11:25).
    2. The other gospel writers used blood and not the word cup (Matt 26:28; Mark 14:24).
    3. As the old covenant was confirmed and applied by blood, so the new one (Ex 24:8).
    4. Our salvation is like a last will and testament, put into force by death (Heb 9:15-26).
    5. Apostacy from Christ and the gospel is to profane this covenant cup (Heb 10:29).



  1. This cup is fully metaphorical, no literal cup at all, and it represents the wrath of God.
  2. Cup is used for the metaphor to represent the portion a man has in life (Ps 16:5; 11:6).
    1. It may have been the custom in some nations for criminals to drink a cup of poison.
    2. Israel under the old covenant required possible adulteresses to drink (Num 5:11-31).
    3. We also know that a cup can be used for toasts in good times to celebrate blessing.
  3. The Bible plainly shows cup is a metaphor for God’s fury and wrath on His enemies.
    1. Drinking a cup is judgment (Jer 49:12; Eze 23:32; Ob 1:16; La 4:21; Hab 2:15-17).
    2. The cup of wine in the Lord’s hand is for the wicked to drink entirely (Ps 75:8; 11:6).
    3. God’s wrath is a cup of destruction (Rev 14:9-11; Is 51:17,22; Jer 25:15-17,27-29).
    4. This is in stark and total contrast to the cup the Lord gives His people (Psalm 23:5).
  4. Jesus warned Zebedee’s sons about His cup of suffering (Matt 20:20-23; Mark 10:38).
    1. Jesus reasoned with His Father about it (Matt 26:36-44; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42).
    2. To know this cup’s terror, see heaviness, agony, sweat (Matt 26:37-38; Luke 22:44).
    3. James Zebedee drank of the cup first (Acts 12:1-2), and then John also (Rev 1:9).
    4. This is the cup of suffering and death He told Peter not to hinder (John 18:10-11).
    5. Jesus went to the cross alone and bore the full judgment of God for our many sins.
  5. It pleased Jehovah God to bruise His Son by torture and death for our sins (Is 53:1-10).
    1. He was ordained to this death in God’s eternal counsels (I Pet 1:20; Acts 2:23; 4:28).
    2. Though Jesus begged for an alternative in Gethsemane, He submitted to God’s will.
    3. Jesus knew about this cup and chose to drink it (Luke 2:49; 9:51; 12:50; John 12:27).
  6. He would not allow apostles like Peter or the angels to interfere and steal His future joy.
    1. So He told Peter to put his sword back in its sheath to not hinder Him (Jn 18:10-11).
    2. This was not the first time He had to correct Peter for his ignorance (Matt 16:13-23).
    3. He further explained to Peter that He could have called many angels (Mat 16:52-54).
  7. Our Jesus drank the entire cup, including dregs, for one drop would send us all to hell.
    1. God saw the travail of the soul of Jesus, and His wrath was satisfied (Isaiah 53:11).
    2. There was no wrath of God left for us; we are accepted in the Beloved (Eph 1:3-6).
    3. So complete was His substitutionary suffering, He forgot our sins (Heb 8:12; 10:17).
    4. Contradictory to any residual wrath, we are adopted as joint-heirs (Rom 8:15-17).



  1. This cup is fully metaphorical, no literal cup at all, and it represents the grace of God.
  2. By His drinking of the cup of suffering, we enjoy the cup of salvation (Ps 116:13; 23:5).
  3. When we take the literal cup of communion, we are realizing this metaphorical cup.
  4. This cup of salvation includes justification all the way up to adoption and inheritance.



  1. Jesus’ metaphorical cup of suffering had a metaphorical blend of four kinds of suffering.
  2. Lest we underestimate the bitter poison in our Lord’s cup of suffering, see this deadly blend.
  3. There were many physical aspects of His crucifixion that we most often read and consider.
  4. But there were also the nonphysical elements of His sufferings that we generally neglect.
  5. And there was also the spiritual conflict He had extensively with the devil and his angels.
  6. There were divine consequences of guilt and shame for sin; He was forsaken of His Father.
  7. More could be said about these four categories of pain and suffering, but start thinking here.



  1. Jesus died – His body broken and blood shed – so we consider His bodily pain and suffering.
  2. He was scourged by the Romans, who were known for their cruel, efficient punishments.
  3. He had a crown of thorns planted on his head and then driven into his scalp with a reed.
  4. He had His beard plucked off His face, which is not disclosed in the gospels (Isaiah 50:6).
  5. His face was beaten by the hands and fists of Roman soldiers, who mocked Him about it.
  6. He was kept up all night without sleep by torture and fraudulent trials to condemn Him.
  7. He was forced to carry his own cross after being physically, emotionally abused all night.
  8. He had nails driven through tender hands and feet into the wooden cross to support Him.
  9. He was suspended on that cross with the nails used supporting His entire body’s weight.
  10. He was extremely thirsty from the hours of trial and torture and fluid loss of the crucifixion.
  11. He was fully conscious of pain by rejecting the vinegar sedative offered before the cross.
  12. Though these physical sufferings are horrific, other men have suffered similarly or worse.
  13. For others’ views of Jesus’ crucifixion …



  1. By psychological agony, we mean the grief and pain of emotional and personal tribulation.
  2. He was pained in His soul with knowledge of the future (Mt 26:1-2; Lu 9:51-53; Jn 12:27).
  3. This sorrow increased into Gethsemane (Matt 26:36-38; Luke 22:41-44; Hebrews 5:7-8).
  4. He was neglected in that the disciples did not discern the hypocrisy and treachery of Judas.
  5. His honored disciples slept instead of responding to His requests for alertness and prayer.
  6. And this after the Last Supper, where he intimately told them of coming trouble and death.
  7. And this after Peter had aggressively promised Him to remain faithful even unto his death.
  8. They argued at Supper as to who would be greatest in the coming change (Luke 22:21-30)!
  9. One of His closest friends betrayed Him by a kiss for thirty pieces of silver, a slave’s price.
  10. His disciples forsook and left Him alone and defenseless with the angry mob in the Garden.
  11. Efforts were not made to lose lives to save His, as Secret Service agents do for presidents.
  12. We read of no defense on His behalf at trial, as listing His many good deeds and words.
  13. He was forsaken by all His followers in His hour of need. There was no rebellion for Him.
  14. He was ridiculed, mocked, and tortured about His identity, with clear evidence available.
  15. He was unappreciated for incredible amount of good He had done and taught for 3 ½ years.
  16. He was disowned by a dear friend, who denied Him three times with oaths and cursing.
  17. He was humiliated with nakedness, mock titles, a purple robe, crown of thorns, and railing.
  18. He was sarcastically mocked as king, even though He was King of kings and Son of God.
  19. He was dared by ignorant, presumptuous, and wicked men to prophesy as to who hit Him.
  20. He was tempted to revenge with twelve legions of angels for His rescue, but He did not.
  21. He was rejected by His own nation, who screamed for a Roman oppressor to torture Him.
  22. He was denied by the office and man of authority He had ordained to protect the innocent.
  23. He was sacrificed in place of Barabbas, a truly convicted robber, murderer, and seditionist.
  24. He was ridiculed as an imposter, which could not possibly be known or helped by God.
  25. He was slandered by many false witnesses called against Him to lie, rather than His truth.
  26. He was despised by spit in His face, though He sent sun, rain, and fruitful seasons to them.
  27. He was humiliated by two enemies – Pilate and Herod – becoming friends by His evil trial.
  28. He was deserted by the governor, who knew Jesus was innocent and the Jews only envious.
  29. He was tempted to accept a sedative offered before the cross. He drank rather of God’s cup.
  30. He was railed on by the two thieves, whom were crucified for their evil deeds at His sides.
  31. He was ignored and not rescued, though there was darkness over the land for three hours.
  32. He was shamed and tortured to suffer and die naked before His women friends and mother.
  33. He was humiliated by being crucified between two common thieves, though Lord of all.
  34. He suffered not for those who loved Him, but rather for enemies that hated Him (Rom 5:8).
  35. On the cross suffering a painful death, He tenderly considered His mother (John 19:25-27).
  36. No man has suffered such emotional and psychological pain in such a short period of time.
  37. It is important to remember Jesus had a full human nature to experience such (Heb 4:15).



  1. Most Christians miss Satan’s devilish attacks against Jesus in an invisible, spiritual conflict.
  2. We are ignorant of the conflict between spirits in high places (Ep 6:12; Da 10:20; Jude 1:9).
  3. We do not respect Satan, if God looses him (Job 1-2; I Chr 1:1; Zec 3:1; Luke 22:3,31-32).
  4. Satan’s devils are the most unified and efficient hostile force in the universe (Matt 12:26).
  5. Animosity and conflict between Satan and Jesus was prophesied very early (Genesis 3:15).
  6. As soon as the Lord Jesus was born, Satan was there to devour Him (Re 12:1-5; Mat 2:16).
  7. Recall the subtle, arrogant, malicious efforts to tempt our Lord Jesus to sin (Matt 4:1-11).
  8. Satan only left Jesus “for a season” after the great temptation in the wilderness (Luke 4:13).
  9. Jesus knew the conflict with Satan was coming and told His disciples about it (John 14:30).
  10. It was time for Satan to be cast out (John 12:31; 16:11). Was he happy with this change?
  11. Satan was at the Last Supper! Do you understand the angelic conflict implied (Jn 13:2,27)?
  12. The hour of the power of darkness is a foreboding description from Jesus (Luke 22:53).
  13. Satan is filled with malicious hatred for Jesus Christ regardless of the future (Rev 12:12).
  14. As elect angels cannot believe salvation for men, Satan cannot stand salvation by a Man.
  15. And he knew that Jesus Christ was manifested to destroy him and his works (I John 3:8).
  16. If we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, what did Jesus wrestle with? With principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ep 6:12).
  17. “Deliver my darling from the power of the dog” refers to the singular dog Satan (Ps 22:20).
  18. “Save Me from the lion’s mouth” refers to the roaring lion Satan (Psalm 22:21 cp I Pet 5:8).
  19. An angel strengthened Him in the Garden (Ma 4:11 cp Luke 22:43-44 cp 22:53 cp Jude 9).
  20. Devils have no pity; they did not consider him; they did not comfort him; they tortured him.
  21.  If they could just get Him … to curse God … to beg for mercy … to quit … to be afraid … to ask for help … to use His Strength to deliver Himself … to violate a Scriptural prophecy … to retaliate against His persecutors … to ask them for help … to speak against the elect.
  22. But never forget that our blessed Lord Jesus Christ triumphed openly over Satan (Col 2:15).
  23. No man has ever imagined, let alone endured, such a spiritual conflict for His soul; yet we are quite ignorant of this war, because we wrestle against them in only a limited sense in our lives.



  1. But the most horrific suffering of all was God’s rejection of Jesus Christ for our many sins.
  2. Since we are far too physically oriented and worldly minded, we may not appreciate this.
  3. Jesus was fully God and fully man in a combined union beyond our full grasp (Ps 131:1).
    1. This means that He had a full human nature including the spirit/soul part of mankind.
    2. Statements are made of Jesus that can only be His human nature (Mark 4:38; Luke 2:52; 23:46; John 11:35; 19:28; 20:17; Acts 20:28; I Cor 15:28; Gal 2:20; Heb 2:18; 4:15).
    3. There are things ascribed to a name associated with one nature only true of the other.
    4. For more about Christ’s sonship …
  4. We must here admit Paul’s description of the incarnation as a great mystery (I Tim 3:16).
    1. Jesus had more than a body, though a body He most certainly had (Col 2:9; Heb 2:14).
    2. He had a full human nature with a spirit/soul knowing duty, fear, growth, love, pain, shame, thirst, tiredness, weakness, wisdom, death, etc. This point is quite important.
    3. Jesus had a human spirit subject to our temptations yet without sin (Heb 2:18; 4:15).
    4. Jesus had a full Divine nature, Which was the Word of God and Everlasting Father.
    5. He had both His own human spirit and God’s Holy Spirit just as God’s elect have both.
  5. When God forsook Jesus, causing Him great grief, it was only fellowship that was taken.
    1. The incarnation was not undone for these hours, but rather the lively fellowship broken.
    2. The divine joy of communion with His Father was taken to leave His humanity alone.
    3. His divine nature upheld His human nature enough to bear our sins without failing.
    4. We do hold the doctrine of the impeccability of Jesus, meaning that He could not sin.
    5. Distinction between His two natures must be kept, as it will for eternity (I Cor 15:28).
  6. Remember clearly that no man has had a relationship with God as did Jesus of Nazareth.
    1. He had always pleased God in all things without guilt or shame (John 8:29; Matt 3:17).
    2. He became guilty, fearful, lonely, and condemned for the first and only time in His life.
    3. It pleased His Heavenly Father to bruise Him, put Him to grief (Is 53:10), forsake Him.
    4. He endured for a few hours the great loss of God’s departure from Him (Cp Matt 7:23).
    5. His anguished cries for His Father’s presence and help are terrible (Ps 22:1; Mat 27:46).
    6. Yet His human nature was in God’s presence that day, with the thief (Luke 23:43,46).
    7. He suffered these things in great quantity and quality, though for a finite period of time.
  7. Many martyrs died more painful deaths, but with joy and singing from God, for their fellowship with God, so far from being lessened was rather increased and strengthened.
  8. No man can quite imagine the spiritual pain and suffering of this part of His crucifixion.
    1. David wrote many Psalms of grief and pain from broken fellowship, but his was weak.
    2. David had never had a relationship or fellowship with God like the Son of David had.



  1. When you take the cup in the Lord’s Supper, remember the cup of God’s fury Jesus drank alone for your sins.
  2. A Man went into the darkness of Gethsemane and negotiated for our salvation, and then He paid the full price.
  3. When you are faced with a difficulty, are you not able to drink your simple cup … compared to His awful cup?
  4. When faced with a temptation, are you not able to deny yourself the pleasure … since He drank poison for you?


For Further Study:

  1. The Glory of the Cross (2014).
  2. The Baptism and Cup of Christ (2004).