Not All Christians Are the Same


  1.  The reason for our church is God seeking true worshippers (John 4:23-24). Let us beware of sliding.
  2.  If the point of this study is not true, we should disband and join other “Christian” churches in town.
  3.  We say we are as thankful as Jacob for truth (Gen 32:10). Are we as dogmatic as Paul (Gal 1:6-9)!
  4.  Remember studying the ancient landmarks? Churches slide all the way to heresy, one inch at a time.
  5.  Many call themselves Christians: it is our duty as Bible Christians to fully measure them by scripture.
  6.  How dogmatic is your love of truth? Christ and it are the ties that bind. Truth does not leave room to play with   error (Ps 119:128; Is 30:8-11; Matt 5:17-20; II Cor 10:4-6; Titus 3:10-11; Jude 1:3).
  7.  If our church were in Bahrain or India, the religious differences would be distinct and consequential.
  8.  But God has called us to turn away from carnal and contemporary Christianity (II Timothy 3:1 – 4:4)!
  9.  It is easy to get caught in the web of deceit that any nice person loving Jesus is a good Christian.
  10.  Are some of these so-called Christians nice? Super nice? Exceptionally nice? Cool? Of course!
  11.  God has chosen the poor, foolish, weak, base, and despised for His elect (James 2:5; I Cor 1:26-29).
  12.  Paul warned clearly about another Jesus, another spirit, and another gospel (II Cor 11:3-4,13-15).
  13.  God demanded details in the O.T. (Lev 10:1-2; Num 20:7-12; Deut 5:32; 12:32; I Chr 15:13; etc.).
  14.  God demanded details in the N.T. (Matt 28:20; I Cor 11:16; II Thess 2:15; 3:6,10-11,14; etc.).
  15.  It is very hard for our children to see the differences, due to lack of experience with these Christians.
  16.  Remember, the “evil communications corrupt” warning was inside the Corinth church (I Cor 15:33).
  17.  To the degree you relax your doctrinal dogmatism is the degree you will surely corrupt good manners.
  18.  What does it mean, if we say, “I know they sprinkle babies, but they are good, nice Christians I like”?
  19.  What will keep you from saying, “I know they deny any burning hell, but they are good Christians”?
  20.  What will keep you from saying, “They say Jesus is not God, but they are Jesus-loving Christians”?
  21.  We could and should repeat this question over and over with the ancient landmarks condensed below.
  22.  Once you start down the road that anyone using Jesus’ name is good, where and how will you stop?
  23.  Once you start down the road that anyone “morally good” is a good Christian, where will you stop?
  24.  Some of the nicest and most “morally good” people in the world are not Christians at all! So what!
  25.  So what if some Christians or worldlings are happy and successful! Asaph clears it up (Ps 73:1-28).
  26.  You may take 99% of professing Christians and prove them heretics by one or more points below.
  27.  We are not hitting cults like Islam, SDA, JW, LDS, RCC, but rather traditional Christians, though there are   very nice Muslims, Adventists, Mormons, and Catholics to deceive fools there as well.
  28.  Heretics are not much better than pagans, for the similarities make them more dangerous than pagans.
  29.  Not all Christian heretics are going to hell. That is not the point. All Christians must avoid heresy.
  30.  Why be close and communicating friends with anyone we could not marry? Why the compromise?
  31.  Must we only turn away from those with all 19 traits of II Tim 3:1-5? 15 of them? Or only 1 of them?
  32.  We work with these Christians, school with them, or buy from them, but we must finally turn away.
  33.  Which ancient landmark of God is pointless enough that we can hang out with its public enemies?
  34.  Do you know what you must compromise to befriend a “good Christian family”? Read on below.
  35.  If you think Arminian Baptists are super nice, you need to meet some nice Catholics or Mormons.
  36.  Right or wrong is not a bad alternative! In fact, is there any other view? I agree to love you wrong?
  37.  If we hang out with those who love Jesus and hate doctrinal strictness, how strict will we finally be?
  38.  The most religious people were Jesus Christ’s greatest enemies, not the Philistines, Romans, etc.
  39.  The Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women to oppose the apostle Paul (Acts 13:50).
  40.  Each of the following points, or ancient landmarks of our faith, may be expanded with many points.


1. Does it matter what a person believes?Only fundamentalsNo, if they love JesusNo, if they give
2. Should we separate over doctrine?If it makes a stinkNo, Jesus loves peaceWhat is doctrine?
3. Should we call heretics, heretics?If they are liberalsNo, names are badIf conservatives
Bible Authority
1. Which Bible has God’s inspired words?Originals (now lost)The Message & othersA nice thought
2. Can we argue doctrine at the word level?Hebrew and GreekPick best sound bitesWe do not argue
3. Is the Bible relevant and binding today?In historical contextOnly as general guideOf course not
1. Is it okay to baptize newborn infants?I’m Baptist. I’m not.If they love JesusDoes not matter
2. Is it okay to baptize by sprinkling?I’m Baptist. I’m not.Its water that countsDoes not matter
3. Does baptism save?I’m Baptist. I’m not.It may or may notSave from what?
1. Does God love everyone equally?God loves sinnersGod is loveLove is God
2. Is man illiterate, sick, or dead?Sick, needing medsUnhappy, needing joyIlliterate
3. Which is greater? Freewill or grace?FreewillFreewillGrace saves all
4. Which first? Regeneration, conversion?ConversionConversionWhat are they?
5. Seven Proofs of unconditional salvationMan must have roleMen are not helplessUniversalism
6. Five Phases of salvation (ordo salutis)Saved = savedJust be happy!Phases? of what?
7. Election and predestinationSeldomNeverUniversalism
8. Limited AtonementSeldomNeverUniversalism
9. Neither Calvinists or ArminiansOne or the otherImpractically divisiveIrrelevant
10. Abuse of texts like Revelation 3:20ConstantOftenNo texts used
1. Is it okay to believe Daniel is all future?Sure, it is all futureDa 7-12? Don’t knowIt is not inspired
2. Is Matthew 24 and related passages past?No, they are futureSee “Left Behind”Who really cares
3. Who comes first? Christ or Antichrist?Christ in the raptureChrist in the raptureGive to UNICEF
4. Is prophecy a nonessential without value?If it is a hard passageDefinitely in detailsProphecy of what?



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For Further Study:

1. A series, Ancient Landmarks.

2. The sermon outline, Truth Is Fallen.

3. The sermon outline, Perilous Times.

4. The sermon outline, What Is Truth?

5. The sermon outline, God Hates Compromise.

6. The sermon outline, Biblical Separation.

7. A sermon, Contemporary Christianity.

8. A sermon outline, Cult Cheat Sheet.